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The Bookworm, Part 1
By Janet Harbison
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Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No infringement is intended in any part by the author, however, the ideas expressed within this story are copyrighted to the author.

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The Story of Jarrod Barkley’s First Seventeen Years

The Birth of Tom and Victoria Barkleys’ First Child

Tom and Victoria Barkley lived in a small house on the six hundred-acre ranch that Tom had purchased when he and Victoria had come to the valley and Stockton with Jubal and Margaret Tanner. Margaret had been killed in a wagon accident and Jubal had left the valley with his young son. Margaret Tanner was buried in Oak Meadows. Jubal would return to the valley thirty years later.

The house had a small parlor, a kitchen area and three bedrooms. Tom had promised Victoria that he would build her a beautiful home in the near future. One that had large columns and a porch that went the length of the house. It would be two stories and have a room apiece for their many children. It would have indoor plumbing and they would have hired help to take care of it.

In March 1844, Victoria found out she was pregnant and Dr. Merrar confirmed it.

"Victoria," the doctor said after the examination, "it’s definite. You’re going to have a baby."

"Oh doctor," she replied. "That’s wonderful. I have to go home and tell Tom."

"How do you think he will take it?" the doctor asked.

"I’m hoping he’ll be as happy as I am," she told him. "Thank you."

Victoria left the doctor’s office and rode home. She was very happy about being a mother and hoped that Tom would be too. When he returned home late from Stockton that evening, where he had gone on some business, she told him the news.

"Tom," Victoria said, "we’re going to a baby."

"We are?" Tom asked slightly shocked. "Oh Victoria that’s wonderful. I have been thinking how nice it would be to have children."

"I was hoping you’d be happy," she replied. "This is a big step for us and I want you to be ready to take on the responsibility of raising a child."

"When is the baby due?" he asked.

"In December," she told him. "Actually, it’s not due till the end of the year. We might even have it born on New Year’s Day."

"I hope I’ll be a good father to the baby," Tom said.

"Sure you will Tom," she replied. "You’re going to take it fishing if its a boy, teach it right and wrong and watch it grow and learn."

"I hope you’re right Victoria," he told her.

"Of course you will," she said. "You are going to teach it everything about the ranch. And some day if it is a boy, he’ll take over the ranch for you."

"Yes," Tom replied. "And I wouldn’t have to worry about who I’m going to leave this ranch to."

"That’s right," she told him. "But I’m afraid the baby won’t be able to do much ranch work for a while. It’ll be too small."

"Yes," he said. "But someday it will."

"Absolutely," she replied.

The closer the time came for the baby, the more excited Tom became. He was really looking forward to being a father.

"Victoria," Tom said one evening after dinner while they were relaxing in the parlor, "I’m getting excited about becoming a father. I can’t wait until the baby comes."

"I’m feeling that way myself Tom," she replied. "I want to be a good mother."

"You will," he told her. "Just remember we’ll be learning as our child is learning."

On December 17, 1844, Victoria was still two weeks away from giving birth according to the doctor. Tom needed to go into Stockton on some urgent business but he was afraid to leave his wife. He walked into the house from the barn.

"Victoria," he said as he walked in the door, "I really need to ride into Stockton on business. Would you be all right while I am gone?"

"Certainly Tom," she replied. "The baby isn’t due for two more weeks. I’ll sit right here and read until you return."

"If you’re sure you’ll be all right?" he asked.

"I’m positive," she told him. "Go on."

Tom picked up some papers and left the house. A few hours later, Victoria felt the first labor pains. She had no idea what she was going to do. She was alone in the house. She tried to stand up but the pain was too intense. She laid down on the couch and hoped that Tom would soon return.

Wally Miles, a close friend and neighbor of the Barkleys, was sitting at his desk in the study of his exquisite ranch house. His wife, Jenny, was upstairs in bed. She was not a very physically strong woman and had been ill. Fortunately, the illness wasn’t serious but the doctor wanted her to rest. Wally began to think about Tom, Victoria and the baby. He stood up and walked upstairs to speak to his wife. When he walked into the room, Jenny sensed there was something bothering him.

"Wally," she asked, "what’s bothering you?"

"I’m very concerned about Tom, Victoria and the baby," he said. "You know babies don’t keep a schedule. I was thinking about riding over to the Barkley Ranch and checking on Victoria just in case something goes wrong."

"I think that’s a wonderful idea," she replied.

"Good," he told her. "I’ll be back shortly."

"I hope everything is all right," she said as he walked out the door.

Wally saddled a horse, mounted up and rode over to the Barkleys. He dismounted and walked to the front door. He knocked. When he didn’t get an answer, he opened the door and looked inside.

"Victoria!" Wally shouted.

"Wally!" Victoria yelled. "Come in!"

Wally walked in the house.

"I thought I would stop by and see how you are," he said. "I know you’re not due for two weeks but babies don’t keep a schedule."

"I’m so glad you came," she replied. "Tom’s in Stockton on business and the first labor pains started a few hours ago."

"I’ll take you to the doctor," he told her.

Wally helped Victoria up and helped her put her coat on because it was freezing outside. He hitched up one of the Barkley’s buggies and helped her climb in. Then he drove toward Stockton.

"Wally!" Victoria screamed. "The baby won’t wait."

"I’ll take you to my place," he said. "Jenny will help."

They rode straight for the Miles’ Ranch, which was right on the way to Stockton. Wally stopped the buggy in front of the house. He helped Victoria inside.

"Jenny!" he called. "Jenny, I need your help!"

Jenny came downstairs. She hurried into the parlor when she saw Victoria.

"What’s wrong Wally?" she asked very concerned.

"Victoria’s baby’s coming," he said. "Tom’s in town on business and we couldn’t make it to the doctor’s."

"I’ll get some blankets," she replied and left the room.

Jenny returned a few minutes later with several blankets. She handed one to Wally who spread it out on the floor and helped Victoria lay down on it. Jenny covered Victoria up with one and the other one was for the baby. It didn’t take long. Within the hour, the sound of a baby crying could be heard in the Miles’ house. Between Victoria, Wally and Jenny, they were able to deliver a baby boy.

"Victoria," Wally said, "it’s a boy."

"A boy," Victoria replied. "Tom will be so happy."

"I’ll send one of my hands to Stockton to tell Tom," he told her. "And I’ll have him tell the doctor to meet you at your place."

"That will be fine," Victoria said and smiled.

Jenny wrapped the baby in one of the blankets and handed him to Victoria. She looked down at her brand new son and smiled at him. He was a very quiet baby. He had little tuffs of brown hair and his eyes. Victoria couldn’t stop looking at her son’s eyes. They were vibrant blue and they were big. Victoria rested until Tom arrived. He walked in the house a short time later and saw his wife and new son.

"Victoria," Tom said as he walked into the Miles’ home, "he’s so handsome with his brown hair. Will you look at his eyes? They are so big and so blue."

"Yes," Victoria replied with a smile on her face. "He has your eyes only his are bigger and a little more blue."

"What do you want to name him?" Tom asked also smiling. "We have not decided on a name yet."

"I’ve been thinking about that," she told him. "I thought about Thomas because of you and the fact that he was our first. But I can’t decide on another name."

"Do you want Thomas to be his first or his middle name?" Tom asked.

"Middle," she said. "Now let’s see about the first name."

"I know," Tom replied. "It will go perfect with Thomas."

"Well," she asked, "what is it?"

"Jarrod," he told her.

"Jarrod," she repeated. "Where on earth did you pick that name from?"

"It just came to me," he said and smiled. "Jarrod Thomas Barkley."

"I like it," she replied with a smile. "We can call him Jarrod."

"He’ll have an identity all his own," Tom told her. "And people won’t try to compare him to his father all the time I hope."

"Yes he will have his own identity," she said and smiled. "Jarrod Thomas Barkley welcome to the Barkley family."

"Wally," Tom replied, "I want to thank you and Jenny for helping Victoria and the baby. I had no idea that Jarrod would come so soon."

"One thing about babies Tom," Wally told him. "They don’t keep a schedule. I like that name. It fits him."

I really appreciate what you did," Tom said as he helped Victoria to her feet. "We’ll never forget this."

"You’re very welcome Tom," Wally replied. "I know Jarrod will be a wonderful son since we got him off on the right foot."

"Wally," Victoria asked, "would you and Jenny like to be his godparents?"

"We would be honored," Wally told them and smiled. "I’m really glad I decided to take a ride over to your place. There’s no telling what would have happened to Victoria and Jarrod had I not."

"Good," Tom said. "I’m so glad you went and checked on Victoria. I started not to go to Stockton but she told me she would be all right. Thanks again Wally."

"No problem Tom," he replied. "That’s what friends are for."

Tom helped Victoria who carried Jarrod outside to the buggy and they drove home. After Tom, Victoria and Jarrod had left, Wally turned back to Jenny.

"We did a nice job," he said. "That boy is going to be special. I just know he is."

"Yes," she replied. "You did a nice job Wally. Someday, we’ll have a child of our own but for now we’ll be that boy’s godparents."

"Yes we will," he told her and smiled.

The doctor was waiting on them when they arrived.

"I heard you had some excitement Victoria," the doctor said when the Barkleys arrived.

"Yes I did doctor," she replied. "I was so worried about the baby coming and being all alone. Then Wally showed up out of the blue."

"He was a huge help," Tom told him. "Between Wally, Jenny and Victoria, I now have a son."

"Let’s get him inside and I’ll examine him," the doctor said.

They walked into the house. Tom helped Victoria to the bed and she laid down. She was exhausted after delivering the baby. The doctor examined the new baby.

"He’s fine," the doctor said after his examination. "He’s a healthy boy. What’s his name?"

"Jarrod Thomas Barkley," Tom said and smiled.

"Jarrod," the doctor repeated. "I don’t believe I’ve ever heard that name before."

"It just came to me," Tom told him.

"He’ll have to grow into it," the doctor replied and smiled. "But I think he’ll live up to it. He looks like he’s going to be a smart little fellow."

"Yes he does," Tom told him. "And he’s my son."

The doctor left and Tom put Jarrod in his mother’s arms. She looked at her little son.

"Victoria," Tom said, "thank you."

"For what Tom?" she asked.

"For giving me a son," he answered and smiled. "I wanted a son so I could groom him to take over this ranch someday and now you have given me one. Jarrod will make a fine rancher."

"Yes he will," she replied and smiled.

Tom helped Victoria lay down in the bed so she could rest and he put his new son in the crib that he had bought several months earlier. Jarrod didn’t cry. He just looked up at his father with his big, bright, blue eyes and smiled. Tom smiled at him and quietly left the room. Jarrod slept and Victoria did too. When Tom checked on them a few hours later, his son was awake. However, Jarrod didn’t cry. He just looked around. Tom looked down at his boy. Finally, he picked Jarrod up. Victoria, who had woken up a few minutes earlier, watched her husband and her son.

"Jarrod," Tom said, "I’m going to be the best father I can be. I’m going to make mistakes but I’m learning too. You’ll have to help me. I’m so proud to have a son."

Jarrod was smiling up at his father and Tom smiled at him.

"Tom," Victoria replied, "you’re going to be a wonderful father to our son. He already loves you and looks up to you."

"Thanks Victoria," he told her.

Tom handed Jarrod to his mother and smiled.

The First Words and The First Steps of Jarrod Barkley (Year One)

Jarrod was a very good baby. He was quiet and didn’t cry unless he was hungry or needed his diaper changed. Victoria didn’t have to fuss over him to keep him content. She had started reading books to him right after he was born. He loved for her to read to him. When she would pick up a book, he would look at her with his big, bright, blue eyes and smile.

"Tom," she said one evening after dinner while they were sitting in the small parlor after she had put Jarrod to bed, "when Jarrod does start talking, what are we going to have him call us?"

"I’ve been thinking about that Victoria," he replied. "While I was growing up, I referred to my parents as mother and father. I believe I would prefer if Jarrod called us that."

"I don’t know whether or not he can say that at first," she told him. "But when he gets older we could tell him to call us mother and father."

"That will be fine," he said. "You know I have a feeling he’s going to be someone very special."

"What do you mean Tom," she asked.

"Well," Tom replied, "he looks like he is going to be very smart. He might want to be a doctor, or a lawyer or even a politician besides being a rancher."

"You might be right," she told him. "I’ve been reading to him every night. He really looks forward to my reading to him. He smiles very broadly when I pick up one of the books. It’s like he knows. I can’t explain it."

"You don’t have to," Tom said. "I’ve seen it to. We’re lucky to have a wonderful boy like him Victoria. He’s one of a kind."

"Yes he is," she replied. "And he has a wonderful father to teach him everything he needs to know."

"Why thank you," he told her. "He also has a wonderful mother too."

Victoria came to the conclusion shortly after that conversation that Jarrod probably wouldn’t be interested in becoming a rancher like his father. He looked like he was going to be very intellectual. She knew he would probably be a doctor or a lawyer or maybe even a politician but probably not a rancher. She took Jarrod for a walk outside one afternoon.

"Jarrod," she said to him, "your father wants you to be a rancher. I don’t know though. You don’t look like you’re the rancher type."

When they walked to the corral, Jarrod turned and watched the horses. He was a little scared. Victoria held him close to her.

"It’s all right honey," she said. "They won’t hurt you. Would you like to sit on one?"

She walked over to the horse and started to sit Jarrod on its back. He wouldn’t turn loose of his mother’s shirtsleeve. He was terrified.

"It’s all right," she replied. "We’ll try again when you’re older."

That evening after dinner, Victoria told Tom what had happened.

"Tom," she said, "Jarrod and I took a walk today. When I tried to sit him up on a horse, he was terrified. I’m not sure he’s going to be a rancher."

"He will," Tom replied. "He was just a little intimidated by the size of the horse. In a few years he’ll be an expert with horses."

"I hope you’re right," she told him.

When Tom thought about the possibility of Jarrod not being a rancher, he was a little disappointed. He talked to his wife the next evening.

"Victoria," he said, "I was hoping to groom Jarrod to take over the ranch for me someday but I just have a feeling after what you told me happened with the horse that he wouldn’t be interested in ranching."

"Tom," she replied, "it’s all right. Maybe you’ll have another son who will be a rancher like you. It’s not Jarrod’s fault. He seems to be more intellectual that’s all. He loves books. He’s still your son."

"I know that," Tom told her. "I just wanted to leave the ranch in capable hands. My son’s capable hands."

"You will," she said and smiled. "Don’t worry Tom."

"I know," he replied. "He won’t be our last child. But he will be special because he was the first."

"Yes he will," she told him. "And it doesn’t matter if he wants to be a rancher or not. He’s still our son and we need to support him in whatever role in life he chooses."

I fully agree with you," he said. "Whatever he chooses to do when he is older is his decision to make."

Jarrod continued to grow. By the time his first birthday rolled around, he was asking questions about everything. Tom would patiently answer each one. He knew his son was destined for greatness. Jarrod wanted to learn and he was willing to listen.

One cold day in January, Victoria was sewing in the parlor and Jarrod was looking at pictures in a book while sitting in the floor close to his mother. Tom was working at his desk on some important documents in the corner of the room.

"Mama," Jarrod said out of the blue and smiled.

Victoria stopped sewing and looked down at him. She wasn’t sure what he had said.

"Honey," she asked, "what did you say?"

"Mama," Jarrod repeated and smiled.

"Oh Jarrod," she said with joy. "You spoke your first word. We have to go tell your father."

She laid her sewing down, got up, walked over to him and picked him up. She smiled at her little boy and he smiled back at her.

"You said mama," she replied.

"Mama," he said again and smiled.

"Yes honey," she told him. "I’m your mother."

She carried Jarrod with her over to the desk where Tom was working.

"Tom," she said excitedly, "Jarrod just said his first word."

"He did," Tom replied and smiled. "What did he say?"

"Say it again honey," she told him.

"Papa," Jarrod said and smiled at Tom.

"Well what do you know," Tom replied with a big smile on his face. "He knows who his father is."

"He said mama a few minutes ago," Victoria told him.

She sat Jarrod down in the floor. He crawled over to them and pulled himself up using Tom’s pants legs. He looked up at both of them and smiled.

"Mama," he said. "Papa."

They both smiled at him.

"See," Victoria replied, "I told you he said mama."

"I believe you Victoria," Tom told her. "But he also said papa."

Tom reached down and picked up his little boy and sat him on his knee. He smiled at the little boy with the big, bright, blue eyes.

"Jarrod," he said, "when you get a little bigger you will start calling your mother and me mother and father. But for right now mama and papa will do."

"That’s right honey," Victoria replied.

Jarrod continued to smile at them. Tom and Victoria were very proud of their young son.

Several weeks later after dinner one evening, Tom and Victoria were sitting in the parlor. Tom was looking over some business papers and Victoria was reading a book. Jarrod was sitting in the floor looking at the pictures in one of his favorite books.

"Victoria," Tom said, "we should be able to start on the new house before too much longer."

"That’s wonderful news Tom," she replied. "I can’t wait until I have indoor plumbing and a sewing room."

"Yes," he told her. "I want a library where I can keep my desk and our collection of books. Because our son loves books."

While they were talking, Jarrod had crawled over to the table and chairs in the kitchen area. He pulled himself up using one of the chairs’ rungs. He stood there a minute and then he let go of the chair. Then he took a small step and then another one.

"Tom," Victoria said all of a sudden, "look."

She pointed toward Jarrod. Tom looked in that direction and smiled at what he saw. He son was walking. Victoria rushed over to him and picked him up. She smiled at her little boy.

"Jarrod," she replied, "you’re walking. I can’t believe it."

"Down," Jarrod told her.

"You want down?" she asked.

Jarrod nodded and she sat him down on the floor. He crawled over to his father and pulled himself up using Tom’s pants legs. Then he let go again and took some steps. Tom and Victoria smiled at him.

"Jarrod," Tom said, "you’re a big boy now that you can walk and talk. I’m going to start taking you to town with me. Would you like that son?"

"Yes," Jarrod answered.

"Good," Tom replied.

Tom would take Jarrod with him when he had business in town and the boy would sit very quietly and listen. He was very well mannered for a boy who was only one. Everyone who met him couldn’t get over how behaved he was.


The Sheriff Of Stockton Makes An Impression On A Two Year Old Boy (Year Two)

By the time Jarrod had turned two, a new sheriff came to the valley and Stockton. His name was Harry Lyman. He was a man about six feet tall with brown hair and brown eyes. Tom had not met the sheriff as of yet but was looking forward to meeting him very soon.

Tom had decided to take a ride in the buckboard to Stockton to pick up some supplies they would need and had brought Jarrod with him.

"Jarrod," Tom said, "I’m going to ride into Stockton for supplies. Would you like to come with me?"

"Yes," Jarrod replied. "Me like ride papa."

"Good," Tom told him and he hitched the wagon. Victoria, Jarrod and I are going into Stockton for supplies. We’ll be back shortly."

"Be careful Tom," she said. "Jarrod, you be a good boy."

"Yes mama," Jarrod replied and they rode off.

Tom was inside the general store going over his list of supplies when the new sheriff walked in. Jarrod, who was standing beside his father, looked up at the very tall man with the shiny badge on his shirt. Jarrod couldn’t stop looking at the badge.

"Tom," Hank Morgan, the owner of the general store said, "this is Harry Lyman, our new sheriff. Sheriff, this is Tom Barkley. He owns a spread outside of town."

"Pleased to meet you Mr. Barkley," Harry replied. "I’ve heard a great deal about you and have been looking forward to meeting you."

"I’m happy to meet you too sheriff," Tom told him and shook his hand.

Jarrod was still looking at Harry’s shiny badge. Tom looked down at his son.

"Jarrod," he asked, "what are you looking at?"

Jarrod pointed to his shirt and then to Harry.

"You mean his badge?" Tom asked.

"Yes," Jarrod answered.

"Come here son," Tom said. "Sheriff, this is my son, Jarrod."

"I’m happy to meet you Jarrod," Harry replied and bent down. "How old are you?"

"Hi," Jarrod told him and shook his hand. "Two."

"You’re a smart boy for two," Harry said.

"Yes he is," Tom replied. "He loves to look at books and my wife reads to him every night."

"I like books too," Harry told Jarrod. "Sometime when you get a little older, you come by my office and I’ll let you read some of my favorite books."

"Thank you," Jarrod said. "Me will."

"He will enjoy that," Tom replied. "Thank you sheriff. Thanks Hank. Come on Jarrod. It’s time we were heading home."

"Bye," Jarrod said.

"Goodbye Jarrod," Harry replied.

"I hope to see you again Mr. Barkley," Harry told him.

"I’m sure you will," Tom said and left with his son.

After Tom loaded all the supplies on the wagon, he and Jarrod headed for home.

"Sheriff," Hank replied after Tom and his son had left, "there goes a well respected man in this town. He is someone who can really help Stockton grow and prosper. He is a man who really gets things done. He always builds and never tears anything down."

"Oh really," Harry commented. "His son is a sweet boy."

"Yes he is," Hank told him. "Takes after his mother. But that boy loves his father."

"Thank you Mr. Morgan," Harry said and left.

After Harry walked out of the general store, he thought about the little boy with the big, bright, blue eyes. He walked back to his office. He went to a shelf above his desk and picked up a book. It was a children’s book. He had had it since he was a young boy. He decided to give the book to the Barkley boy. He may not be able to read it now but he would in a year or two. He opened the book and wrote an inscription. It said:

To a very smart little boy who loves books as much as I do. I hope you will cherish this book as much as I have. And maybe someday if you have a son, you can share it with him. Your friend, Sheriff Harry Lyman. Harry closed the book and decided to have it wrapped up for Jarrod. He also decided to take it to the Barkley Ranch later that afternoon.

On the drive home from Stockton, Tom looked over at his son. Jarrod had a far away look in his eyes.

"Jarrod," he asked, "is anything wrong son?"

"No," Jarrod answered.

"Are you sure?" Tom asked.

"Shirt papa?" Jarrod asked.

"Shirt?" he asked not quite sure what the boy was talking about.

"Shiny," Jarrod said.

"Oh," Tom replied and smiled, "that was his badge son."

"Badge?" Jarrod asked.

"Yes son," Tom answered him. "He takes care of the town from bad people who come in to do bad things."

"Oh," Jarrod remarked. "Nice. Me book."

"I’m sure you will read some of his books soon," Tom said. "He was a nice man."

When they arrived at the house, Jarrod helped Tom unload the supplies. Of course, he couldn’t carry much because of his size but he helped what he could. Victoria came out when she heard them drive up.

"Did you have a nice time in town?" she asked.

"Yes mama," Jarrod answered. "Shirt."

"You did what?" Victoria asked.

"We met the new sheriff," Tom answered. "His name is Harry Lyman. He really took to Jarrod. He couldn’t believe that Jarrod was only two."

"He is a very smart little boy," Victoria said. "So Stockton has a new sheriff."

"Yes," Tom replied.

"Me book," Jarrod told her.

"What?" she asked.

"He offered to let Jarrod read some of the books he has," Tom said. "Of course, Jarrod will have to be a little older before he can enjoy Harry’s books. But it was certainly nice of him to offer them to Jarrod."

"Yes it was," Victoria replied.

They finished unloading the wagon and went in the house.

"Tom," Victoria said, "Jarrod certainly was impressed with the new sheriff."

"Yes he was," Tom replied. "I believe the sheriff has just made himself a friend in our little boy."

"I hope so," Victoria told him.

Later that afternoon, there was a knock at the door. Tom answered it and was surprised to see the sheriff.

"Sheriff," Tom asked, "is anything wrong?"

"No Mr. Barkley," he answered. "I wanted to see your son a moment if I could."

"Certainly," Tom said. "Won’t you come in?"

"Thank you," he replied and stepped inside.

"Come over and sit down," Tom told him. "My wife is in Jarrod’s room reading to him. Just a minute and I’ll get them."

"That will be fine," he said.

Tom walked into Jarrod’s room. Victoria and Jarrod were lying on his bed reading a book when Tom walked in. They looked up.

"Tom," she asked, "is anything wrong?"

"No," he answered. "The new sheriff wants to see Jarrod."

"Me?" Jarrod asked.

"Yes son," Tom said.

"Why?" Jarrod asked.

"I don’t know," Tom replied.

"We’d better go out and see what he wants," she told them.

The three of them walked out into the parlor. Harry stood up when they came into the room.

"Sit down sheriff," Victoria said. "This is a pleasure. Tom told me we had a new sheriff. I’m pleased to meet you."

"I’m very pleased to meet you Mrs. Barkley," he replied. "Jarrod, I came here to bring you something. I know you can’t enjoy it right now but in a couple of years you can."

"Me?" Jarrod asked very excited.

He looked over at his parents and they nodded. He walked over to the sheriff. Harry handed him the package. Jarrod took it and walked back over to his father. Tom helped him open it. When Jarrod saw it was a book, he smiled.

"Thank you," he said.

"It’s yours," Harry replied, "from one bookworm to another."

"Thank you," Jarrod told him again.

"Thank you sheriff," Victoria said. "That was very kind of you. I want you to know that Jarrod was very impressed with you when he came home. Your badge was all he could talk about along with the books you mentioned."

"Thank you Mrs. Barkley," Harry replied. "It’s about a little boy just like your son. There’s also an inscription inside. Well, I must be going."

"Thank you," Jarrod told him.

"You’re very welcome," Harry said and left the house.

Victoria picked up the book and read the inscription. She smiled and handed it to Tom to read. He read it and also smiled. They looked down at their son and knew he had definitely made a friend in the new sheriff. Jarrod had picked up the book and looked at the pictures because he was not able to read just yet. Victoria spent many hours reading to her young son.

"Jarrod," she said that evening after dinner while they were sitting in the parlor, "you really love books don’t you?"

"Yes," he replied.

"Your father has a big collection," she told him.

"Papa?" he asked.

"When you get bigger you can read them all you want," she replied, "But I know one book that will always mean a lot to you. The book the sheriff brought you today."

"Yes," he told her. "Mama, book?"

"Certainly honey," she said, "I’ll read to you."

Victoria picked up the book and began to read it to Jarrod. He climbed up beside her on the couch and leaned his head back. After she had read the inscription to him, Jarrod smiled. Then he listened to her read the book and fell asleep on her lap. Tom picked up his young son and carried him to bed. Victoria changed his clothes and put his nightshirt on. Then Tom tucked him in. They laid the book beside his bed.

"You sleep tightly son," Tom said and kissed him goodnight.

"Sweet dreams honey," Victoria replied and also kissed him goodnight.

They turned out his light.


The Fishing Trip and The Surprise for Jarrod

Jarrod continued to grow and learn. By the time June came, he was starting to get a bit lonely. There were no ranches close by who had children his age. One day, Tom decided to take his son fishing. They were sitting on the bank of a stream that ran through the Barkley Ranch. It wasn’t a large stream but there were fish in it. Jarrod looked up at his father.

"Papa," Jarrod, said, "Me broder, sisder. Me no play. Me book, me look."

"You want someone to play with?" Tom asked. "Jarrod, I guess now is as good a time as any to tell you. You’re going to have a little brother or sister very soon."

"Papa?" Jarrod asked and smiled. "Play?"

"Well not right away," Tom told him. "The baby won’t be able to do anything much with you right after its born but in a few years it will. You’ll be the big brother."

"Thank you papa," Jarrod said. "Boy, girl?"

"I wouldn’t mind if it was another boy," Tom replied. But if it’s a girl, I’ll still be happy."

"When baby come?" Jarrod asked.

"Sometime in March of next year son," Tom answered. "You will be almost four when it gets here."

"Me no wait," Jarrod told him.

"I know you can’t son," Tom said and smiled at his young son.

The two of them continued to fish. After they had caught their fill, Tom decided it was time to head for home.

"Jarrod," Tom said as he pulled in his line, "it’s time to get our gear together and head for home. It’s getting late and your mother will begin to worry."

"Yes papa," Jarrod replied and pulled his line in too.

"Do you want to carry the fish son," Tom asked.

"No," Jarrod answered and picked up the fishing poles. "Me take sticks."

"All right," Tom said. "Let’s go."

They gathered up their fishing gear and began the trek back to the house. Tom looked down at his son as they walked.

"Son," Tom said as they walked, "I want you to know that I’m very proud of you."

"Me no do good papa," Jarrod replied.

"Yes you have," Tom told him. "You are a wonderful son. You have given me the chance to be a father. I want to be a good father to you and your brother or sister. I am learning this parent game as you are growing and learning. Thank you for being a wonderful son."

"Papa good," Jarrod said and smiled.

Tom put his hand on Jarrod’s shoulder and smiled down at his son. He was so proud of Jarrod. The boy was definitely going to be a famous man someday. Finally, after walking twenty minutes, the two fishermen returned home.

"Jarrod," Tom said as they walked toward the house, "you take the fish around back and start getting them ready to clean. I’ll be along in a few minutes."

"Yes papa," Jarrod replied and left.

Victoria walked outside and met Tom.

"Did you have any luck?" she asked.

"Yes," he answered. "Jarrod caught three and I caught five."

"That’s wonderful," she said.

"What else is wonderful is that I told him about the baby," Tom replied.

"You did?" she asked.

"Yes," he told her. "I gathered by what he told me that he was very lonely because there were no other children around here close to his age. I told him he was going to have a little brother or sister next year."

"How did he take it?" she asked concerned.

"Very well," Tom said. "He wanted to know if he could play with it right away. Of course, I told him no but he seemed very pleased."

"I’m glad," she replied. "I was concerned that he might be jealous of another baby. He’s been the center of attention for nearly four years."

"Yes he has," Tom told her. "He’ll do just fine Victoria."

They walked around to where Jarrod was getting the fish ready to clean. When he saw his mother, he smiled at her.

"Mama," he said, "papa baby. Me happy baby."

"I was hoping you would be pleased honey," she replied. "This is a big step for you. You’ve been our pride and joy for almost four years. You are going to have to understand that when the new baby comes you will have to share your father and me with the baby. And when the baby comes you’ll have to help me take care of it. Would you like that?"

"Yes mama," he told her. "What me do?"

"You can watch it while I do my work," she said. "You can read to it when you get bigger."

"Oh boy," he replied. "Me want baby like book."

"I’m sure it will," she told him. "Now we had better get these fish cleaned."

Jarrod was indeed looking forward to having a younger brother or sister. He had seen babies before and knew that they couldn’t do much other than sleep and eat.

Tom got to thinking about the baby and Jarrod. He decided to have a talk with his son.

"Jarrod," Tom said one evening after dinner while they were in the parlor, "when the new baby comes, you’ll be the big brother. This is a very big step for you. Just like your mother said you will have to share your mother and me with the baby. You’ll have to help it learn right and wrong. Being that it will be almost four years younger than you will, it will look up to you for guidance and understanding. Do you understand what I mean son?"

"Me papa," Jarrod answered his father. "Girl fishing?"

"I don’t know about that son," Tom replied. "Girls are not much on putting worms on the hooks. I had a younger sister when I was growing up. Her name was Kate. She despised fishing. All she wanted to do was play with her doll."

"Me no dolls," Jarrod told him. "Me book, fish."

"I don’t blame you son," Tom said. "I didn’t like dolls either

Victoria walked into the room from the kitchen and sat down.

"What you two talking about?" she asked.

"We were just talking about the new baby," Tom replied.

"Jarrod," Victoria asked, "I hope you are still looking forward to having a younger brother or sister?"

"Not know," Jarrod answered.

"What do you mean you don’t know?" she asked.

"Boy," Jarrod began, "Fish, play. Girl, no fish. Girl no worms."

"That sounds like your father," she said. "Tom, what have you been telling him?"

"I just told him that when I was his age I had a younger sister," he answered. "She hated to go fishing. She despised putting the worm on the hook."

"Jarrod," Victoria said, "all little girls are not like that. I used to go fishing when I was young. And I wasn’t afraid to put the worm on the hook."

"You mama?" Jarrod asked surprised. "Me want baby girl worm hook."

"My father used to take me when I was a little girl," Victoria said. "I was a very good fisherman for a girl. I’m sure you’re younger sister if it is a girl will want to put the worm on the hook."

They spent the rest of the evening enjoying each other’s company by reading and talking until it was time for Jarrod to go to bed. He had begun to get tired and had laid his head on his mother’s lap

"Jarrod," Victoria said, "it’s time for bed honey."

"Yes mama," Jarrod replied and stood up. "Mama book?"

"Yes I’ll read you a story," she told him.

The two of them went to Jarrod’s room. She helped him put his nightshirt on and then he crawled into bed. Tom walked in and kissed his son goodnight.

"Son," Tom said, "you sleep well. I’ll see you in the morning."

"Night papa," Jarrod replied.

"Goodnight honey," Victoria told him, kissed him, read him a story and then turned out his light.

Jarrod’s Third Birthday (Year Three)

On December 17, 1847, Jarrod celebrated his third birthday. It was so close to Christmas that Tom and Victoria had to get him another present to open on his birthday. The present he got this year meant a lot to Jarrod. Tom had bought him a colt. He knew the boy wouldn’t be able to ride it for awhile but that would give the colt a chance to grow too. He was beautiful. Jarrod just stood and admired the horse. He was brown with a white mane and tail.

"What are you going to call your horse son?" Tom asked.

"Not know papa," Jarrod replied. "Cinnamon, horse brown."

"That’s a good name son," Tom said. "You take Cinnamon in the barn and get him used to his new home."

"Yes papa," Jarrod told him and led his colt into the barn.

Victoria walked out to the corral and saw Tom.

"How did he like his birthday present?" she asked.

"He loved the colt," Tom answered. "He’s getting Cinnamon used to his new home in the barn."

"Cinnamon?" she asked.

"Yes Cinnamon," Tom told her. "That’s what the boy wanted to name it."

"It will take some getting used to," she said.

"I know," Tom replied. "I was surprised by the name he chose too. But it’s his horse."

Victoria walked into the barn. She saw Jarrod feeding and grooming his new horse. He was standing on a barrel to be able to reach the horse to brush it. She smiled at him. He saw her and smiled back.

"Jarrod," she asked, "how do you like your birthday present?"

"Me love mama," Jarrod answered. "Me name Cinnamon."

"Your father told me," she replied. "It’s time to come in and get ready for bed honey."

"All right," he said. "Night Cinnamon. See you tomorrow."

Victoria and Jarrod walked into the house. She helped him change his clothes and put his nightshirt on. She helped him get into bed and then read him a story. He fell asleep shortly after she started the story and she covered him up.

"Goodnight honey," she said and kissed him on the forehead. Then turned out his light.

Over the next few months, Jarrod kept growing.


Pneumonia and the Little Brother

By the time March came, Jarrod was very excited about the baby.

Shortly before the birth of the baby on March 13, 1848, Tom had taken his wife and young son to a lodge in the mountains of California.

"Victoria," Tom said, "Jarrod, I have a surprise for you. We’re all going to the lodge."

"That’s wonderful Tom," Victoria replied.

"Yes," Jarrod told them.

They packed and left. Jarrod had begun to cough the day before. But Victoria and Tom didn’t think it was anything to worry about, maybe the start of a cold. While they were there, Jarrod became very ill.

"Victoria," Tom said the morning after they arrived at the lodge, "Jarrod looks like he doesn’t feel very well."

"Jarrod," Victoria replied, "come here honey."

Jarrod walked slowly into the room. His face was flushed and he was shaking like he had chills. He had started to cough two days ago. She felt his head.

"Tom," she said, "he’s burning up. I’ll put him to bed and you go find a doctor."

"No," Tom replied. "You’re pregnant Victoria and if Jarrod is sick, I don’t want you to catch it and give it to the baby. I’ll put him to bed."

Tom picked up his young son and carried him to his room. He put the boy to bed after putting on his nightshirt.

"Jarrod," Tom said, "you rest. I’m going to see if there is a doctor here at the lodge."

"Papa," Jarrod replied, "no leave me. No feel good. Hot."

"It will be all right son," Tom told him. "You close your eyes and try to sleep. I won’t leave until you are asleep."

"Yes papa," Jarrod said and had another coughing spell.

Tom reached over and helped him sit up. He held his young son until he finally stopped. Then he laid him back in the bed and covered him up.

"Jarrod," he replied, "you’re going to be fine. Try not to worry. Just rest."

Jarrod barely nodded and closed his eyes. After a few minutes, Tom was able to leave the room. He went in search of a doctor. He went down to the lobby of the lodge and spoke to Deke Hanson, the owner of the lodge. Deke was a tall, heavyset man with black hair and a mustache. He was in his early forties.

"Deke," Tom said as he walked up to the desk, "I need your help."

"Hi Tom," Deke replied. "Certainly. What can I help you with?"

"My son Jarrod is very sick," Tom told him. "He’s got a very high fever and he’s coughing. I need a doctor."

"You’re in luck Tom," Deke said. "There’s a doctor staying here. He is in room twenty-five."

"Thanks so much Deke," Tom replied and started to walk off.

"Tom," Deke told him, "I hope Jarrod gets better."

"Thanks," Tom said and left.

Tom walked up to the second floor of the lodge and found room twenty-five. He stood in front of the door and knocked. A short man with dark hair and light colored eyes opened the door.

"Yes," the man said as he opened the door. "Can I help you?"

"Doctor," Tom replied as the door was opened, "I’m Tom Barkley. My son is sick and my wife is pregnant. I was hoping you could look at my boy."

"I would be happy to Mr. Barkley," he told him. "I’m Dr. Howard King."

Tom showed the doctor to Jarrod’s room. When they walked in, Tom could tell his son’s breathing was labored. The doctor walked over to the little boy.

"Jarrod," Tom said, "this is Dr. King. He’s going to make you feel better son."

"Papa," Jarrod replied, "No feel good. Hot."

Jarrod started coughing again. Tom helped him to sit up and held him. The doctor reached over and took the boy from his father.

"I know you don’t feel well son," Tom told him. "The doctor will fix you right up."

The doctor began to examine Jarrod. He just couldn’t stop coughing. Finally, the doctor looked up at Tom.

"I’m afraid you have a very sick little boy," the doctor said. "He has a bad case of pneumonia. I’m going to give him some medicine to help him rest. You need to keep him as warm as possible and keep plenty of liquids in him. Pretty soon he’ll cough up phlegm from his lungs. That’s why he is having such a hard time breathing."

"Pneumonia," Tom replied. "My little boy. My wife wants to take care of him but I told her no because she is going to have the baby soon."

"Don’t let your wife near him," the doctor told him. "It wouldn’t be good for the baby. Pneumonia is very catching. You’re going to be the one who has to take care of him I’m afraid."

"I know," Tom said. "It will tear her up when she finds out that Jarrod’s that sick. She has always taken care of him."

"I understand," the doctor replied. "I’ll check back a little later to see how he is."

"Thank you doctor," Tom said and the doctor left the room.

Tom looked down at his little boy. He tried to smile at him but inside he was crying. He knew that Jarrod was very ill and there was a possibility that he might not make it. Jarrod looked up at his father with very pale eyes and his breathing continued to be labored.

"Papa," Jarrod said, "Mama. No feel good."

"You can’t see your mother," Tom replied. "She’s going to have the baby soon and we don’t want it to get sick. I’ll take care of you son."

"Papa," Jarrod begged. "Mama."

"You close your eyes and try to rest," Tom told him. "You can see mother in a few days. Don’t worry. I’ll be right here with you."

"Papa will?" he asked weakly.

"I promise son," Tom answered and smiled.

Jarrod started coughing again. Tom sat him up and held him as he coughed. He was burning up. Finally, he was able to lay him back down in the bed and cover him up. Jarrod’s pale eyes closed and Tom slipped out of the room to go tell Victoria.

"How’s Jarrod?" she asked when Tom walked in.

"He has pneumonia," Tom answered.

"Pneumonia," she said. "My little boy needs me."

"No," Tom replied. "The doctor doesn’t want you to get near him because of the baby. I’ll take care of him."

"But Tom," she said, "he needs me."

"You heard what I said Victoria," he told her. "I’ll take good care of Jarrod. Don’t you worry."

"Will you at least keep me posted on how he is?" she asked.

"Certainly," he replied. "He’s going to be all right."

"I hope so," she told him.

A day or two later, Victoria began to go into labor. Jarrod was still a very sick little boy. So sick in fact that Tom was worried about losing him.

"Tom," Deke said when Tom opened the door to Jarrod’s room, "Victoria has gone into labor."

"Oh great," Tom replied. "I can’t leave Jarrod. He’s too sick. What am I going to do?"

"I can stay with your boy Tom," Deke told him. "You need to be with your wife."

"Thanks Deke," Tom said and walked over to the bed.

He looked down at his little boy.

"Papa," Jarrod said, "hurt."

"I know you do boy," Tom replied. "Mr. Hanson is going to sit with you. Your mother is going to have the baby. I’m going to see how she is. You just rest. I’ll be back as soon as I can son."

"Papa," Jarrod said, "Me see baby?"

He started to cough again. Tom sat him up and held him until he stopped. Then Tom laid him back in the bed and covered him up. Jarrod was still burning up. Tom was still very worried but he also wanted to see his wife.

"I wish you could son," he told him. "You will when you feel better. You try to rest."

"All right," Jarrod replied and closed his eyes.

"Thanks Deke," Tom told him and left.

Deke sat down beside the bed and looked over at the small boy. He felt so bad for Tom. He was about to have another child but his first one was deathly ill. He hoped and prayed that the boy would be all right.

Tom arrived at his wife’s room. When he walked inside, the doctor was working with Victoria.

"How’s my wife?" Tom asked very concerned as he walked into the room.

"She’s in labor Mr. Barkley," he answered.

"I want to stay until after the baby is born," Tom told him.

"That will be fine," the doctor said and went back to work.

An hour later, Victoria was holding a brown haired, hazel-eyed baby boy, who had a very loud voice when he cried. They were both amazed at the boy’s cries.

"Mr. Barkley," the doctor replied, "you have a son."

"A boy," Victoria told him. "Tom, what’s wrong?"

"I should be happy about my new son," he said. "But I am very worried about Jarrod."

"How is he Tom?" she asked very concerned.

"He’s not any better," he replied. "He coughs so hard and he is still burning up."

"Oh Tom," she said and tears began to flow down her cheeks.

"I have to go back to him," Tom told her. "I’ll be back."

"I understand Tom," she said.

Tom left the room and went back to his son’s room. Deke left when Tom walked in.

"What did you have Tom?" he asked on his way out.

"A boy," Tom told him.

"I’m very happy for you," Deke said and he left.

Tom walked over to the bed. His son looked up at him.

"Jarrod," Tom said, "you have a new brother."

Jarrod tried to smile but he was just too sick. Then he started coughing again. Tom sat him up and held him tightly.

"Fight son," he replied. "Fight as hard as you can. And son you’ll be all right, I promise."

"All right papa," Jarrod told him.

He finally stopped coughing and Tom laid him down. He covered the boy up and sat down in the chair beside the bed. He started to cry. Tom continued to listen to his son’s very labored breathing. Every few minutes Jarrod would start coughing and Tom would have to sit him up and hold him. Then he started coughing up phlegm. Tom took out his handkerchief and held it over the boy’s mouth to catch the discharge he was coughing up. The doctor finally walked in and examined the boy.

"I see he’s begun to cough up phlegm," he said.

"He started about thirty minutes ago," Tom replied.

"Mr. Barkley," the doctor told him, "if you want to go see your wife again I’ll stay with your son."

"Thank you doc," Tom said. "Jarrod, I’ll be back in a little while. You just rest."

"Papa," Jarrod replied, "stop hurt."

"I can’t son," Tom told him. "You rest and the doctor will be here with you. You’ll be well soon."

Jarrod barely nodded and Tom left the room. He walked back to his wife’s room and opened the door. When he walked in, Victoria could see that he had been crying.

"Tom," she asked, "how is he?"

"Not good," Tom answered. "He’s coughing up stuff out of his lungs. He’s in so much pain Victoria."

"I want to see him Tom," she told him. "Please."

"All right," Tom agreed. "I’ll take the baby down the hall to Miss Farmer. She’ll look after him."

Tom picked up his newest son and carried him down to a room at the end of the hall. Miss. Abigail Farmer was a long-time guest of the lodge. She was an older lady in her early fifties and she had never been married. Tom and Victoria had first met her three years ago when they had come to lodge for the first time with Jarrod. They had returned every year since. He knocked on the door.

"Come in," she said.

Tom opened the door and walked into the room.

"Tom," she replied, "what a pleasure it is to see you again. Who is this?"

"Miss. Farmer," he said, "I need to ask you a favor."

"Certainly," she told him. "How is your wife and son?"

"Victoria is fine," he said. "But Jarrod is very sick. He has pneumonia."

"Oh no," she replied. "Can I do anything to help?"

"Yes," Tom told her. "My wife just delivered a baby boy. She wants to see Jarrod and I don’t want the baby to get sick. Would you watch him for a few minutes?"

"Certainly," she said and took the baby from him. "He is a cute little boy. What’s his name?"

"Thank you," he replied. "We haven’t had time to name him with Jarrod being so sick."

"I completely understand," she told him. "You go on. I’ll watch him for as long as you want."

"Thank you so much," Tom said. "One more thing, he’s got powerful lungs."

He left Miss Farmer’s room and headed back to his wife. Tom helped Victoria walk down to Jarrod’s room. When they walked inside, the doctor looked up.

"She wouldn’t rest until she saw our boy," Tom said.

"I understand," the doctor replied.

Victoria walked over to the bed. She looked down at her little boy. He was very pale, flushed in the face, he was shivering and his breathing was very labored. Tears started flowing down her face. Tom put his arm around her and tried to smile but he was very worried about his young son.

"Jarrod," Victoria said, "it’s mother honey. I’m right here."

"Mama," he barely replied. "feel bad. Hot."

"I know you feel bad," she told him, picked him up and hugged him.

He was so hot and his breathing continued to be very labored. While she was holding him she felt him go limp in her arms. She looked up with fear in her eyes. Tom noticed her face.

"Victoria," he asked, "what is it?"

"Jarrod just went limp in my arms," she replied.

The doctor hurried over to the bed. He laid the little boy back on the pillow. Then he looked up.

"His breathing is very erratic," he said. "I don’t know whether or not he’s going to make it at this point."

"You have to save my little boy," Victoria pleaded.

"I’ll do the best I can," he told her. "He’s still coughing up phlegm. His fever is very high. The only way he’s going to get better is when his high fever breaks."

"Is there anything that we can do?" Victoria asked.

"Yes," he said. "Get out of here so you don’t take the germ back to your baby boy."

"All right," she agreed and Tom helped her back to her room.

"Tom," she said as he was turning to head out the door, "take good care of him. Don’t let him die."

"I’ll do the best I can," Tom replied. "Try not to worry Victoria. Jarrod’s a strong boy. He will get better."

Tom decided to leave the baby with Miss. Farmer for the time being so his wife could rest. He went back to his son’s room. When he walked in, Jarrod was coughing so hard. The doctor had a cloth over his mouth to catch the phlegm he was coughing up. Tom cringed when he saw just how ill his son was. Finally, the doctor laid the little boy back on the pillow.

"Mr. Barkley," he said as Tom walked over to the bed, "I didn’t hear you come in."

"How bad is my boy?" Tom asked very concerned.

"His fever is 102," the doctor told him, "and he is coughing up phlegm from his lungs. His breathing is very labored because of the pneumonia. We’ll just have to wait and see how he does. "I’ve given him something to help fight the pneumonia. The only way he will get better is when his fever breaks."

"How long will that take?" Tom asked.

"Anywhere from five to eleven days," the doctor answered.

"Five to eleven days," Tom said. "That’s an awfully long time for such a small boy to be so sick."

"I know it is," the doctor replied. "But he’s a strong boy."

Tom sat down heavily in the chair. He looked over at the bed and his three and a half-year-old son. Tears began to fall down his face and he didn’t even try to stop them.

"Doctor," he said, "I can’t lose my son. Please save him."

"I’ll do everything I can to save him," the doctor replied.

"Thanks," Tom told him.

Later that day, he picked up his new son from Miss. Farmer and took him to Victoria.

"Miss Farmer," Tom said as he walked into her room, "I want to thank you for taking care of my boy."

"It was my pleasure Tom," she replied. "I’ll tell you one thing."

"What’s that?" Tom asked.

"He’s got a good set of lungs," she told him. "I’ve never heard a baby cry that loud in my life. I tell you it could have rattled the windows."

Tom took the baby from her, smiled and left the room. He walked back to his wife’s room and handed the baby to her.

"Tom," she said, "what do you want to name him?"

"I can’t think about that right now Victoria," he replied. "All I can think about is my little boy and how sick he is."

"I know," she told him. "Do you think he will get better?"

"I don’t know," he said. "We’ll have to wait and see. The doctor said it could take between five and eleven days before the fever breaks."

"That’s an awfully long time for such a small boy to suffer," she replied.

"I know," Tom told her. "But the doctor will do everything he can to save Jarrod. We have to believe that he will get better."

"You’re right," she said. "Give him a kiss for me."

"I will," he replied and headed back to his son’s room.

For the next ten days, Tom split his time between his son and his wife. Jarrod was still not any better. He was still coughing up phlegm. Tom was very worried. He couldn’t spend much time with his new son and he felt very bad about that. Victoria was also worried about Jarrod. Then on the eleventh day, the fever broke. Jarrod opened his big, bright, blue eyes and for the first time in nearly two weeks and smiled up at his father.

"Jarrod," Tom said with a huge smile on his face, "you’re going to be all right."

"Happy papa," Jarrod replied with a tired voice.

"Son," Tom said, "you rest and when you wake up, you can see your new brother."

Jarrod barely nodded and closed his eyes. The doctor looked over at Tom.

"He’s going to be fine," he said. "He’ll need to rest for a couple of days but he’ll be as good as new."

"Thank you doctor," Tom replied.

"Will you stay with Jarrod so I can go and tell my wife?" he asked.

"I will," the doctor told him.

Tom left the room and went to his wife’s room. When he walked in, he had a smile on his face.

"What is it Tom?" she asked.

"Jarrod’s fever finally broke," he said. "He’s going to be fine."

"That’s great news," she replied. "When can he see his new brother?"

"In several days," Tom told her. "He’s very weak and very tired. I want him to rest and then he can see the baby."

"All right Tom," she said. "I am so relieved that Jarrod is going to be just fine."

A week later, Jarrod got to see his new brother for the first time. He walked into the room and looked at the baby.

"Jarrod," Victoria said, "this is your new brother."

"Baby name?" Jarrod asked.

"We haven’t named him yet," she replied. "You were so sick that we decided to wait until you were better."

"Nick," Jarrod mumbled.

"What did you say son?" Tom asked not quite sure what the boy had said.

"Nick," Jarrod told them.

"Nick," Tom said and smiled. "Nicholas."

"Nicholas," Victoria replied. "And for his middle name what about Jonathan?"

"Nicholas Jonathan Barkley," Tom said. "I like it. And Jarrod helped name his little brother."

"Yes he did," Victoria agreed.

Jarrod reached down with his small hand and touched his little brother. Nick grabbed a hold of Jarrod’s finger. He smiled and Jarrod smiled back.

"Hold tight brother," Jarrod said. "Me be with you. Hold on."

Tom and Victoria both smiled. Jarrod had completely accepted his new brother and Nick was looking up at his big brother with a big smile on his face. There was an unbreakable bond between the two that would last the rest of their lives. Tom also had the son he had wanted to take over the ranch. With Nick’s voice, he would be the perfect rancher. Tom couldn’t have been any happier.

"Victoria," Tom said one evening after the boys were asleep, "I have my rancher. Nick is perfect. With his voice, he will easily be able to keep the hands in line."

"Yes he will," she replied. "And Jarrod can be the lawyer, doctor or politician."

"Right," Tom told her and they both smiled.


The Death of Lillibud

Several months after the Barkleys’ trip to the lodge, Tom had to put an old mare to sleep. Jarrod was very upset when he found out.

"Jarrod," Tom said as he walked over to the mare, "you stay back from Lillibud. I’m going to have to put her to sleep."

"Why," Jarrod asked. "She sleepy?"

"No," Tom replied. "She’s too old."

Tom raised his rifle, aimed it at the horse and fired. Jarrod covered his ears from the noise. The mare fell to the ground. Jarrod walked over to her and shook her head.

"Lillibud," he said. "Get up."

"Jarrod," Tom replied, "come away from her. She’s not going to ever wake up."

"Not get up?" Jarrod asked.

"I had to shoot her son," Tom told him. "She’s dead."

"No!" Jarrod shouted and ran from the barn.

He ran into the house and he was crying. Victoria was sitting reading a book while Nick was sleeping. She saw Jarrod run in. She stopped him before he went to his room.

"Honey," she asked, "what’s wrong?"

"Papa shoot Lillibud," he answered.

"The mare was too old and sick," she told him.

"Me not want Lillibud die," Jarrod said.

Victoria stood up, walked over to Jarrod, and picked him up. Then she sat back down on the couch with her son. She held him tightly until he stopped crying. Then she looked at his face.

"Feel better?" she asked.

"Yes," he answered.

"Your father did the only thing he could to help Lillibud," she said. "When an animal is sick and can’t do the work he has to put them to sleep. It’s not being mean to the animal. He just doesn’t want it to suffer."

"Me know mama," Jarrod replied and went to his room.

When Tom walked into the house, he looked for Jarrod.

"Where’s Jarrod?" he asked.

"He’s in his room," she answered. "He told me about the mare. He was pretty upset but I explained why you had to shoot her."

"Do you think he understood?" he asked.

"I hope so," she told him.

Tom walked to Jarrod’s room. He opened the door and walked in. Jarrod was sitting on the bed looking at a book. He looked up when Tom came in.

"Jarrod," Tom said, "I hope you understand about the horse."

"Me know papa," Jarrod replied. "Horse sick and old. Papa help feel better."

"That’s right," he told him. "It’s not pleasant but sometimes it has to be done."

"Me know," Jarrod said.

Father and son sat together for a long time. Finally Tom picked up the book Jarrod had been looking at. He started reading the book to his son. Jarrod laid on the bed listening and before long he was asleep. Tom covered him up with a blanket and left the room. When he walked out, Victoria looked up.

"How is he?" she asked.

"He fell asleep," he answered. "He’ll be fine."

"I’m glad," she said and smiled at him.

"This was a rough experience for him," Tom replied. "But he needs to learn."

"You’re right Tom," she told him. "Jarrod will be fine."

"I know," he said and smiled.

Tom sat down beside her. A couple of hours later, Jarrod woke up and walked out of his room. He walked over to the couch where Tom and Victoria were sitting. He climbed up between them and sat down. He smiled at both of them and they smiled back.


The Trials of Being A Big Brother (Year Four)

Jarrod, who was four, loved having a new brother around the first year except when Nick cried. His voice would rattle the windows.

"Mama," Jarrod asked one day, "Why Nick cry loud?"

"I don’t know honey," she answered. "He does have a very good set of lungs."

"Yes he do," Jarrod told her. "Me go out?"

"Certainly you can go outside and play," she said. "Be careful."

"Me will," Jarrod replied and left the room.

As soon as Jarrod was out of Nick’s sight, he started crying. Victoria reached over and picked him up.

"What’s the matter sweetheart?" she asked. "You can’t be hungry and I just changed you. What else could be wrong?"

Then it hit her.

"Nick," she said, "you know you’re older brother’s gone. Well, I can take care of that."

She carried him outside. When Nick saw Jarrod he stopped crying. Jarrod saw his mother holding his brother while she was standing on the porch and walked over to them.

"Mama what wrong?" he asked.

"The minute you left the room Nick started crying," she replied. "I brought him out here and as soon as he saw you he stopped."

"Oh great," Jarrod told her. "Me can do nothing alone."

"Jarrod Barkley!" Victoria said loudly. "What’s the matter with you?"

"Me no want him near me all time," he told her. "Baby bother me. Me want be alone."

"Young man you go into the house right now," she said sternly. "Go on to your room and when your father gets home you’ll have to tell him what you said."

"Mama," Jarrod began.

"Now!" she said loudly.

Jarrod walked into the house with his head down and went to his room. He sat down on his bed. He regretted what he had said but it was true. Ever since Nick had arrived everything had changed. His father didn’t have time to spend with him and his mother was always busy with the baby.

"Baby this, Jarrod said, baby that. Wish me alone now."

Tom came home late that afternoon. He had been checking on the building of the new house. When he walked in the front door he knew something was wrong.

"Victoria," he asked, "where’s Jarrod?"

"In his room Tom," she answered.

"Why is he in his room?" he asked.

"Because he was very rude to Nick," she told him.

"What did he say?" he asked.

"Tom," she began, "Jarrod asked me if he could go out and play."

Then she went on to explain what had happened when Jarrod went out to play

"I knew this would happen," Tom said. "He’s jealous of his younger brother. I’ll have a talk with him."

Tom slowly walked to his oldest son’s room. When he walked inside, Jarrod looked up. Tom sat down on the bed beside his son.

"I understand you were rude to Nick today son," he said.

"Yes," Jarrod replied.

"Jarrod," Tom began, "I understand how you feel. You were the only child for nearly four years and now all of a sudden you have a younger brother to contend with. It’s normal for brothers to feel this way. Let me tell you something. Nick is almost four years younger than you are. You are someone for him to look up to. He needs guidance and love. You are going to have to help him because you already know what he’s going through. Do you understand what I’m saying son?"

"Yes," Jarrod answered. "Nick need me help learn."

"Yes," Tom agreed. "You’re his big brother son. He may get on your nerves some of the time but he is just learning. So be sweet to him. Guide him. Care about him. Love him. And he will love you because of it. I should know because I had two older brothers when I was growing up. Jim and Danny helped me learn. You need to do that for Nick."

"Yes papa," Jarrod said and smiled.

"That’s my boy," Tom replied. "I think you owe your mother an apology. Don’t you?"

"Yes papa," Jarrod told him and slowly walked to the door.

Tom followed his son out and Jarrod walked over to his mother. He stood there looking at her. Finally she looked up.

"Jarrod," she said, "I didn’t hear you come out."

"Mama," he replied slowly, "me sorry. Me not mean no Nick. Me love Nick. Want play Nick."

"Oh Jarrod," she said and hugged him. "Yes you are his big brother. He’ll be a better person because of you."

"Yes," Jarrod replied and smiled. "Where Nick? Too quiet."

Tom and Victoria both laughed at Jarrod’s comment.

"He’s in his room," she said. "Why don’t you go see him?"

"Me will," he replied and left.

"Tom," she said, "I don’t know what you said to him but he’s a different boy."

"He’s just growing up Victoria," Tom told her. "He’s a little jealous of Nick and that is perfectly normal. I just explained to him that as a big brother he has to help Nick. I remember what Danny did to help me when I was a little boy. Jarrod will do the same for Nick."

Jarrod spent a lot of time with Nick after that day. Nick still got on Jarrod’s nerves but he knew that Nick was just learning.


Cinnamon and the Broken Arm

A few days after the incident concerning Nick, Jarrod decided to ride his horse, Cinnamon. His father had told him the horse was ready to ride. He was trying to carry the big saddle out of the barn when Cole, one of the Barkleys’ cowhands saw him. Cole, who was a tall man with blond hair and light blue eyes, walked over to Jarrod. He took the saddle from the boy and carried it over to the horse.

"Are you going riding son?" Cole asked.

"Yes," Jarrod answered him. "Me got birthday."

"He’s a mighty fine looking horse," Cole said. "Do you need a hand getting him saddled?"

"Yes," Jarrod replied.

Cole saddled the horse and helped the boy climb up.

"Thank you," Jarrod said.

"You’re welcome son," Cole replied and walked back to the tack room where he had been working.

Jarrod began to ride Cinnamon. A short time later, the horse saw something and reared up. Jarrod tried to hold on but was thrown off very hard. He landed awkwardly on his left arm. He screamed in pain.

"Papa!" he yelled and tried to hold his arm.

Tom, who was working in the barn, heard the scream and ran outside. He looked around and spotted his son lying on the ground. He rushed over to him.

"Jarrod," he asked, "what happened?"

"Me fall, hurt arm," he answered while he was crying.

"Let me see it," Tom said.

From the way the arm was laying it looked like it was broken. He helped his son stand up and then he picked Jarrod up keeping the arm as straight as possible. He carried him into the house.

"Victoria!" he yelled as he walked in.

He carried his son to his bed and laid him down on it. He made sure that the broken arm didn’t move. Victoria rushed into the room and saw Jarrod.

"What happened?" she said as she went over to her son.

"He was riding Cinnamon and fell off," Tom replied. "His left arm is broken."

"Don’t you think you should go and get the doctor?" she asked.

"Yeah," he told her and left the room.

Victoria helped Jarrod change his clothes and put on his nightshirt. She was very careful with the broken arm. Thirty minutes later the doctor arrived.

"I understand you had an accident?" he asked.

"Yes," Jarrod answered. "Me hurt arm."

"Let me see," he said as he examined the arm. "Yes, you broke it. Both bones are broken. I’m going to set your arm Jarrod. It will hurt but after I put a splint on it I will give you something so it will stop hurting. Can you be a brave boy for me?"

"Yes," Jarrod replied.

The doctor jerked very hard and set the arm. Jarrod screamed in pain and began to cry. Victoria sat down on the bed beside of him and held him tightly. It hurt Tom to see his son in so much pain. Finally it was all over and the doctor splinted the arm. Jarrod finally stopped crying. Victoria continued to hold her son until he calmed down and then the doctor gave him some medicine for the pain. Victoria helped Jarrod lay down in the bed and covered him up.

"He’ll sleep for a while," the doctor told her. "He’ll be all right. He can get up in a couple of days. Just make sure he’s careful with the arm so he doesn’t hurt it."

"All right doctor," Victoria said.

"I’ll be back at the end of the week to see how he’s doing," the doctor replied and left.

Victoria sat with him until he woke up several hours later.

"How do you feel honey?" she asked.

"Me sleepy," he answered. "Arm no hurt."

"That’s fine honey," she said. "In a few weeks your arm will be good as new. You just rest."

"Me hope mama," he replied and smiled.

Eight weeks later, the doctor removed the splint and Jarrod was fine. He was very careful on his horse after that day.


Sibling Rivalry (Year Five)

One beautiful spring day in 1850, when Nick was two years old and Jarrod was almost six Nick looked over at his brother, Jarrod. Victoria was sitting in a chair in the room sewing.

"Jay," Nick said, "Me love you."

Jarrod looked over at him with a smile on his face.

"I love you Nick," Jarrod replied.

"Where papa Jay?" Nick asked.

"Papa in town," Jarrod told him. "Papa be home later."

"Jarrod," Victoria asked, "what did Nick call you honey?"

"Jay," Jarrod answered. "I think Jarrod hard to say. All right mama. Nick call me Jarrod when he big."

"Yes I guess you are right," she replied.

Tom came home a little while later. He had been over checking on the progress of the building of the new house. When he walked into the house two boys ran to him. He picked Nick up and patted Jarrod on top of the head.

"How are my two boys?" he said.

"Fine papa," Jarrod replied.

"Yep," Nick said. "Me Jay fish?"

"Jay?" Tom asked.

"Jarrod hard name say papa," Jarrod told him. "I say all right."

"Yes," Tom said, "it’s fine with me. And Jarrod can take you fishing tomorrow if he wants to."

"Well?" Nick asked looking at Jarrod.

"All right," Jarrod answered. "I can for short time."

"Great," Nick told him and smiled.

"You boys go and get cleaned up for dinner," Tom said.

"Yes papa," Jarrod replied.

Jarrod got Nick by the hand and they went to get cleaned up. Tom walked over to his wife and kissed her.

"So Nick is calling Jarrod Jay?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied. "I don’t really see a problem with it do you?"

"No," he told her. "I guess not. But when he is bigger, he will call him Jarrod."


That evening after dinner, Tom and Victoria were sitting in the small sitting room of their small home. They were reading the local paper. Jarrod was sitting in the floor looking at one of his books. He had begun to read a little. Nick was playing. Nick got up and walked over to Jarrod. He took the book out of his brother’s hands.

"Give me book Nick," Jarrod said.

"No," Nick replied.

"I look book," Jarrod told him.

He tried to grab the book from Nick but he ran away from Jarrod. Tom looked up from what he was reading and watched his two sons. Jarrod was chasing Nick trying to get the book from him.

"I want book!" Jarrod shouted. "I want book now!"

"No!" Nick yelled back.

By this time Victoria was also watching her two sons. Jarrod again tried to get the book from Nick. Finally, he caught Nick and pulled so hard on the book that Nick fell backwards and hit his head on the wall. He started to cry. Victoria went over and picked him up. He finally quieted down. Jarrod was still fuming.

"Nick!" Jarrod screamed. "No want you born now!"

"Jarrod!" Victoria said loudly. "That’s not a very nice thing to say to your brother."

"I say," he began, "I wish no more Nick. Take book from me. No more."

"Jarrod," Tom replied, "you go to your room young man."

"Yes papa," Jarrod told him and stalked off.

"We have a problem Tom," Victoria said. "Jarrod doesn’t want Nick around any more."

"I don’t think it’s that bad," Tom replied. "I think Jarrod is just getting angry because Nick won’t leave him alone. I can understand how he feels. But he had no right to say what he did. I’ll punish him after I talk to him."

"All right Tom," she told him and handed Nick his toy.

Tom rose from his chair and walked slowly toward his son’s room. He opened the door and went inside. Nick watched him go.

"Mama," Nick asked, "Jay bad?"

"Yes sweetheart," she answered. "He said something very mean to you."

"Me know," Nick told her. "Me love Jay."

"I know you do," she said.

Jarrod was sitting on his bed as his father walked into the room. He looked up and then back down at the floor.

"Jarrod," Tom asked, "you know what you did?"

"Yes papa," Jarrod answered. "I wish Nick no here."

"That’s right boy," Tom replied. "You didn’t mean that."

"Yes papa," Jarrod told him. "I no want Nick here. Bother me all time."

"Jarrod Thomas Barkley," Tom said very sternly, "you are to put your nightshirt on and go straight to bed. Then in the morning, you will do your chores and then spend the rest of the day in your room without your books."

"Papa," Jarrod replied.

"You heard me," Tom told him.

"Yes papa," Jarrod said and started getting ready for bed.

Tom stood in the room until Jarrod was ready for bed. Then he tucked him in, covered him up and kissed him goodnight.

"Jarrod," Tom said, "you remember what I said. I don’t want to ever hear you say that to Nick again."

"Yes papa," Jarrod replied and turned his back to his father.

Tom left the room and went to his chair. He sat down and looked at his youngest son.

"Nick," Tom said, "you play by yourself. Jarrod had to go to bed. He also won’t be able to take you fishing tomorrow."

"Jay mad?" Nick asked.

"No son," Tom replied. "He’s just growing up. He didn’t mean what he said to you."

"Yes," Nick said. "Me see Jay tomorrow."

Victoria looked over at her husband.

"Tom," she asked, "what did you do to him?"

"He had to go to bed," Tom told her. "Tomorrow after he does his chores, he will spend the rest of the day in his room without his books."

"Oh Tom," she said. "Isn’t that a bit harsh?"

"No," Tom replied. "He was very rude to Nick and he will be punished."

The next morning, Jarrod got up early. He did his chores and returned to his room without saying a word to anyone. He spent the entire day in there alone. He had a lot of time to think. He realized that what he had said was wrong. He loved Nick and wanted to spend time with him. He was just caught up in the moment. That evening when Tom came home, he went into Jarrod’s room.

"Son," he said as he walked in, "do you have anything to say to me?"

"Yes papa," Jarrod replied. "I sorry for what I say Nick. I love Nick. I play Nick."

"Good," he told him. "You may come out of your room but don’t let me hear you say anything like that again. Is that understood?"

"Yes papa," Jarrod said.

Father and son walked out of the room. Nick was sitting on the floor playing. He looked up when Tom and Jarrod walked out. He stood up and walked over to Jarrod.

"Jay," he said, "Me sorry."

"I sorry too Nick," Jarrod replied. "I love you."

"OK," Nick told him. "Play?"

"Yes," Jarrod said and sat down in the floor with Nick.

"See I told you everything would be all right," Tom replied.

"Yes," Victoria answered. "They’re brothers Tom. Nothing will change that."

"No nothing will ever change that," Tom agreed and smiled.


The Boy Who Loved Books

Nick, who was two, didn’t like the fact that Jarrod, almost six, always had his nose stuck in a book.

"Jay," Nick said one day sitting in the parlor floor while Jarrod had his nose stuck in a book, "why read all time?"

"Because I like to," Jarrod replied. "They are so much fun."

"Books no fun," Nick told him.

"Well, Nick," Jarrod shot back. "They are to me."

"OK," Nick said. "Me no mean make you mad me."

"I’m not mad," Jarrod replied. "I just like to read books."

"All right," Nick told him. "Me know one thing?"

"What’s that?" Jarrod asked him.

"Jay play not books," Nick said.

"Sure," Jarrod replied. "How about now?"

"Yes," Nick told him.

The two brothers played together for the rest of the evening. Tom and Victoria were very proud of their two sons. Jarrod was going to start school. He wasn’t quite six but he was very smart and the teacher had agreed to let him start.

"Victoria," Tom said, "I can’t believe Jarrod starts school tomorrow. He has really grown up fast."

"Yes I know," Victoria replied. "He’ll be a little bit younger than the other students in his grade but he’ll do fine. I guess all those books I’ve read to him has really helped him."

"You’re a wonderful mother Victoria," Tom told her. "Jarrod and Nick are lucky to have a mother like you."

"Thank you Tom," she said. "They’re also lucky to have a father like you."


The First Day of School and the Jealous Brother

The next morning was the first day of school for Jarrod. He was up early. He was very excited about going to school.

"Mother," Jarrod said as he got ready to leave for school, "I’m so excited about going to school. I will meet boys my own age and get to read more books."

"Yes you will honey," she replied.

After breakfast Jarrod left for school. Nick watched his brother leave.

"Mama," he asked, "Where Jay go?"

"He’s starting school Nick," she answered. "He’ll be home this afternoon."

"Me go Jay," Nick begged.

"No sweetheart," she told him. "You’re not old enough. Why don’t you come inside and help me?"

"All right," Nick said and the two of them went into the house.

In Stockton, Jarrod walked into the school. He saw a lot of children. Some were close to his age and some were older. He found a seat beside a little boy, who had light brown hair and brown eyes. The boy looked at him as he sat down.

"Hi," he said. "I’m Matt Parker."

"Hi," Jarrod replied. "My name is Jarrod Barkley."

"How old are you Jarrod?" Matt asked.

"I’m almost six," Jarrod answered. "What about you?"

"I’m seven," Matt told him. "Do you want to be friends?"

"Yes," Jarrod told him.

Another boy sat down on the other side of Jarrod. He looked over at Matt and Jarrod.

"Hi Matt," Frank said.

"Frank," Matt replied. "Jarrod, this is Frank Sempleworth. Frank, this is Jarrod Barkley."

"Hi Frank," Jarrod told him.

"Hi," Frank said.

The three boys really enjoyed each other’s company.

"Jarrod," Matt said as he got ready to leave for home, "I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m glad we’re going to be good friends."

"Me too," Jarrod replied.

"Jarrod," Frank said, "you take it easy and I’ll see you tomorrow."

"Right," Jarrod told him and headed for home

That afternoon when Jarrod came home, he told his mother about his day and the two new friends he had made.

"Mother," he said, "I met two boys today. They are both a year older than I am but they are really nice. We are going to be good friends."

"I’m really glad for you honey," Victoria replied. What are their names?"

"Matt Parker," Jarrod told her, "and Frank Sempleworth."

Nick walked into the room when he heard Jarrod’s voice.

"Jay," he said, "Me happy you home. Me miss Jay."

"I missed you too," Jarrod replied. "Mother, can I invite Matt and Frank over some time?"

"I don’t see why not," she told him. "Your father knows Frank’s father and maybe Matt’s."

"That’s great," he said.

Over the next few weeks, Matt Parker, Frank Sempleworth and Jarrod became very close friends. However, Nick didn’t like it one bit."

"Mother," Jarrod said, "I going to play with Matt and Frank."

"You be careful," she replied.

"I will," Jarrod told her and left.

Nick watched his brother ride off. He wanted to go with him but he wasn’t quite big enough. Victoria noticed Nick’s face and walked over to him.

"What’s the matter sweetheart?" she asked.

"Jay not play me," Nick answered. "Jay no like me."

"Yes he does," she said. "He’s just met these two boys and they are close to Jarrod’s age. He’ll play with you. I promise."

"Me hope," Nick replied and slowly walked to his room.

Victoria watched him go. Nick sat down on his bed. He wanted to do things with his brother.

Jarrod, Frank and Matt played together all afternoon. It was nearly dark when Jarrod walked into the house. Nick heard his brother and came out to see him.

"Jarrod," Victoria said, "you’re late.

"I sorry," he replied. "We were having fun."

"Don’t let it happen again young man," she told him.

"I will not," Jarrod said.

"Jay," Nick replied, "play?"

"Not now Nick," Jarrod told him. "I need to do homework."

Jarrod walked into his room and closed the door. Nick watched him leave. He was very sad that his brother didn’t want to play with him. He walked over and sat down in the floor with a very long face. Victoria noticed his face and walked over to him.

"What’s wrong sweetheart?" she asked.

"Jay mad me," he answered.

"No Nick," she said. "Jarrod is just growing up. He’s in school now and has schoolwork to do. He’ll play with you later."

"Me not know," Nick replied. "Jay mad Nick."

"No," she told him again. "Your brother is not mad at you."

Later that evening when Jarrod had finished his schoolwork, he looked over at Nick who was still pouting because Jarrod had been ignoring him.

"Nick," he said, "I’m sorry."

"Jay mean," Nick replied.

"No," Jarrod told him. "I’ve been very busy. I have friends."

"Jay mean," Nick said again.

"Look," Jarrod replied, I’m not mad at you. But I will be if you do not hush about it."

"Me sorry," Nick told him.

"It’s all right," Jarrod said. "Come on. I play with you for a little while."

"Good," Nick replied.

The two brothers weathered the storm and Nick understood that Jarrod needed boys his own age to play with. He was still disappointed when Jarrod wouldn’t play with him but over time he found friends of his own.


A Brother’s Love (Year Six)

Jarrod, who was almost seven and Nick, who was three, were in the barn one warm June afternoon. They were feeding and watering Cinnamon, Jarrod’s horse.

"Nick," Jarrod said as he looked around for some hay, "there’s not any hay down here. You wait here and I’ll climb up to the loft and push some down."

"All right," Nick replied.

Jarrod began to climb the ladder up to the loft. Nick watched him climb up. As Jarrod stepped on the final rung, he heard it crack and break. Jarrod couldn’t retain his balance and fell backwards to the barn floor with a thud. Nick saw Jarrod fall and ran over to him.

"Jay," Nick said, "wake up."

Jarrod didn’t wake up and Nick ran out of the barn and to the house. When he ran in, Tom caught him.

"Whoa son," he said. "What’s your hurry?"

"Jay fall papa," Nick replied. "He no wake up."

"Where did your brother fall?" Tom asked concerned.

"The barn," Nick told him.

Tom rushed outside and ran to the barn with Nick right behind him. When he reached the door of the barn, he saw his son. He hurried over to him. Jarrod didn’t move. Tom checked him and found a bump on the back of his head.

"Nick," Tom asked, "where did he fall from?"

Nick pointed to the loft and the ladder. Tom looked up and then down at his son. Tom gently picked Jarrod up and carried him to the house. When he saw Billy Sanders, one of the hands, he yelled to him.

"Billy!" Tom yelled.

Billy, a young man with dirty brown hair, stopped and walked over to Tom.

"Yeah boss," Billy said.

"Ride into Stockton and bring the doctor," Tom replied. "My boy’s fell and he’s out cold."

"Yes sir," Billy told him and rushed off.

Tom carried his son into the house.

"Victoria!" Tom yelled as he walked inside.

Victoria came out of the bedroom. When she saw Tom, she gasped.

"Tom," she asked, "what happened?"

"Jarrod fell in the barn from the loft ladder," he answered. "He’s got a bump on the back of his head. I’ll take him to his room."

"What about the doctor?" she asked.

"I sent one of the hands after him," Tom answered.

He carried his boy to his room and laid him down on the bed. Victoria hurried over to the bed. She felt the back of his head and the bump. The doctor arrived a short time later. He examined the boy.

"Jarrod," he said, "will be all right. He’s just got a bad bump on his head. I need to make sure that he doesn’t have any broken bones or internal injuries."

"All right doc," Tom replied.

The doctor checked the boy again.

"No broken bones," he told them. "Keep him quiet for a few days and then let him gradually start getting up. He’ll have a headache but I’ll leave some medicine with you to give him. Don’t worry."

"Thank you," Victoria said and the doctor left.

She and Tom stayed by their son’s bed until he woke up.

"What happened?" Jarrod asked. "Why does my head hurt so bad?"

"You fell and hit your head honey," Victoria answered. "Do you hurt anywhere else?"

"I don’t think so," he said. "When can I get up?"

"Not for a few days," she replied. "I’ll give you some medicine to help your head stop hurting."

She gave him some of the medicine the doctor had left. Nick was standing in Jarrod’s room. When the doctor left, Nick walked over closer to the bed. He looked at his brother and knew he was hurt.

"You rest," she said.

"All right," he replied and closed his eyes.

"Nick," she said, "come on. Your brother needs to rest."

"No," Nick replied. "Me stay here."

"Nick," she told him, "you come with me. Your brother is asleep."

"No," Nick said. "Me stay."

"All right," she replied and gave in.

When she and Tom walked out of Jarrod’s room, they sat down on the couch.

"I’m glad he’s going to be all right," Tom said. "I’ll fix that ladder and make sure there aren’t any more rotten rungs."

"Tom," Victoria asked, "did you notice Nick?"

"Yes," he answered.

"He wouldn’t leave his brother," she told him.

"He loves Jarrod," Tom said. "And he is showing his love for Jarrod by staying with him to make sure he’s all right."

Nick climbed up in the chair and sat down. He didn’t take his eyes off of his brother. When Jarrod woke up several hours later, Nick was still sitting beside of him.

"Nick," Jarrod asked, "what are you still doing here?"

"Me stay," Nick answered. "Jay all right?"

"Yeah," Jarrod said. "I just have a headache."

"Play?" Nick asked.

"Not right now," Jarrod replied. "Maybe later."

"OK," Nick told him.

Jarrod continued to improve and several days later he was up and moving. Tom replaced the ladder rung and made sure there were no more rungs that were weak and could break. Jarrod never forgot that Nick stayed with him while he was hurt. And he would repay the debt time and time again.


The Grandparents’ Visit

When Jarrod was almost seven and Nick was three, they met their grandparents for the first time.

One cool evening in August, Tom was sitting in the parlor at his desk reading a letter. Victoria walked in after putting the boys to bed.

"Well," she said, "both of the boys are asleep. That Nick. I don’t know what I’m going to do with him. He’s wide open all the time. It’s so hard to get him calmed down enough to go to sleep."

Tom didn’t say anything and Victoria could tell he was a thousand miles away.

"Tom," she asked, "what’s bothering you?"

"Nothing," he answered. "I just received a letter from my parents. They are coming for a visit to see the boys."

"That’s wonderful," she said. "Jarrod and Nick have never met their grandparents. I wish the new house was finished."

"I know," Tom replied. "I haven’t spoken to my parents in two years. I’ve been so busy with the ranch, my business interests and the boys. I hope they won’t be too upset."

"I’m sure they’ll be happy to see you Tom," she told him.

The next morning at the breakfast table, Tom told Jarrod and Nick about the visit.

"Jarrod," Tom said, "Nick, your grandparents are coming for a visit at the end of the week."

"Grandfather Barkley father?" Jarrod asked getting excited.

"Yes," Tom answered. "I want you to be on your best behavior when they arrive."

"Yes sir," Jarrod replied.

"OK," Nick told him.

"Good," Tom said.

On Friday afternoon, Tom, Victoria, Jarrod and Nick rode into Stockton to meet the train. Charles and Sarah Barkley stepped down and walked over to their son. Charles was a big man like Tom, with gray hair and blue eyes. Sarah was a small woman with gray hair and blue eyes.

"Tom," Charles said as they walked up, "it’s been too long son."

Charles gives his son a hug.

"Tom," Sarah replied as she hugged her son, "you are looking well."

"Mother," Tom said, "Father. "It’s so good to see you both. You remember Victoria."

"Yes," Charles replied. "How are you my dear?"

"Victoria," Sarah said while hugging Victoria, "you are looking so well."

"Charles," Victoria replied, "Sarah. "I’m so glad you could come for a visit."

"Are these your boys Tom?" Charles asked.

"Yes father," Tom answered. "This Jarrod and Nick. Boys, meet your grandparents."

"Hello," Jarrod said.

Both boys shake hands with their grandfather.

"I can’t believe how much you both remind me of your father when he was a boy," Charles told them.

"My grandsons," Sarah said and hugged them both. "You are both spitting images of Tom, Jim and Dan."

"Let’s get your bags and we’ll go to the ranch," Tom replied.

They picked up the luggage and the group climbed into the buggy and rode to the ranch. Charles and Sarah couldn’t get over how beautiful Tom’s ranch was. Tom showed them the house he was building for Victoria. They were very pleased that their son had done so well for himself. Victoria showed them to their room. Jarrod and Nick went to do their chores.

"Tom," Charles said as he walked with his son and looked around the ranch, "you’ve done very well for yourself. You have a fine ranch here. I can’t believe how those boys look just like you and your brothers did when you were boys."

"Thank you father," Tom replied. "Victoria and I love it here. The boys do too. They’re wonderful sons father. Nick is going to be a rancher like me when he grows up and Jarrod will be a great man."

"Son," Charles said, "I have some bad news for you."

"What?" Tom asked.

"Your brother, Dan, was killed in an explosion in Denver a week ago," Charles told him. "It was quick and he didn’t suffer."

Tom was stunned at the news.

"Not Danny."

"I’m sorry," Charles said.

"What happened?" Tom asked.

"Dan was working in a mine," Charles answered. "He was setting some charges and one of them went off too early. He left behind his wife, Anne, and son, Benjamin."

Tom was completely numb. He walked away from his father. When Tom entered the house, Victoria knew something was wrong. She ushered him into their room.

"Tom," she asked, "what is it?"

"My brother’s dead," he answered. "Killed in an explosion."

"Oh Tom," she said. "I’m so sorry."

"We were so close," Tom replied. "Just like Jarrod and Nick. I can’t believe he’s gone."

"It will be all right Tom," she told him. "Just sit down and I’ll leave you alone."

"All right," Tom said and sat down.

Victoria left the room. She ran into Sarah in the parlor.

"Victoria," she asked, "what’s wrong?"

"Tom’s upset about the death of his brother," she answered.

"Charles told him," Sarah said. "It was devastating. Tom and Dan were very close. There was also Jim but Tom and Dan were did everything together. I don’t know how I will get along without him."

"I don’t know how I would feel if one of my boys were killed," Victoria replied. "You are doing very well under the circumstances."

"Thank you," she said and walked into the bedroom where Tom was.

As she walked inside, she saw her son sitting in a chair. She walked over to him.

"Tom," she said, "I’m sorry we had to bring bad news. You and Danny were so close."

"I know," he replied. "How did Jim take the news?"

"Anne and Benny are going to move in with us," she told him. "Benny looks like his father. But he’s only six. Jim was upset too but he’s dealing with the loss."

"He’ll have you and father to lean on," Tom said with tears in his eyes. "Danny was a good man and brother."

"Yes he was," Sarah replied.

Charles found Jarrod and Nick both working in the barn. They looked up as he walked inside.

"Your father and his brothers used to do their chores together," Charles said. "You two remind me so much of Tom when he was a boy."

"Grandpapa," Nick asked, "you ranch?"

"What?" Charles asked uncertain what Nick had asked.

"He wanted to know if you had a ranch sir," Jarrod replied.

"No," Charles told him. "I live in Denver. I own a business and we live in a big city."

"Ranch nice," Nick said.

"I know it is," Charles replied. "Why don’t you boys go for a ride with me?"

"I’ll have to ask father," Jarrod answered.

"It will be all right," Charles said. "Your father is upset right now. One of his older brothers died in an explosion last week."

"Uncle Dan?" Jarrod asked.

"Yes boy," Charles told him. "Tom and Dan were very close."

"I’m sorry grandfather," Jarrod replied.

Charles and the two boys saddled up three horses and went riding. Charles really enjoyed being with his two grandsons. They were so much like Tom and Dan. Jarrod seemed to be a smart boy and Nick was going to be a rancher just like his father. As the trio started for home, Cinnamon spooked and Jarrod was trying desperately to hang on. Charles went after the boy and when he saw Jarrod thrown from the horse, he hurried as fast as he could. He jumped down from his horse and ran to his grandson. Jarrod seemed to be all right. He just had the wind knocked out of him.

"Jarrod," Charles asked, "are you all right?"

"Yes sir," Jarrod answered.

Charles helped him to his feet. As Jarrod was walking to the horses, he grabbed his head and fell to the ground. Charles went to him.

"Jarrod," he asked, "what’s wrong?"

"I’m dizzy," he answered. "I can’t stand up."

"It’s all right," Charles told him.

Charles picked him up and took him back to the ranch. When he walked in carrying Jarrod, Tom came running.

"Father," Tom asked, "what’s wrong with Jarrod?"

"He fell off his horse," Charles answered. "He’s dizzy."

Tom took Jarrod and put him to bed. He rode to town for the doctor. Tom arrived back thirty minutes later with Dr. Merrar and the doctor examined the boy.

"He’s just banged his head," the doctor told them. "He’ll be fine in a few days."

"Thanks doc," Tom said.

Tom sat with his son. Charles sat down with his son and grandson. He watched his son and remembered the time when he stayed with Tom after he had broken his arm.

Tom had only been six but he was a wide-open boy. Much like Nick was. Tom loved to ride horses. Charles didn’t have but a few but Tom really loved them. He was getting some hay for them when one of the horses kicked and Tom was standing behind it. It hit his arm and broke it. Charles heard his son cry and ran to him. He found his son clutching his arm. He carried his son into the house and then sent for the doctor. He set the arm and Charles sat with his boy until he went to sleep.

"Jarrod," Tom said stroking his hair, "you rest son. You’re going to be fine."

Jarrod was fine in a few days. Charles and Sarah Barkley left the ranch a week later. Jarrod and Nick never forgot their grandparents’ visit.



Jarrod Barkley Learns To Reason (Year Seven)

When Jarrod was almost eight years old, he had not learned to reason things out. He was quick to anger. He had the gift but he just didn’t use it. At school one day, Ben McKelvey was aggravating Jarrod. Jarrod took it as long as he could and slugged Ben.

"That will teach you to leave me alone," Jarrod said.

"Jarrod Barkley," Mrs. Hanson replied, "you will stay after school for fighting."

"But Mrs. Hanson," Jarrod said.

"No buts," she told him.

"Yes ma’am," he said.

When Jarrod finally got home late that afternoon, Victoria and Tom were waiting on him.

"Jarrod," Tom said, "I understand you were in a fight today."

"Yes sir," Jarrod replied.

"I want to see you in the barn son," Tom told him.

"Yes sir," Jarrod said and began to walk toward the barn.

Tom followed his son outside to the barn. When they walked inside, Tom closed the door. Then he looked at his son.

"Jarrod," he said, "I’m very disappointed in you. You know better than to fight."

"I’m sorry father," Jarrod replied.

"Sorry doesn’t cut it," Tom told him. "You will be punished. You will come straight home after school for two weeks. You will do your chores and spend the remainder of the time in your room. You will apologize to Mrs. Hanson. And finally, you will become a friend to the boy you were fighting with."

"Father," Jarrod said, "I can’t. Ben McKelvey is not a nice boy. You can’t be serious."

"Yes I am," Tom replied. "You do it or else."

"Yes sir," Jarrod told him.

"Go on to your room," Tom said and Jarrod walked toward the house with his head hung down.

Tom walked back into the house. When Victoria saw him, she walked over to him.

"How did it go?" she asked.

"Jarrod is to stay in his room for two weeks," Tom answered. "Apologize to Mrs. Hanson. And become friends with the boy he was fighting with."

"Tom," she said, "I think that’s wonderful. He can’t fight with someone after he gets to know them."

"I hope so," Tom replied.

Jarrod sat down on his bed. He couldn’t stand the thought of becoming friends with Ben. That was worse than he imagined.

The next day at school, Jarrod approached Ben. Ben looked at him and grinned.

"I heard what you have to do Barkley," Ben said. "It won’t happen. I’ll never be friends with the likes of you."

"You don’t even know what I’m like," Jarrod replied.

"Yes I do," Ben told him. "You’re a mama’s boy."

"I am not," Jarrod said.

"Yes you are," Ben replied.

Jarrod punched him right in the face. Ben fell to the ground. When he came up, he headbutted Jarrod in the ribs. Both boys fell to the ground. Mrs. Hanson managed to break up the fight.

"I’m very disappointed in both of you," she said. "I’m going to talk to your parents Jarrod. This is the second straight day of fighting for you."

"But," Jarrod replied.

"Let’s go," she told him, grabbed him by the arm and they went to her buggy.

Jarrod climbed in and sat down. They rode out to the Barkley Ranch. As they rode, Mrs. Hanson talked to Jarrod.

"I know you’re a good boy," she said. "You are a smart boy. Why don’t you use those smarts and think before you act. You could probably talk Ben out of goading you into a fight. If you wish to make something out of yourself, you need to reason. Consider all the alternatives before you act."

"Do you really think I can?" Jarrod asked.

"Yes I do," she replied. "This talent will be beneficial in everything you do."

"I’ll give it a try," he told her.

"Good," she said. "I still need to talk to your parents."

"I know," he replied. "I’m sorry Mrs. Hanson. I wasn’t thinking. I shouldn’t have let what Ben said get under my skin. I won’t let it happen again."

"I’m glad," she told him.

When they arrived at the ranch, Mrs. Hanson and Jarrod walked into the house. Tom and Victoria met them. She explained what had happened. Tom was angry with his son.

"I told Jarrod to think before he acted," she said. "He’s got the natural ability but he’s not using it. Once he starts using it, he’ll be a different boy."

"I hope so Mrs. Hanson," Tom replied. "I’ll punish him for fighting."

"I better go," she told them. "Jarrod, you remember what I said."

"I will," he said and smiled.

Mrs. Hanson left and Tom looked at his oldest son. He was angry but he knew the boy had probably been provoked.

"Jarrod," he said, "you go to your room."

"Yes sir," Jarrod replied and walked to his room.

"Tom," Victoria asked, "what are you going to do?"

"I’m going to make him stay in his room," Tom told her. "I have a pretty good idea he was goaded into fighting by that boy. Maybe if he has some time to think, he’ll learn how to talk his way out of these kinds of predicaments."

"I hope so," Victoria said.

The next day at school, Jarrod ran into Ben. Ben tried to goad him into a fight but Jarrod didn’t say a word. He just stood there and looked at him. That made Ben even madder.

"Ben," Jarrod said calmly, "I’m not going to fight you. You’ll have to get your pleasure from someone else. I’ve got better things to do with my time than fight you."

Ben watched as Jarrod walked off. Mrs. Hanson was very proud of Jarrod. He had used the gift he had been given. From that time on, Jarrod looked at things from every angle possible before he made a decision. It was a wonderful gift.


Tom Returns From Stawberry

Tom had to go to Strawberry, a small mining town, on business when Jarrod was almost eight and Nick was four. He was gone two weeks. When he returned home, he was very distant.

Tom walked in the front door after being gone over two weeks. The boys ran to him and hugged him. Tom smiled but he wasn’t the same man that had left two weeks ago.

"Father," Jarrod said and smiled, "I’m very glad you’re home. How was your trip?"

"All right," Tom replied. "I need to put my bag up."

He walked away from his two sons without hugging them or asking about them. Nick and Jarrod looked at each other. They had no idea why their father was ignoring them. Victoria walked out of their room and saw Tom.

"Tom," she said, "when did you get home?"

"Just a few minutes ago," he replied. "I’m going to unpack."

He walked into their bedroom and didn’t even kiss his wife. Victoria looked back at the door to their room trying to decide whether or not she should go in. Finally, she decided that Tom wanted to be alone. Then she saw her two sons’ faces.

"Jarrod," she asked, "what’s wrong honey?"

"Father," he answered. "He didn’t hug us or really smile at us."

"He’s just tired," she said. "He’ll be happier after he gets some rest."

Later that evening, Tom finally came out of his room. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days. Jarrod and Nick were both hesitant to approach their father. They sat in the floor and played. Tom sat down in his chair and picked up some papers that he had brought back with him. He began to read.

"Tom," Victoria asked, "how was your trip?"

"It was all right," he answered.

"What’s bothering you Tom?" she asked. "Ever since you came home, you’ve been very distant."

"Nothing’s wrong!" he snapped at her.

Jarrod and Nick both looked up at their father when he raised his voice to their mother. They couldn’t believe that their father had been angry with their mother.

"Victoria," he said, "just leave it alone. Everything went fine."

"If everything went fine Tom then how come you are biting my head off?" she asked.

"I’m not!" he said loudly. "Just leave me alone."

He rose from his chair and walked out the door. Victoria knew there was something wrong but she couldn’t figure out what it was. Jarrod and Nick walked over to her.

"Mother," Jarrod asked, "what’s wrong with father?"

"I don’t know honey," she answered.

Jarrod slowly walked to the door and then outside. He looked for his father and finally found him in the barn. He was feeding and watering the stock. Jarrod slowly walked toward his father.

"Father," he asked, "is something wrong?"

"No son," Tom answered. "I’ve just had a long trip. I’ll be fine in the morning."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes," Tom answered. "Go on in the house. I’ll be in shortly."

"Yes sir," Jarrod said and walked away.

Tom began to think.

"How do I tell my wife and sons that I met another woman?" he thought. How do I tell them that I slept with her? Oh Leah, I do love you. But I also love Victoria and my two sons. It was a mistake I know. Maybe if I don’t say anything about it, Victoria won’t keep asking. Someday I’ll tell her but not right now. Thank goodness there won’t be any children from this. I don’t know what I would do if I had a child by this woman. I know it was a mistake and I’m sorry."

Tom slowly walked into the house. Victoria watched him enter. He finally smiled at her. She smiled back. Whatever the problem had been, Tom was slowly getting back to normal.

"Maybe some day he’ll tell me what was wrong," she thought. "But for now, I’ll let it go. My husband is back and he is safe."

Life began to get back to normal. But Tom was never the same. He would sometimes just have a far off look in his eyes as he was thinking about Leah. Victoria never questioned him again about his trip to Strawberry but twenty-four years later she would learn the secret behind her husband’s odd behavior that night after he returned from Strawberry.

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