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I Am Your Masterpiece

I Am Your Masterpiece

My dear mother

Like a soft new petal on the flower you

gave me life from within you.  I know 

you would
be proud of me now mom,

I've accomplished many of 

my goals.
  Remember when you spoke

 with me in my
freedom dream in 1993, 

you told me
very soon I would hold the

 keys to the other
worlds.  Well Mom,

I now own these  very keys.  

Ten years
later and they are mine 


Thank you for telling me you loved me
that I am your beautiful daughter.

I long for the day when we two can be

one again and you can hold me in your

arms and tell me you love me. Yes 

Mom, there is
still a little girl inside me

who is hurting badly ever since you left

I didn't think I could get through it,

but somehow I did.  And now Mom, 

Yes, 3, of my family have taken

 their lives.
  Sister took hers on the

anniversary month of your death,

March 1999,
and sadly to say, your

dear son and my dear brother took his
life in
July 2000.

But Mom, I've risen above the pain and

anguish and I've passed the help
out to others
when I was able to.

I now make pages for
families who 

lose their dear children and it is very

healing work.  I never
dreamed I'd be

this Mom, and I never dreamed 

I'd be an
"expert" on suicide in the

 family.  But one
other thing I am an 

expert at is the fact that I will not take 

life like you, sis or bro did.  I will 

stay until
it's my time to go.

I have 2 grown sons and even though 

I did
not have good mothering skills in

 the beginning,
I learned and sought

help and advice  from
people who could

 support and teach
me in my quest for

a better parent than you were to

 me.  I do know
there were many strings

attached to your life and the way you

 chose to live it;
esp. with all the violence

and alcohol and dysfunction.

But Mom, you did the
best you could

 under the
circumstances and I did the

 best I could
under the circumstances. I know my
sons will make

parents than you or I were.

I stopped the cycle of abuse Mom; 

I went on
in silence for many years.

I entered Recovery and
stopped drinking

 and looked after my sons.
  Now I am 

on a Spiritual Quest to find
out how I

 can be the person to finally

 myself of my
poor decisions and 

I made in my life.

My main guilt is over my oldest son; 

he no longer
speaks with me since

bro's suicide in 2000.
  It breaks my 

heart Mom,
I need to see him so badly

 and yet I cannot.
  He is as dead as 

are because he says he doesn't 

want anything
to do with any of us 

are left.  When sis and bro took 

their lives, they
devastated him.  He

was very close to them,
esp. his Auntie.

  All of a
sudden, he is totally 

abandoned by the only
ones he trusted

 in the
world.  I hope and  pray one day

 soon he
will return to me like the

 Prodigal Son did.

My other son got married recently to a

lady he loves dearly and I am very

for them. 

Well Mom, that about sums it up for this

  I'm anxious to see where I'll be

 next year at this
time.  You know my

only desire, and I ask for your

 help with it.
  I am working on it and I

 am happier now
than I have ever been

in my life.  Please help me work it out.  

I know
you know how dedicated I am 

to this project.

I love you Mom  and I miss you more

than words can say.  But, I still have 

in my dreams so keep them 


Until March 7, 2004,

Mom, I love you
and miss you still.

I long for your touch, your gentle

telling me I am your

beautiful daughter. 

 Please help me be as
helpful to others 

as I
can be.  Help them to find me so I

help them. The one thing that

keeps me going is knowing that one 

we'll be together again.

I forgive you Mom
for leaving me.  

now understand so  much more as an

I bought several special candles 

light on your day, March 7, 2003.

some friends are going to light

too.  One is in Florida.  One is

Arizona.  You know her. 

I call her Mom.

I'm flying down to
visit them next year.

Help me to bloom where I am planted.

Help me use my full potential for the

of humanity. Let me come out 

from beneath
the covers and really

 show others who I really
am.  Help me 

to stop

 Just wait for me please.
I'll see you 

when it's
my time.

Much Love,

Your Loving Daughter

Angela xoxo

March 9, 2003 Addendum

Well Mom, I made it through the day

much better than I expected.  Your

candle was lit and I spoke to you

and felt real peace afterwards.

Thank you for helping me through 

a hard time and thank you for the

peace in my heart.

Love Angela xoxo




<bgsound src="Bruce/tenderlove.mid" loop="5">

Midi "Tender Love" is used with permission
and is copyright © 2001
Bruce DeBoer