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© I Promise You: BSB FANfiction & other stories

Chapter 11: Sex, Drugs & Popstars

"Yes!" Screamed the red head. Her nails dug into his sweaty back. He got off of her and put his boxers on. He reached for a drink and took a sip. "I can't believe that..."

"Get the fuck outta here." He said. "Get dressed and get the fuck out."

"But I thought that..."

He stood up and slapped her across her face. "What the fuck did I say. You got what you wanted. You got your chance to fuck Justin of NSYNC. Now get your little skanky ass out of my motherfucken tour bus!" The curly haired prick threw her clothes at the sobbing teenybopper. She quickly got dressed. "Don't cry! You fucken liked it!" She put on her other shoe and ran off the bus almost knocking another NSYNCer over.

"Dayum J another one?" laughed JC. "That's the what fourteenth, I'm sorry fifthteenth fan you've fucked in the past three days."

"What can I say." He said sparkin' up a blunt. "All bitches wanna fuck with J." He slapped JC's hand. "What about you. How many bicthes you fucked today, none I didn't think so." he laughed and took a hit. "You wanna fuck with this man?"

"Pass that shit over my way." JC took a hit. "Yo, won't Brit be pissed when she finds out that you're fucking all these girls."

"Hey what she don't know won't hurt her. Plus I have that bitch wrapped around my finger."

"You going to that party tonight?" He handed Justin the blunt.

"What party?"

"The party they are having for us like they had the first night."

"I don't know. I know I'll get some ass if I so why not. I assume you're going."

"Yeah, this girl who has a crush on me is gonna be there. I know I'll be gettin' some ass tonight."

"Who's this bitch? Do I know her?" He passed the blunt to JC.

"Well I heard from a friend of friend that some bitch from Dream wants my nuts. I'll give it to her."

"Well if it's Melissa, that's Ash's bitch. She's fine as shit. I'd beat those."

"Yeah...yo man I'm madd booted." He laughed.

"Me too." He knocked over his drink. "But check it. I'll get some ass and you get some ass and we'll all be happy."

Four Hours Later
AJ stood in his boxer looking in the mirror shaving. Monique wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed his back. "Hi."

"Hey." He rinsed off his face, dryed it off and kissed her soft lips. "Something on your mind?" He asked sencing an abnormal vibe from his girlfriend.

"AJ, I need to talk to you about something."

"Sure baby what is it."

"When you were away me and the girls went and hung out with Dream. Then later on that night I think that..."

"Pizza's here!" Shouted Brian. Kevin and Nick ran out too.

"Nice!" AJ ran out of the bathroom and steal a slice. He took a big bite of extra cheese pizza and washed it down with Sprite. "I'm sorry baby, you were saying."

She pondered a moment. "It was nothing. I'm gonna go check on Janelle. Oh you are coming with me to that party tonight right."

"Anything for my baby." He kissed her and she left. "So Nick, what's going on with you and Kelley?"

"I love her man. It's crazy. I've never felt this way in my life."

"I'm happy for you Frack."

"Thanks Frick, hand me a slice. I hear you have plans with Allison for dinner. Have you picked when?"

"Nope. It was gonna be last night I think. But then the thing with Janelle's mom. Neither of us could enjoy dinner with her being upset."

"I heard you enjoyed yourself last night buddy." smiled Brian.

"I wanna know." Kevin sat on the stool waiting for Nick to share.

"We went the beach and had a picnic."

"Midnight, you had a picnic." laughed Brian.


"And, we shared something special." He saw their faces. "What do you want me to draw you a picture?"

"Yes!" They said in unison.

"Okay, well we put a blanket down for our picnic. We fed each other grapes. He kissed a little. Then she gets up on me and teases the shit out of me. First she says 'I've always wanted to have sex on the beach' then she says that I can 'lick her in naughty places'. So right about then I just wanted to bone her. Then she tells me in a soft whisper 'you know what I'm not wearing any underwear.' So, I flipped her over and we made love right there on the beach."

"Nick, who gave you the grape idea?"

"I thought of it. It seemed nice. Oh and um that was Howie's blanket, nobody tell him."

"Spill!" Monique closed her tanning bed as Kelley stepped into her's. "Kelley!" She whinned while fixing the special glasses.

"Okay, well Nick and I had this special evening planned. We wanted to go to the beach."

"Get to the good stuff." She demanded.

"Damn! Okay well I told him how I wanted to have sex on the beach and that I wasn't wearing any underwear." Monique lauhged a little and told her to continue with the story. "And then we had sex on the beach, just like I wanted to."

"Sounds like fun."

"I felt kinda bad. Here Nick was trying to make a romantic evening for us and I had to get him all horny and have sex with him."

"Oh no Kelley, you're such a bitch. You had sex with you sexy ass boyfriend who loves you. He must have been crushed."

" Nique, are you still gonna go to that party tonight? Because if you are me and Nick will walk over with you guys.

"Yup I'm still going. I talked to the girls and they are all going. Holly and everyone too. Erik said that he's going and so is the rest of the band."

"Which means Jacob will be there." She finished her thought. "Honey I know it's tough. At least you tried telling AJ about it."

"I hope that there isn't anything to tell him."

On The Dream Bus
"Hey we were number four today on TRL." declared Ashley. "This rocks. I'm so glad I taped it."

"Yesterday we were at five so we are getting there." Diana picked a piece of lint off her shirt. "I have no idea what I'm wearing to the party tonight. Hey Mel." She shouted. "Can I borrow your black halter?"

"Yea!" She hollared from the bathroom.

"Do you think JC will be there?" Ashley watched the NSYNC video take the number three spot. "Look at him. He is so fine."

"Yeah, but not with that nasty goatee and blonde highlights." Holly watched the video in disgust and was pleased when a commerical came on. "He makes me wanna vomit." She walked over to the bathroom door and banged on it. "Hurry up Mel. I wanna shower before the thing tonight."

"I'll be out in a mintue."

"What is she doing in there?" asked Diana.

"Bleaching her mustache." joked Holly.

"I heard that." called the voice on the other side of the door.

The techno music was pulsating. You could feel the bass as you were walking towards the double doors. Jamie could see the lights flickering and people dancing. Kelley fixed her shorts and opened the door. Diana and Trevor held hands as they walked into the crowed party scene. Ashley scanned the room for JC. He was no where to be seen. "Where's Monique and AJ" asked Janelle. "They left about twenty mintues ago. The group looked around.

"There." Pointed Kevin. Monique and AJ were up against the wall making out. "I'm glad to see those kids together." He took Allison's hand and led her onto the dance floor. He placed both hands on her hips as they began to grind to the music.

"Shall we." Suggested Ash leading Melissa over by Kevin and Allison. He noticed the look on Ashley's face. "Come on Pool. He'll be here. Let's dance." He took her hand and started dancing with both ladies. "I can get used to this."

Kelley and Nick went over to the bar for some water. "Wow. Nick, I don't know when I work up a sweat with you more. Having sex or dancing." She picked up her cup took a huge goulp and handed it to him."

"I should hope both." He put the plastic cup in the trash and the couple went back to dancing.

Brian sat on the sofa with Jacob and Dan. They were discussing which ladies were looking the best. Dan looked at Kelley. She looked hott in her dark denim daisy dukes and black tub top. He blonde hair was flopping on her neck wiht every move. Nick's fingers running through it gave Dan the most awful feeling in his stomach. Holly walked over to the non dancing boys.

"Come on Brian, you don't come to a party to sit. You are gonna dance with me." She took his hands and led him to the middle of the mass and started grinding on him. It was the only action he had recieved on the whole tour. She was very pretty. He had never really been attracted to a red head before but she was different. Her stomach was soft as he felt on it. Her arms were around his neck while his arm was around her waist. After about twenty minutes of dancing they began to sweat. That didn't stop their fun. A transition in music. A slow love song sounded from the speakers. "It's okay Brian you don't have to dance with me to this."

"I want to." He moved closer while I'll Make Love To You continued. Nick and Kelley kissed softly while dancing next to Monique and AJ. Nick waved to Brian.

"Aww how cute. Brian and Holly are dancing." Kelley tuned to look and waved to them. Both couples smiled and went back to looking at their dance partner. After the song ended it went back to techno. Janelle had found her way to the other side of the room. She sat on one of the leather couches. Across from her was a hardcore make out session. The guy pulled away and said he was getting a drink. The blonde girl was left alone.

"Hey." She said itching her nose.

"What's up." She studied the face infront of her and realized who it belonged to. "So Jessica, how are you liking the tour."

"It aint bad. Nick went to get a drink. I didn't catch your name."


"Oh from 407. I'm sorry about your mom. You must be having a hard time." She rubbed her nose again.

"Yeah." Nick came back with the drinks. He kissed her and sat down.

"Baby, this is Janelle. Janelle this is Nick."

"Nice to meet you Janelle." He turned to Jessica and whispered in her ear.

"Maybe she wants some. After al she is having a hard time."

"Want some what?" Nick pulled out something from his pocket. He tapped some onto the glass table. He took the credit card and made six little nice lines. He nelt down on the floor, put the straw to his nose to did the first two lines.

"Mmm my turn." Jessica did the next two lines. She itched her nose. "Wow, that's good. I'm feeling it already." She looked at Janelle. "You should try it. I will make you feel better. It will make you forget about your mom being sick. You don't even have to do both lines."

"Yeah I'll have your other one."

Janelle sat there for a moment. She had smoked weed before and drank but had never done coke. She hated feeling this way. She got on the floor, took the straw from Jessica and snorted the first line. "I wanna sneeze."

"It's like that the first time. Do you want me to take the other line."

Janelle could already feel the drip. "Naw, I want the other one." She blew the second line.

"You're a cool shit." said the coked out solo artist. "We should chill." Janelle smiled at her new found friends.

45 Minutes Later
The doors opened and NSYNC rolled in. "Yo yo yo Justin is in da house." He cackeled his ghetto laugh. "Mmm which of these fine honey's am I gonna get with tonight." He looked around and saw Mandy talking with Christian from BBMak. Justin slapped her ass. "Yo Mandy, why don't you forget about this punk and get with a real man."

She rolled her eyes. "Ew, I don't think so. You can't just slap me on the butt and expect me to swoon." She walked away with Christian.

"Bitch!" He called after her. "Fuck her, she's a virgin anways. She wouldn't know how to please me." He looked and saw Jacob at the bar talking with Ashley. JC and Justin decided they were thirsty. "How you doin' Underwood."

"Straight. Just having a drink with Ashley." She looked up and saw that JC was next to her.

"Hello Ashley, my you are beautiful. Wanna dance."

"Sure." Justin took her out on the dance floor. JC and Jacob started talking.

"Who was that?"

"Ashley Pool. She's from Dream."

"She's fine."

"Yeah but I don't like her. But I can tell you one thing. She has a big crush on you."

"I heard that one of them liked me. So it's Ashley who does?" He asked checking her out.

"Yeah, go talk to her when her and J get back."

"Maybe I will."

Nick left Kelley so that he could take a piss break. Dan found this as a perfect chance to win Kelley. "Kelley, do you wanna dance?"

"Ya, cool." Dan loved the way her body moved wiht his. It was like he knew how good in bed she could be with him. Aside form that fact that he had seen her naked and having sex. He figured it will be better because he is the right man for her. His hands fell to her ass as they danced low and then moved back up. "You're good." She commented."

"I have a great partner." He smiled.

Ash, Melissa and Erik were at the bar drinking while Jacob was talking to Diana about if she thinks that her and Trevor will ever be a couple. Nick and Kelley had called it a night so they could spend some quality time together. Janelle, had blow another line and left with the pop couple. AJ and Monique were back on the dance floor. She spotted Britney and Justin having sex on the sofa where Janelle was sitting. "I missed you so much." She hugged her baby."

"You know I missed you. You were the only thing that kept me from crying."

"Oh baby." She kissed him."

"Wanna dance?" Asked JC from behind. Ashley turned around. She nodded and he took her hand and they tore it up on the floor. He should her moves she could never imagine his body moving. "You are very beautiful. You probably think that's some kind of a line. But I'm serious. They danced and talked for about two hours.

"Where's everyone?" She asked looking around.

"I think they all left. I't two seventeen am." He looked at his watch.

She looked into his blue eyes. "Do you wanna leave?"

"Only if you want to." She nodded again and walked out the door holding his hand. "We can chill on my bus. Justin and Britney went to her's so we can be alone." They walked past the 407, Backstreet, BBMak, and Dream bus and walked up the three steps to the NSYNC one. The both sat down in the entertainment room. NSYNC's bus looked very different to the other tour buses she had been on. In their entertainment room was a king size water bed and digital TV. There was a pool table as well. They sat on the water bed and turned on the TV to MTV. Ashley couldn't believe that she was sitting next to JC. He stopped looking at the TV and looked at her. "Would you mind if I kissed you?" Ashley looked at him.

"No not at all." He put his hand on her chin and kissed her. She kissed him back. She stopped only to turn off the TV and pulled him on her to kiss him again. She inched back so she was completely on the bed. JC's hand moved from her cheek to her chest. His kisses her harder. His tounge was almost down her throat. He was completely on top of her. Ashley was a little uncomfortable about the situtation but felt dumb because she was kissing JC. His hands went up and shirt while the other one went down her pants. He wasn't as gentle as he started their make out session. JC was getting a little hot so he took off his shirt and took hers off as well. He was getting a little more rough. "Ow!" JC kissed her neck and had undid her pants without her knowing it. He began tugging at them. He got them off past her hips. "Umm, JC I think we should stop." She said nervously.

"Why, I don't turn you on." He said pulling them down more.

"You do it's just what."

"Shh!" He kissed her and pulled her pants off on leg and pulled her underwear down a litte bit.

"JC stop I don't think.."

"Shh." He pulled her underwear a little more. SHe tried sitting up.

"JC stop I don't wanna do this." He shoved her down.

"You wanted to come here. You know you want this!" He ripped off her underwear off the leg. He undid his pants.


"Shut up!" He held her hands down and pulled his dick out and shoved it in her.

"Stop! No!'s hurts!"

"Shut up." He covered her mouth and shoved it in harder and harder. She was trying to scream but his hands muzzled her sound. Tears poured down her face. He kept having sex with her. He knew she wanted it. He picked up the pace. Harder and fast he kept on. The more he continued the more she screamed and cried. He pulled out to bust on her stomach. He got up and left the room. Ashley laid on the bed, naked, sobing and raped.


[ Chapter 12 ]