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© I Promise You: BSB FANfiction & other stories

Chapter 9: Pregnant

Monique's stomach felt like it was in knots as she sat with her friends in the terminal. AJ's plane would be arriving any moment. She tapped her foot nervously while biting her nails. Nick's arm was around Kelley's waist as they watched out the window for his plane. Nick glanced over at Monique.

"You okay?" The concerned blonde asked.

She looked up at him. Her face a pale and she shivered. "I don't feel so good." She quickly got up and ran towards the ladies room."

"Nick, I better go se what's up. You wait her for AJ." She ran after her. She didn't have to asked where she was. The sound of wretching came from a middle stall.

"Honey, what's the matter."

Monique flushed the toilet and opened the stall door. She cuped some water and rinsed out her mouth. She washed off her hands and dabbed her face with a wet paper towel. Kelley hugged her and rubbed her back. She pulled out a piece of Winterfresh. Monique nodded and put the piece in her mouth. "Thanks. You always here when I need you."

"Monique, what's going on. You haven't been yourself for a couple days. Is it AJ?"

"No." Tears built up in her eyes.

"Was it something I did. Was it because I didn't tell you about Nick and I right away."

"No." A tear fell down her face."

"What is it."

"It's Jacob." Monique fell to the floor crying and telling Kelley about the night on the O-Town bus and waking up next to a naked Jacob. Kelley just held her cousin and stroked her hair.

"Oh, no wonder your up set. You don't know how AJ will feel if he finds out." She helped Monique to her feet and the walked to meet back with Nick.

"You alright. Come here." He hugged her and kissed the top of her brunette head. "Just in time. AJ's plan just arrived." The three stood while watching a herd of people filed out into the lobby. "AJ!" Nick shouted.

AJ walked over to Monique and smiled.

"Hi." He picked her up and hugged her. "God I missed you so much."

"I missed you too. I'm sorry about your uncle."

"Thank you. I was really there in support of my mom. She's a wreck. I don't think I can handle any more bad news today. So baby what have you been up to the past few days."

"I hung out with Holly and her circle of friends. I got to know them a lot better."

"Maybe a little too well." Monique looked at Kelley. "It was gross. Dan belches non stop and it's a constant porn flick with Melissa and Ash. We are glad you are back."

"I'm glad to be back. Here Nick. Make yourself useful. He gave him a bag to carry so one hand could hold his girlfriends. He kissed her hand. "I'd like it if we could spend some quality time together."

"Of course." She does care about AJ a lot. It's killing her to not know what happened. She just knows that she wants to be with AJ and no one but AJ.

At The Same Time
"Eww! He is so nasty. I wish he would stop looking over here."

"Who?" asked Janelle.

"Here he comes."

"Hey ladies. What's going on?"

"Nothing Joey. We were just having some soup."

"Well I was wondering if you would love to go out with me tonight."

"No thanks." said Jamie.

"Come on. All girls like Joey."

"But Joey." Allison began to say. "She just doesn't like chesters from NSYNC. You understand."

"Yeah whatever, I bet y'all are a bunch a bitches anyways.

"Excuse me? Is there a problem here." said a sexy male voice behind Jamie.

"Naw Erik, everything is cool."

"Alright then, why don't you let these ladies eat." Joey walked away from the table as Erik sat down in the booth next to Janelle. "I cannot stand those NSYNC punks. Just because one of them is fucking Britney, they think they are the shit. I'm gonna get some cheese fries. I'll be right back." Erik got up and dashed to the food line.

"He is such a hottie." said Janelle. "But I only have eyes for Howie."

"He is really hot." Jamie took a sip of water. "He is so sweet and he's perfect."

"And he likes you."


"Oh come on Jamie! It's so obvious. Everytime we hang out with Melissa and them. Erik is always looking at you."

"For real?"

"Shh, he's coming."

"Okay ladies you can stop gossipping about my nice ass. I'm just playin'. Well it is kinda nice."

"Can I have one?" Janelle asked.

"Yeah you guys help yourself. So where is everyone?"

"Well Howie and Kevin went to go write." Allison commented.

"Where are the girls?"

"I haven't talked to the Dream chicks. Kelley, Nick and Monique went to go meet AJ at the airport."

"Jacob said something about her. I'm trying to remember. It must not have been that important if I don't recall." He ate another fry. "Wow I had the worst hangover that other day. Dan was even worse. I found him surrounded by vomit and polaroids. I didn't even wanna look since they were covered in hacked up liquor. Trevor was playing PS2 last time I saw. I'm suppose to bring him back some food. He can walk his lazy ass down here and get some himself."

"Mmm gross!" said Jamie.

"I'm sorry that was a little graphic. I'd love to chill with you lovely ladies but I have to go make sure everything is set up for tonights show. You should check it out. We're after Mandy Moore. we can chill after. Adios." Erik got up and walked out the cafe door.

"Oh he so wants you." stated Janelle. "How can you not see that."

"Well I don't. I don't see how I am the 'sexiest member' either." She ran her fingers through her blonde hair and tied it up."

On The Backstreet Bus
"So what was up with Monique today." asked Nick pouring a glass of juice for himself.

"Yuck! How can you drink the pulpy kind." Kelley said in disgust.

"Okay, change the subject. Is she okay? She has been oddly quite and private the past couple days."

"She's just stressed and missed AJ."

"Okay, I was beginning to worry."

"Aww Nick, that's so sweet." She kissed his cheek. "I could go for some ice cream." She said looking him up and down.

"What flavor?"

She pulled him closer. "You."

Nick looked around the vacant bus. "Well since we are alone. I might be able to give you a serving or two."

"Or three."

Nick picked her up. "God, I love you." He carried her into the entertainment room.

"Let's make it four. Even numbers are so much nicer."

Alone On The 407 Bus
AJ and Moniqiue are making out. He pulled away to look at her sweet face. "I missed you so much. I tried calling but Jamie said you were sleeping and then my battery died."

"Baby, it's okay. You are with me now and that's what matters. I missed you too." They started kissing again. AJ's hands felt down her shirt and down into her pants. She moved his hands away and stopped kissing.

"What's wrong?"

"I just feel kinda sick that's all."

"Alright. Just making sure that you still have feelings for me." He said with a chuckle.

"Don't you ever say that again." She looked down at the floor and back at him. "AJ, you know how I feel about you..I"

"It was a joke. Ha Ha funny. Okay I understand that you don't want to joke. Go lay down and I'll make you some tea. I don't want my baby to be sick. No go. AJ is here and I'm going to make everything right." He kissed her and she went to lay down as he put the kettle on.

"Both of us soakin' wet....splash." sang O-Town. The five guys danced on stage. Thousands of fans screamed for varius members. Signs saying 'I Love You Ashley' and 'We Hate Shelli' appeared in the crowd. "Every six seconds." Dan said into the mic. Melissa watched Ash from behind the stage.

"Isn't he gorgeous?!" she said to Jamie. Jamie was too busy checking out Erik to even see Ash. " to Jamie."

"Huh? Oh sorry."

"Okay, either you have the hotts for Ash and don't want to tell me, you think he's nasty or you just don't care."

"Well I was looking at Erik."

"Ohh." She smiled and looked at Erik as well. "So someone has a little crush on our Erik."

"It's not really a crush per say. He's just attractive. Very attractive. Please don't say anything."

"Def! Girl Network Jamie." The two stopped talking and just watched O-Town dance around to Girl.

AJ and Monique were sound asleep in her bunk. AJ was beginning to snore a little bit. Nick and Kelley sat in the entertainment room on the pulled out couch watching MTV's Real World: Hawaii reruns. "I loved that season." declared Kelley. "It was the best house."

"Yea it was. That chick Amaya needs to loose a few pounds. If she is gonna be in a bikini all the time then shit she better go join Gold's Gym."

"Nick, that's mean! Look at you with your little love handles." She laughed while tugging at one.

"Hey, I happen to have very sexy love handles." He tickled her. "I'd rather see you in a bikini then her anyday. Well...seeing you naked is great so you can wear the bikini as long as I get to take it off."

"You are the horniest guy I know."

"Only when it comes to pleasing you Kelley." He kissed her. "So what do you want to do right now?" He started sucking on her neck.

"Nick, I want to trust me I do. I'm too tired though." She looked up at him. "That doesn't mean we can't do other things."

"Oh really." Nick pulled off her pants. "You don't mind this do you?" He said with a sexy smile.

"Oh no, it's perfectly fine with me."

"I just want to please you." Nick went to work on pleasing her. According to breathing he was doing a very good job. When she was done he laid down beside her a took a sip of soda. They just cuddled for a while when Nick's cell phone rang. "Hello?"

"Nick it's Willa."

"Willa you really shouldn't be calling. I'm with someone else now and we are every happy and I love h.."

"Nick, I'm pregnant!"


[ Chapter 10 ]