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© I Promise You: BSB FANfiction & other stories

Chapter 10: In The Shadows

Nick sat straight up. The TV was still on. Kelley was sound asleep next to him. He searched for his phone. It was in his jeans pocket. He climbed back into bed. "What a nightmare." He turned off the TV and laid down with Kelley, held her and feel back to sleep.

Later On That Morning
The warm California sunlight krept into the windows of the 407 bus. The girls we sound asleep in their bunks. AJ and Monique were still currled up together underneath the blankets. Kelley yawned and stretched. Nick looked up at his beautiful girlfriend. She rubbed his bear chest. "Good morning Nick."

"Good moring to you Kelley." He sat up against the back of the bed and held her. "You know what?" He asked.


"I haven't told you I loved you in about seven and a half hours. Well I have to change that. I love you." He kissed her good morning."

"And I love you Nick."

"Oh I had the worst dream last night." He pulled the covers over him more. "I drempt that we were watching the Real World Marathon and then Willa called me and told me she was pregnant. Then I woke up in a cold sweat."

"So you can dream about her but you can't dream about me."

"Kelley, you have no idea how many dreams I have about you. Right now I am living in a dream. Because right now, here with you is my dream. I never want to wake up."

"You're pretty charming when you want to be."

"But I don't have to impress you. Because nothing else matters and you know why?"


"Because you're my baby and I love you."

"Aww Nick, what am I even going to do with you?" She kissed him.

"Ohh just cherish me."

Stretching in his bunk he opened his eyes. He inhaled the black shirt. "Mmm." He looked at his picture covered wall. Each photo was of Kelley. He had taken polaroids of her from backstage, when she was partying with them that night and when ever he saw her. But in the midst of shots of Kelley was a single exed out magazine clipping of the enemy, Nick Carter. How Dan hated him. Dan saw how Kelley acted towards him and knew that she would want him if Nick wasn't around. Nevertheless Dan crawled out of bed and walked to drain the ole lizard. "Mornin'." He said passing by Ash and Melissa eating eggs and toast.

"Ash, can you help me with something?"

"That depends. Is it sexual?" He laughed and rubbed her thigh.

"No, it's Ashley. She got this infatuation with JC. She wants to go ask him out or get his to ask her. We all have been trying to talk her out of it."

"I don't trust any of those NSYNC boys." said Erik walking in the room. "Just yesterday Joey was harrassing some of the 407 chicks. Luckily I was there to stop him."

"Yeah, I don't trust them either. I don't want to see Ashley get hurt." Ash said in a agreement with Erik. "If she has feelings for him you can't stop that. But you can stop her from reacting on those feelings."

"I know it's the right thing but I don't know what to do." Melissa tied her hair up and slouched in her seat. "We just need to find her a new guy."

Two Hours Later
Crying, Janelle out down her cell phone. Loud, quick sobs excaped her motuh. Tears flooded down her cheeks. She fell to the ground cupping her face wth her hands. Monique and Jamie heard the whimpers and came running.

"Oh my god honey. What's wrong." Jamie hugged her back and kissed the top of her head. Monique hugged her as well.

"It's my mom." she said inbetween sobs. "The cancer is back." She fell into Monique's lap and continued to cry.

"Do you want me to go get Howie?"

She nodded.

"I'll be right back. Jamie, stay with her and I'll get the girls." Monique ran off the bus to round everyone up. The slap of the pavement was loud as she ran to the Backstreet bus. "Howie...Howie...are you here?"

The Latin lover appeared. "Yeah?"

"Howie, Janelle needs you. It's her mom."

"Her mom? Why what happened?"

"About four years ago Mrs. Santillo was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. It was really bad for Janelle. Her grandma died from it. Then her mom got it. Then the doctors said the cancer was gone. Anyways, Janelle just got a call from her brother. The cancer is back and it doesn't look good."

"Oh my god."

"I came here to get you. She really needs you right now."

"I won't leave her side. Is it alright if I stay on your bus for the night."

"Of course, she needs our support." The two ran back to comfort Janelle. Monique called Kelley's cell phone to find where she was.

"I'm in the costume trailor with Allison, why?"

"Nel's mom's cancer is back and she's really upset. We should all be here for her."

"Ohmigod! We will be right over."

The crowd cheered as 407 appeared on stage. They were dressed in black and baby blue outfts that Kelley had picked out. "Hey San Fan! Are you having a good time tonight?" Kelley spoke into the mic. The crowd cheered and helped up their signs. Janelle stepped foward as Kelley stood back in the row.

"Before we start our show I have something very important to say." The fans quited down to hear the blonde speak. "I just found out that my mom's cancer is back. So if you would, please keep my mom, Joyce Santillo in your prayers. Thank you." She stepped back into place. "Now let's get it on." The music for No Matter What Happens.

"Cause in your arms is where I wanna be." sang Allison." "No matter what happens." They finished the song. Monique, Kelley and Jamie did backflips which started the next song Already Perfect. 407 bowed and ran off stage. Kelley ran right into Dan who had been watching the whole time.

"Oops I'm sorry...hi Dan." It was still a little awkward for her. "Did you see the show?" she asked walking backwards.

"Yeah it was great. I love that song Already Perfect. I think you guys are." He smiled. "Hey I was wondering if..."

"Hey baby." said Nick scooping up his girlfriend. "Sorry I missed the show. I was bring over some stuff for Howie." He kissed her. "Hey Dan." Nick had put her back on the ground but his arms remained around her waist. Dan hated that.

"Sup? Anyways Kelley, remember what I said. Bye Nick, By Kelley." He stormed off the find Erik.

"What was that about?" Question the Backstreet heartthrob.

"That he thinks 407 is perfect." She turned around to face him while still in his arms.

"I think you are perfect." Nick kissed her and walked back with her to hit the showers. Dan followed.

"I love you and I bought the Monique Sadness Kit."

"What's that?" laughed Janelle.

"A pint of Ben & Jerry's Half Baked Ice Cream, popcorn with extra butter and Wild Cherry Pepsi." She reached into the bag. "Oh and a Paul Walker film. He always brings a smile to my face. I thought that She's All That would be nice. A romantic comedy with Paul and Freddie in it. Mmm!"

"Thanks Monique." She got up and hugged her.

"No scoot over Howie I wanna see Paul."

"Ooo I'm telling AJ. Kidding" Jamie put the tape in the VCR and opened the bag of popcorn. Kelley stuck her head in the door right after Allison came in with the chips.

"Nel, would you mind if I went ou with Nick for a little while? If you need me here I will stay and be here for you."

"Kel, go have fun! Just because I upset doesn't mean you can't have a life with your boyfriend."

"Are you sure. I can stay if.."

"Go!" She tossed a pillow playfully at her. "Before I kick your little ass."

"Have fun kids." Mocked Howie. Kelley went to the bathroom put on her dress from Wet Seal along with her short denim jacket. She slipped her feet in her black platform sandels. She reapplied her lip gloss while walking to meet Nick.

At The Same Time
Sippin' on a Budwiser, Dan sat up in the small lifeguard tower. It was big enough for two people to sit in. It had a roof to protect from the sun and ran. In this case neither thing would affect the situation. The moon was full and the stars we shinning bright above the ocean waves. The gentle summer breeze cut across his face. He finished his fifth beer and opened another. It was a good thing he brought two six-packs with him. He needed to get away from where everyone was in love. It killed him to see Kelley with Nick. Nick treated Kelley like crap. Dan knew he was a better choice then Nick. Ever since that night, Dan's feelings for Kelley grew more and more each day. "What does she see in that Ken doll?" He finished his drink and went on to the seventh. "I would do anything to be with her." Nick kicked the empty bottle to the side. "I should probably go back and play hoops with Jacob. Wow, I must be drunk because I'm talking to myself." He heard laughter and sat back down in the chair and opened another drink.

"Nick, you're such a goof."

"Eh, I have my moments." The two love birds held hands while walking in the sand. "You look really beautiful tonight."

"Thank you." She said softly.

"This looks like a good place." The stopped right next to the tower. Nick opened up the picnic basket and opened up the blanket. They both sat while Nick took out some grapes. He fed one to her.

"I had no idea you were so romantic."

"You haven't seen nothin' yet." He fed her another one. She put a grape in his mouth and then took it back with her tounge. "Hey, not that I mind." He put on in his mouth. "Try to take this one." She leaned towards him. He swallked it before he kissed her. The kissed a little bit.

"Cheater." She laughed. "That's okay, I don't mind. I love kissing you."

"Then you won't mind this." He leaned in and kissed her again. She liad down on the blanket while Nick lay on his side with one arm across her stomach. Dan watched over the two like a shepard watched over his flock. Kelley's hand was on the back of Nick's head as they kissed. "I could stay like this for eternity." Nick put Kelley in between his legs so they both could watch the waves. His arms wrapped around her waist. He kissed her neck softly. His hair tickled her neck due to the soft breeze. "I love you."

"I love you too." She replied. Dan's heart sank and yet filled with rage.

"He doesn't love her. He just wants to use her and make her think he loves her."

"You know Nick, I have always wanted to have sex on the beach."


She got up and staddle him. "Well, we are all alone on this big empty beach. No one can hear me scream out in esctacy." She said inbetween kisses. Nick grew hard thinking about it. "I'll let you lick me in naughty places." she said teasingly. "And you know what?" He looked into her eyes. "I'm not wearing an underwear." She whispered. This made Nick more excitied. She unzipped his fly and started rubbing him. "How does that feel?" Kelley asked in a seductive tone." Nick flipped her over.

"I'm about to ask you the same question." He took off his pants and stuck it in. "You like it?"

"Ohhhh!" She moaned.

Nick took off her jacket and pulled her dress over her head to reveal a nude beauty. He sucked on her neck and felt on her chest. After each orgasim she loved him more. After each scream for Nick it made him smile knowing he was pleasing his baby. The sweaty bodies became one while Dan watch jealously in the shadows.


[ Chapter 11 ]