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The Bookworm, Part 2
By Janet Harbison
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Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No infringement is intended in any part by the author, however, the ideas expressed within this story are copyrighted to the author.

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Branded As A Thief (Year Eight)

Jarrod, who was almost nine, had taken a job stacking firewood and helping around the farm of Jacob Fowler, a neighbor of the Barkleys. Jake was a tall man with red hair. Jake really liked the boy and was paying him $.10 an hour. Jarrod worked very hard. When he was finished, Jake paid him and Jarrod left for home.

The next day, Harry Lyman, the sheriff, paid a visit to the Barkley ranch. Tom answered the door.

"Harry," he said, "this is a surprise. What brings you out our way?"

"I wish this was a social visit but I’m hear on business," Harry replied.

"What’s wrong?" Tom asked.

"Where is Jarrod?" Harry asked.

"In his room," Tom answered.

"Can you get him Tom?" Harry asked.

"Certainly," Tom said and went to Jarrod’s room.

Tom and Jarrod walked to the door. Harry looked right at Jarrod.

"Jarrod," he said, "I’m sorry about this. But you’re under arrest for stealing."

"But I haven’t stolen anything," Jarrod replied.

"Stealing from who?" Tom asked.

"From Jake Fowler," Harry told them.

"But sheriff," Jarrod said, "I didn’t take anything from Mr. Fowler."

"Let’s go," Harry replied.

"Harry," Tom asked, "what are you doing?"

"I’ve got no choice Tom," he answered. "I’m going to have to lock your boy up."

"Harry," Tom said, "he’s only eight."

"I know," Harry replied. "But Jake has filed charges."

"Can’t you let him stay here in my custody?" Tom asked.

"No," Harry answered. "He has to appear in court. Let’s go."

Harry escorted Jarrod out the door and to his horse. Jarrod looked back at his father and he was terrified. They rode off toward town. Victoria walked to the door. When she saw Tom’s face, she knew something was wrong.

"Tom," she asked, "has something happened?"

"Yes," he answered, "Harry just arrested Jarrod for stealing."

"He what?" she asked.

"Jake Fowler swore out a complaint that Jarrod stole from him," Tom said. "Harry’s taking him to jail."

"Tom," she replied, "he’s only eight."

"I know that," Tom told her.

Tom and Victoria rounded up Nick and left the house. They rode to Stockton to the sheriff’s office.

"Harry," Tom asked, "can I post bail for my son?"

"Yeah," Harry answered. "Then I can release him."

"All right," Tom said and paid the bail.

The Barkleys left the sheriff’s office where they ran into Jake Fowler.

"I thought your boy was in jail for stealing," Jake said. "He’s a thief."

"No I’m not," Jarrod replied. "I didn’t steal anything from you."

"Jake," Tom said, "you better be careful what you say because if you say the wrong thing, I’ll have to slug you. My son is not a thief."

"Yes he is," Jake replied.

Tom punched Jake right in the mouth. Jake came up and charged Tom. Tom and Jake got into a knockdown drag out fight. Harry hurried over and broke it up. When he pulled them apart, Jake finally admitted that Jarrod didn’t steal from him.

"All right," Jake said. "Your boy didn’t steal from me. I lied. You and your family are so goody goody. I wanted to ruin your life as well as that of your boy’s."

"Now you’ll spend time in jail for falsely accusing this boy of stealing," Harry replied.

"Mr. Fowler," Jarrod said, "I didn’t steal from you. I worked very hard trying to help you out. Don’t ever ask me to help you again. Now if you don’t mind, I want to go home and do my homework."

Jarrod walked away from Jake. Tom was very proud of his son. He walked over to the sheriff’s office with Harry and Jake was jailed.

"Jake," Tom said, "my boy is smart. He is a good boy. If you ever say anything bad about my boy again, I’ll finish what we started in the street. Harry."

Tom left the sheriff’s office and the Barkley family went home.


The Quarrel

Jarrod, who was almost nine, kept a picture of his grandfather, Charles Barkley on a table by his bed in the beautiful two-story home they now lived in. Victoria’s dream house had been completed that summer and both boys had their own rooms. It also had a large parlor, gun room or study or library, a nice sized kitchen, a sewing room for Victoria, a foyer with a semi-winding staircase, two bedrooms downstairs off the kitchen for the hired help that Tom had recently hired and several guest rooms. Tom had also hired a butler named Silas. He was an older black man with graying hair who was not married. He loved working for the Barkleys. He really loved the boys. He called them Mr. Jarrod and Mr. Nick. One day when Nick was five, he knocked the picture off and broke it.

"You did that on purpose," Jarrod said as he walked into his room and saw Nick drop the picture.

"No I did not," Nick replied. "I picked it up to look at it and it slipped out of my hands."

"You broke it," Jarrod shot back. "I wish you wouldn’t touch my things."

"I was only looking at it," Nick told him.

Tom heard the quarrel coming from Jarrod’s room and walked inside.

"What’s going on?" he asked.

"Nick broke the picture of Grandfather Barkley I had setting on my table on purpose," Jarrod said.

"I did not break it on purpose," Nick said loudly.

"All right boys," Tom replied. "That’s enough. Nick, did you break the picture?"

"Yes," Nick told him.

"See I told you he did," Jarrod said. "All he wants to do is mess with stuff that’s not his. Why don’t you go and break your own stuff?"

"Boys," Tom replied, (replace with said, Tom’s not replying to them, they’re fighting with each other) "that’s enough."

"But father," Jarrod replied. "He had no business being in my room in the first place. I don’t go into his room and mess with his things.

"I know you don’t" Nick told him. "If you did mess with my things I would punch you right in the mouth."

"No you wouldn’t," Jarrod said louder. "I’m bigger than you are."

"Being bigger does not always win the fight," Nick replied just as loudly.

"Boys!" Tom yelled. "That will be enough. Now, Jarrod I know that Nick was only admiring the picture. He wouldn’t intentionally break it."

"Yes he would father," Jarrod said. "He just wants to get on my nerves."

"No I do not," Nick shot back.

"Yes you do," Jarrod said.

"Boys," Tom said and grabbed both of them by an arm. "That’s enough. You two are brothers. And as brothers, you’re supposed to love and care about each other."

"But father," Jarrod replied.

"No buts Jarrod," Tom told him.

"Father," Nick said, "I hate it when Jarrod gets so mad over a little bitsy broken picture."

"You hate it," Jarrod replied. "I hate when you come into my room and start messing with my stuff."

"Oh yeah," Nick told him.

"Yeah," Jarrod said.

Tom was nearly at the end of his rope over this. He looked at both of his sons. He grabbed them both by an arm and jerked them right in front of him.

"I want you two to shake hands and act like brothers again," he told them. "And if I ever hear of you two arguing over anything like this again, we’ll pay a visit out to the barn. Is that understood?"

Jarrod and Nick looked at each other. They were still very angry with each other.

"I said do you two understand?" Tom asked again.

The two boys finally nodded and looked at their father.

"I’m sorry father," Jarrod said. "I shouldn’t have gotten so upset over the broken picture. I’m sorry Nick."

"I am sorry too," Nick replied. "I should not have been holding it to drop it. I am also sorry father."

"All right," Tom told them. "Just remember you’re brothers and nothing should come between brothers."

Jarrod and Nick finally shook hands. They smiled at each other and Tom put an arm around each one of his sons. He smiled at them. From then on, Nick never ever picked up any pictures that Jarrod had in his room. In fact, neither brother went into the other one’s room unless they were invited.


Mother’s Little Angel (Year Nine)

Victoria decided one cool spring morning to ride into Stockton in the buggy and do some shopping. Tom was working in the north pasture with six-year-old Nick. Victoria found Jarrod, who was almost ten, in the study. He was reading a book.

"Jarrod," she said as she walked into the room, "I’m going to ride into Stockton for a few things. Will you go with me and help carry the packages?"

"Yes mother," Jarrod replied.

Victoria and Jarrod headed out to the buggy that had been harnessed and then headed for Stockton.

"Jarrod," she said as they were riding along, "I’m so glad you came with me."

"I am too mother," he replied.

As they rounded a curve in the road, the horse bolted for no apparent reason. Victoria held onto the reins as hard as she could.

"Hang on!" she yelled at Jarrod.

She tried to stop the horse but he was galloping too fast. As they rounded another curve, the buggy broke away from the horse and overturned. Victoria was pinned underneath. Jarrod had been thrown several feet away and had landed hard on his left shoulder and collarbone. Victoria came too and looked around. She looked for Jarrod and saw him a few feet away.

"Jarrod," she asked, "can you hear me?"

Jarrod slowly began to come to. When he started to move, a pain shot down his left arm. He cringed.

"Jarrod," she said, "come here."

He slowly got to his feet and walked over to his mother who was still trapped.

"Mother," he asked breathing hard, "are you hurt?"

"No," she answered. "I’m just pinned under the buggy."

"I’ll get you out," he said.

With strength he didn’t realize he had, Jarrod reached down with both hands and lifted the buggy off of his mother. He cried out with the pain coming from his left shoulder. Victoria was able to slide her legs out from under it. Jarrod dropped the buggy, grabbed his left shoulder and started to cry.

"Jarrod," Victoria asked, "where are you hurt?"

"My arm," Jarrod answered, still in an awful lot of pain.

"Let me see," Victoria said as she sat up.

She felt his arm and shoulder. She knew it was either separated or pulled badly. They had to get to town and help.

Tom and Nick had arrived back at the ranch. Tom had found the note left by Victoria and decided to ride into Stockton to meet his wife. Nick went along with him. As they rode along the road toward Stockton, Tom spotted the buggy. He jumped down from his horse and ran to his wife and son.

"Oh Tom," she said as he and Nick ran over. "The buggy overturned. My right leg is injured because the buggy fell on it. Jarrod lifted the buggy up enough for me to get free but he’s hurt. His shoulder is separated or pulled."

Tom went to his son who had dropped to the dirt clutching his left arm. He was in excruciating pain. He felt Jarrod’s shoulder and the boy cried out in pain.

"It’s all right," Tom said easing the boy down on the ground. "Just take it easy. We’ll get you and your mother to Dr. Merrar."

"It hurts," Jarrod replied crying.

"I know it does son," he told him. "Nick, stay with your brother. I’m going to turn the buggy up so we can take your mother and brother to town."

Nick sat down in the dirt beside of Jarrod. He smiled down at his brother but Jarrod was in too much pain to smile.

"It will be all right," Nick said. "You will be fine."

Tom walked over to the buggy and flipped it upright. Then he went to his wife and helped her up. He aided her to the buggy and helped her climb in. Then he walked over to his son. He gently picked Jarrod up and carried him to the buggy. He sat him down beside his mother. Victoria put her arm around him careful not to hurt his shoulder. Jarrod laid his head over on his mother. Tom harnessed his horse to the buggy and tied Nick’s to the back of the buggy. Then the four of them headed for Stockton. Tom kept glancing down at his son and knew Jarrod was still in excruciating pain. When they pulled up in front of the doctor’s, Tom helped Victoria down and into the office. The doctor came out and helped her into the examination room. Tom went back to the buggy and lifted Jarrod out. He carried him in and took him back where his mother was.

"Victoria," the doctor said, "you’ve got a badly bruised ankle. I don’t want you walking on it for several days."

"All right Doctor," she replied. "How’s Jarrod?"

The doctor walked over to Tom who was cradling his son. He began to examine the boy. When he touched Jarrod’s shoulder, the boy screamed.

"Oh!" Jarrod screamed. "Please! Papa."

"His shoulder is separated," the doctor said. "I’m going to have to put his shoulder back in the socket. Hold him Tom. This is going to hurt."

Tom held his son tightly. Dr. Merrar took Jarrod’s shoulder and worked it back in the socket. The boy screamed.

"Ow," he screamed. "That hurts! Make it stop papa."

Tom held his son and then cradled him once the doctor had finished setting it. Once the doctor had his shoulder back in socket, he put the boy’s arm in a sling. He gave the boy some medicine and he fell asleep in Tom’s arms. The doctor helped Victoria back to the bed and brought a cot in for Jarrod. Tom laid him down and covered him up. Victoria sat in bed and looked at her son.

"Tom," she said, "I don’t know how he did it, but somehow he lifted that buggy up enough for me to free myself. I knew he was in pain. He’s mother’s little angel."

"I don’t know either," Tom replied. "He’s a brave boy. He loves his mother very much."

Victoria laid down and rested. Jarrod slept for several hours. When he woke up, he noticed his arm was in a sling. He wasn’t sure what he had done to it but he was frightened when he couldn’t remember. When Tom noticed his boy was awake, he walked over to him and smiled.

"That was a brave thing you did for your mother," he said. "I don’t know how you did it but I’m glad you did. You’re a very brave boy."

"Thank you sir," Jarrod replied. "Why is my arm in a sling?"

"You separated your shoulder when you were thrown from the buggy."

"Where’s mother?" he asked.

"I’m right here honey," she answered. "I want to thank you for what you did Jarrod. You were very brave. You’re mother’s little angel."

"Thank you," he said. "When can we go home?"

"Not for a couple of days," Tom replied. "You and your mother have to get better. You rest."

"Yes sir," Jarrod told him. "I’m sorry about calling you papa. I meant to say father."

"It’s all right boy," Tom said and smiled. "You had a right to call me papa."

Several days’s later, Victoria and Jarrod were well enough to go home. Victoria still needed help to get out to the buggy and Jarrod still had to wear a sling. Two weeks later, they were both fine. Victoria never forgot what her nine and a half-year-old son did for her. To her he would always be mother’s little angel.


My Little Hero

Tom was working outside the barn unloading bales of hay to store in the loft one cool Friday in March. He was standing in the wagon which he had backed up to the outside loft window. His oldest son, Jarrod, who was almost ten, was in the loft pulling the bales over to stack later. Tom had set a bale of hay up into the loft but it was not secure. It began to tip and then began to fall. Jarrod saw it and tried to grab it. The bale of hay tipped and started to fall taking Jarrod with it because he was too small to stop it’s momentum.

"Father!" Jarrod yelled as he and the bale fell toward the wagon below. "Look out!"

Tom looked up just in time to see the bale and his son coming toward him. He jumped out of the bed of the wagon to the ground. The bale and the boy hit the wagon bed at the same time. Jarrod didn’t move. Tom hurried over to his son and turned him over. He had a large bump on the back of his head where it had impacted with the bed of the wagon.

"Jarrod," Tom asked, "can you hear me son?"

Jarrod was out cold. Tom picked his son up gently and carried him into the house. Victoria heard him walk in and met him at the door.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Jarrod was helping me with the hay bales," Tom answered. "I evidentially didn’t get one bale up in the loft window where it wasn’t top heavy. It started to fall. Jarrod tried to stop it and they both fell out the window at the same time. Jarrod hit the wagon bed with a thud. I’ll put him in his bed and ride to town for the doctor."

Tom carried his son up the stairs to his room. He gently laid the boy down on his bed. Victoria sat down beside of him.

"Honey," she said, "its all right. You’re going to be fine."

Tom left and headed for Stockton and the doctor. An hour later, the doctor walked into Jarrod’s room.

"Victoria," Tom asked, "how is he?"

"He still hasn’t come to," she answered.

The doctor walked over to the boy and examined him. When he raised him up to check the back of his head, there was blood on the pillow. The doctor felt the wound. Then he gently cleaned it and wrapped Jarrod’s head with a bandage. Then he looked at Jarrod’s eyes and checked to see if he had movement in his arms and legs. Once he was satisfied, he looked over at Tom and Victoria.

"He has a concussion," the doctor said. "When his head impacted with the bed of the wagon, he must have cut a small gash. I’ll give him some medicine for the pain. He should be all right. I’m just a little worried that he hasn’t regained consciousness yet. I had better stay here until he does."

Victoria sat down on the edge of the bed and talked to Jarrod.

"Honey," she said softly, "it’s mother. You’re going to be all right."

"Son," Tom replied as he stood right behind his wife, "it’s your father. I need you to help me finish stacking the bales of hay."

Jarrod’s eyes began to flutter and finally he opened them. He looked around and grabbed his head with his hands.

"Jarrod," the doctor said, "it’s Dr. Merrar. I want you to tell me where you hurt."

"My head is really hurting," he replied and started to cry. "Please."

"Just as I suspected," the doctor told them. "He’s got a very bad concussion. His brain’s been jarred very hard. I’ll give him something for the pain and to help him rest. He’ll be all right in a week but no moving around for a couple of days."

"Right doc," Tom said.

The doctor gave Jarrod a spoonful of medicine and he drifted off to sleep. Tom undressed him and put his nightshirt on. Then they tucked him in his bed. Victoria pulled a chair over close to his bed and sat down. Tom walked the doctor out when he was satisfied that the boy would be all right.

Later that evening, Jarrod woke up. He cringed when he moved his head but this time he didn’t cry. Victoria talked to him.

"Honey," she said very softly, "how do you feel?"

"My head hurts but not as bad," he replied. "What happened?"

"You were helping your father store hay in the barn loft," she told him. "You fell when you tried to stop a bale from falling."

"I remember now," he said. "Father, thanks for saving my life. You’re the most important person in my life."

"You’re welcome son," Tom replied and smiled. "Thanks for saving my life and for the compliment."

"Don’t mention it," Jarrod told him and closed his eyes.

Jarrod was able to get up three days later. Within a week, Tom and Jarrod finished unloading all the bales of hay. Tom never forgot what Jarrod said to him when he woke up about his father being the most important person in his life. Tom was very proud of his son and his little hero.


Fighting Mad (Year Ten)

Nick, who was seven, and Jarrod, who was almost eleven, had never had any real problems between each other. One warm September day, Jarrod was working in the barn. Nick was in the tack room when he heard his brother say something to one of the hands. He took exception to it and came out of the room. He charged Jarrod and knocked him to the ground.

"Don’t say that," Nick said as he knocked Jarrod to the ground.

"Get off of me," Jarrod replied and pushed Nick off of him.

The two boys began to punch each other. Tom heard the commotion and walked over. When he saw his two sons going at it, he intervened.

"What’s going on?" he asked.

"Jarrod said something I didn’t like," Nick answered.

"What did I say?" Jarrod asked confused.

"Never mind," Nick said. "You just said it."

"Listen," Jarrod replied, "you stop saying I said something or I’ll knock you down."

"You just try it," Nick told him.

Jarrod charged Nick and the two boys were on the ground. They were fighting now. Tom reached down and pulled his sons apart.

"I said to stop," he said angrily.

"But he hit me first," Jarrod replied.

"No I didn’t," Nick told him.

They went at it again. Tom grabbed both his sons again. He physically pulled them into the barn. He sat them down on two bales of hay.

"Listen," Tom said, "you are brothers. You should be loving each other not pummeling each other."

"He started it," Jarrod replied pointing at Nick.

"Well," Nick told him, "I had a very good reason."

"Boys," Tom said, "that’s enough. Both of you go to your rooms."

Jarrod and Nick both rose and started walking toward the house. When they went inside, they were still leering at each other. Victoria saw them walk in and asked Tom.

"Tom," she asked, "what’s wrong with the boys?"

"They got into a fight outside near the barn," Tom answered.

"Over what?" she asked.

"I don’t know," he answered. "They wouldn’t say. I’ve sent them to their rooms until I can decide what to do."

Tom walked slowly to his oldest son’s room first. He opened the door and walked in. Jarrod was sitting on his bed. He looked up when his father walked inside.

"Jarrod," Tom said, "I’m very disappointed in you. As the oldest, you’re supposed to set the example. You’re confined to your room until further notice."

"Yes sir," Jarrod replied.

"You are not to see Nick for the next two days," Tom told him.

"Not see him?" Jarrod asked. "Why not?"

"Because you can’t keep from fighting," Tom answered.

"Yes sir," Jarrod said.

Tom left Jarrod’s room and walked to Nick’s.

"Nick," he said, "I’m very disappointed in you. You have got to learn to control your temper."

"Yes father," Nick replied.

"You are confined to your room," Tom told him. "And you are not to see Jarrod for two days."

"Two days?" Nick asked.

"Two days," Tom answered.

Then he left and went to the parlor. After an hour, Nick slipped out of his room and Jarrod slipped out of his room. They met in the middle of the hallway. They looked at each other for a few minutes then smiled at each other. They hugged. Tom was watching out of sight. He smiled. From then on, his sons never came to blows again.


My Brother the Wildcat

Nick, who was seven years old, couldn’t help but get in fight after fight at school. Tom was getting aggravated at his young son.

"Nick," he said one evening after dinner, "I can’t understand you. Why do you have to continue to get in fights everyday at school?"

"I don’t know," Nick answered. "Somebody says something that I don’t like and I slug them."

"That’s not the way to handle the situation," Tom replied. "You need to try and work out the problem before you use your fists."

"I can’t," Nick told him. "I’m not like Jarrod father. I don’t reason everything out. I’m a boy of action. And usually that means fights."

"Nick," Tom said, getting angry, "you will stop fighting or else."

Tom left his son and walked out to the barn. He needed to cool down before he said something he would regret. He was very angry with his younger son, the wildcat, as some of the boys at school called him. Nick walked back toward his room and ran into Jarrod.

"What’s bothering you little brother?" Jarrod asked.

"Father’s been all over me about fighting at school," Nick answered.

"Look," Jarrod said, "I know you’re not completely to blame. I’ll help you out. It’s partly my fault because I didn’t stop you when I should have."

"You don’t have to do that," Nick told him.

"I know I don’t," Jarrod replied. "I want to. You are my brother and I would do anything for you."

"Thanks Jarrod," Nick said and smiled.

Nick didn’t get into too many more fights after that night. When he did, Jarrod was there beside of him to give him a hand. When Tom found out what Jarrod had said to Nick, he was proud of his oldest son.


Baby Gene

Toward the end of 1854, Victoria had learned that she was pregnant. She had told Tom.

"Tom," she said one night after dinner while the boys were doing their homework, "I’m going to have another baby."

"That’s wonderful," Tom replied.

"Yes mother," Jarrod said. "I hope it’s a girl."

"Why do you want a girl?" Nick asked.

"Because I for sure don’t want another brother," he told him.

"What’s wrong with another brother?" Nick asked.

"You have been a pain," Jarrod said. "You get in trouble constantly. You have a loud voice and you don’t listen."

Nick didn’t say anything. Jarrod had made his point.

On April 21, 1855, Victoria gave birth to a third son. When Tom and the boys found out it was a boy, Tom and Nick were thrilled because it meant that Nick wasn’t the baby any longer. But Jarrod was not very happy.

"Victoria," Tom asked when he saw the baby for the first time, "what are we going to name this boy?"

"I’ve been thinking about that Tom," she answered. "My maiden name was Franklin and I think that would be a nice middle name don’t you?"

"Yes I guess so," Tom said. "But what about his first name?"

"What about Gene father?" Nick replied. "I think Gene is an easy name to say."

"Eugene Franklin Barkley," Tom said. "I like it."

"I do to," Victoria told them. "Thank you sweetheart."

"You’re welcome," Nick said. "Jarrod what do you think?"

"It’s all right I guess," he replied and walked out of the room.

"What’s wrong with him?" Nick asked.

"I’m not sure son," Tom answered him.

Tom walked out the door looking for Jarrod. He found him outside in the barn with Cinnamon. Tom walked over to him and put his arm around Jarrod’s neck.

"Son," he asked, "what’s bothering you?"

"I don’t know father," he answered. "I guess I just don’t want another little brother."

"Why," Tom asked.

"Because I’ve had to get Nick out of so many predicaments he seems to always get himself in like fights, that I guess I’m just not looking forward to the fact that Eugene may be the same way."

"Jarrod," Tom said, "do you remember when your brother Nick was born?"

"Not really," Jarrod replied.

"Well," Tom told him, "I do. You walked over to him and stuck out your hand to him. He grabbed hold and you told him you would always be there for him, to never let go and that you’d always love him. And you have. Gene needs you to teach him, love him and do things with him just as you have with Nick. Do you understand what I’m getting at?"

"Yes sir," Jarrod said. "I’ll help him out all I can. I promise."

"Good," Tom replied and father and son walked back into the house together.

Jarrod and Nick both helped Gene learn and both spent a lot of time with him. Gene was a very quiet little boy. Everyone forgot part of the time that Gene was even in the room. He had brown curly hair and brown eyes. Jarrod and Nick were still very close but they made a place in their hearts for the littlest Barkley son. By the time Gene was older he really loved and admired his brothers for what they had given him.


Jarrod’s Predicament (Year Eleven)

Jarrod Barkley, who was almost twelve, was a very good son. Nick, who was nine, was a wild boy and didn’t always listen to his parents or his brother. Tom kept all his rifles and revolvers in a cabinet in the gun room.

"Jarrod," he said right after they moved into the new house, "Nick, if you take one of the rifles or one of the pistols, before you put it back be sure and clean it good. If you don’t gunk builds up in the barrel and it is that much harder to clean."

"Yes sir," Jarrod replied.

"All right," Nick told him.

One afternoon after school, Jarrod had decided to do some target shooting. He picked up one of the rifles from the cabinet and a box of ammo. He walked outside in the pasture behind the barn and set up targets. He was shooting when Matt Parker and Frank Sempleworth rode up.

"Jarrod," Matt said as he and Frank rode up to Jarrod, "Frank and I are going to Stockton. You want to come with us?"

"Sure," Jarrod replied. "Just let me put this rifle up."

"We’ll wait for you down the road," Frank told him.

Jarrod nodded and walked back to the house. He carried the rifle into the gun room and put it in the cabinet.

"I’ll clean it good when I come back," he told himself.

He headed out the door. He climbed on his horse and rode off to meet his friends. The three boys rode off toward Stockton.

Several days later, Tom was checking his rifles and revolvers. He found the rifle that Jarrod had used and never cleaned. He pulled it out and looked at it. He called Nick into the room.

"Nick!" he yelled, "will you come in here?"

Nick walked into the room. Tom was holding the rifle in his hand. He looked at his son with disappointment evident on his face.

"I told you to never put a rifle or revolver up until you cleaned it, didn’t I?" he asked.

"Yes," Nick answered not sure what his father was talking about.

"Why didn’t you clean this rifle up after you used it?" he asked.

"I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about father," Nick said. "I haven’t shot a rifle in weeks."

"Son," Tom replied, "don’t lie to me. I’m very disappointed in you. You go to your room until I decide what punishment you will receive."

"But father," Nick said.

"Go," Tom told him.

Nick walked out of the room and walked slowly upstairs where he ran into Jarrod.

"Nick," Jarrod asked, "what’s wrong?"

"I got in trouble for not cleaning a rifle before putting it in the cabinet," Nick answered. "I haven’t shot one in weeks."

"Don’t worry about it little brother," Jarrod told him. "It’ll be all right."

Nick walked away and went into his room. Jarrod stood there thinking about what Nick had just told him. He knew who had put that rifle up without cleaning it. He decided not to tell his father it was he. Tom walked up the steps as Jarrod was walking downstairs. Tom was very angry.

"Father," Jarrod said.

"Jarrod," Tom replied as he walked toward Nick’s room.

Jarrod had a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. He knew that he was to blame but he was letting his brother take the blame for it. He walked outside and into the barn where his horse Cinnamon was. He was still trying to make up his mind about what to do.

Tom entered Nick’s room.

"Son," Tom said as he walked in, "I’ve decided on your punishment."
"But father," Nick replied, "I didn’t do it."

"You will come straight home after school each day for a week," Tom told him. "You will do your chores and then spend the rest of the time in your room."

"But father," Nick said.

"Is that understood?" Tom asked.

"Yes sir," Nick replied.

Tom walked out of his son’s room and went downstairs. Victoria met him as he walked downstairs.

"What’s happened Tom?" she asked.

"Nick took one of the rifles and didn’t clean it before he put it back in the cabinet," Tom answered. "I just punished him. He has to come straight home after school every day for a week and then spend the rest of the time in his room."

"All right Tom," Victoria said. "That sounds like ample punishment."

Jarrod was still in the barn. He was thinking about what he had done and what Nick had been blamed for. Tom walked out to the barn.

"Jarrod," Tom said as he walked in, "your brother has been confined to his room for the next week because of the rifle."

"He has," Jarrod replied.

Jarrod walked out of the barn and didn’t say any more. Tom watched him go. He had a feeling that something was bothering his oldest son.

That evening after dinner, Tom was working on some papers at his desk. Jarrod walked in and stood at his desk. Tom looked up and was surprised to see him.

"Son," he asked, " something on your mind?"

"Yes sir," Jarrod answered. "Nick didn’t put the rifle up without cleaning it. I did."

"You?" Tom said. "Jarrod, that doesn’t sound like you."

"I know," Jarrod replied. "I took the rifle out to do some target practicing and then Matt and Frank rode over. They wanted me to ride to Stockton with them. I put the rifle back in the cabinet without cleaning it. I meant to do it when I returned home but I forgot."

"You forgot," Tom said. "Then you let your brother take the blame for something you did. Jarrod, you go up to your room and I’ll be up shortly with your punishment."

"Yes sir," Jarrod replied and left the room.

Victoria walked in a few minutes later. She noticed Tom’s expression.

"Tom," she asked, "what’s bothering you?"

"I just found out that Nick didn’t put that rifle up without cleaning it," he answered. "Jarrod did."

"Jarrod," Victoria said shocked.

"Yes," Tom replied. "He just now owned up to it. Now I have to apologize to Nick and punish Jarrod."

"I can’t believe that Jarrod would let his brother be blamed for something he did," she told him.

"Well," Tom said, "he did."

Tom left the room and walked upstairs to Nick’s room. When he walked in, Nick looked up and then back down to his schoolbook.

"Nick," Tom said, "I’m sorry for blaming you for the rifle incident. Your brother, Jarrod, finally owned up to it."

"Jarrod," Nick replied.

"Yes," Tom told him. "I’m on my way to punish him."

Tom left Nick’s room and walked down to Jarrod’s room.

Nick was furious at what Jarrod had done. He was going to get even with his brother for this. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do but Jarrod would regret letting Nick take the blame for something that he had done.

Tom entered his oldest son’s room. Jarrod was sitting on the bed and he looked up when his father walked in.

"Jarrod," Tom said, "I am very disappointed in you. You let your brother take the blame for something that you did. How could you have done that? You will come straight home from school each day for two weeks. You are not to see Matt and Frank outside of school for those two weeks and you will clean every rifle and revolver in the gun cabinet until they are spotless. Plus, you will do Nick’s chores for one week. And you will apologize to your brother. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir," Jarrod replied. "I’m sorry father."

"You don’t need to apologize to me," Tom told him. "You need to apologize to your brother and try to repair the damage you caused."

"Yes sir," Jarrod said and Tom left the room.

Jarrod sat there and thought about what he had done. Then he walked out of his room and down to Nick’s. He knocked on the door.

"Come in," Nick said.

Jarrod opened the door and walked in. When Nick saw him, the anger was evident on his face.

"What do you want?" Nick asked hatefully.

"I came to apologize," Jarrod answered. "I didn’t mean for you to take the blame for something that I had done."

"You didn’t," Nick shot back. "Why didn’t you tell father earlier?"

"I don’t know," Jarrod said.

"Well," Nick replied, "you get out. I don’t want to see you."

"But Nick," Jarrod told him.

"Get out!" Nick yelled and Jarrod left his room.

As Jarrod was walking back to his own room, he ran into his mother.

"What’s wrong honey?" she asked.

"Nick’s very angry with me," he answered.

"He has a right to be," she said.

"I know he does," he replied. "I tried to apologize but he wouldn’t listen."

"Just give him some time," she told him. "You had better start doing what your father told you to do."

"Yes," he said and walked back to his room.

Victoria walked to Nick’s room and entered. Nick was still fuming.

"Sweetheart," she said, "Jarrod told me what happened. You need to remember something."

"What’s that?" he asked. "That I despise my brother."

"No," she said. "Do you remember when you got into all those fights at school?"

"Yes," he replied.

"Your brother took part of the blame for that," she told him. "He took the punishment that should have been yours alone. He didn’t have to but he wanted to. He blamed himself because he couldn’t keep you from fighting."

"He did?" he asked not realizing what a sacrifice his brother had given him.

"Yes," she said. "Now I know you are angry at Jarrod but just remember he is your brother."

"I will," he replied and she left the room.

Nick started thinking about what his mother had told him. Jarrod had come to his aid on many occasions. He was still angry with him but he also knew that Jarrod was his brother. He left his room and walked down to Jarrod’s room.

"Jarrod," he said as he walked inside, "you in here?"

"Yeah," Jarrod replied.

"Jarrod," he said, "I’m sorry for being so angry with you. I forgot what you did when I got into all those fights at school. You’re my brother and I love you."

"Thanks Nick," Jarrod told him. "I’m sorry I didn’t own up to what I did."

"What did father do to you?" Nick asked.

"I can’t see Matt and Frank except at school for two weeks," he said. "I have to clean every gun in the cabinet and I have to do your chores for one week."

"Goodness," Nick replied. "Listen I’ll help you."

"You don’t owe me anything," Jarrod told him.

"Yes I do," Nick said. "We’re brothers and brothers help each other and stand by each other."

"Thanks Nick," Jarrod replied.

Jarrod and Nick worked together and cleaned every gun spotless for their father. Nick helped him with the chores. Neither one of the brothers ever forgot what sacrifice the other one had given. Their relationship was much closer after this incident.


The Accidental Shooting (Year Twelve)

One cool September morning, Tom Barkley took his two sons on a hunting trip into the mountains near Pine Lake. Jarrod was almost thirteen and Nick was nine. The boys were really looking forward to the trip. They arrived at the campsite the middle of the morning after leaving before daylight. They set up camp and then went deer hunting. Jarrod went one way, Nick went another way and Tom tried to keep an eye on both boys.

Nick was making his way down a small embankment when he heard the leaves rustle. He raised his rifle, took aim and fired.

"Oh no!" Jarrod screamed. "Help! Father!"

Nick ran to where the scream had come from. When he found Jarrod, his brother was on the ground clutching his right side. Upon closer examination, Nick saw that Jarrod had been shot. He looked at his rifle. He knew he was the one who had shot Jarrod. It wasn’t a deer he had heard. It was his own brother. Tom arrived a few minutes later. He kneeled down next to his son.

"Oh father," Jarrod said. "It hurts."

"I know it does son," Tom replied. "What happened?"

"I don’t know," Jarrod told him. "I was walking along and the next thing I know there’s a shot and something slammed into me. Oh it hurts."

"Take it easy boy," Tom said.

Tom looked at the wound. It was deep. Tom picked up his son and carried him back to camp. Nick was numb. He knew what had happened. He had accidentally shot his own brother. Jarrod was going into shock. He was starting to run a fever. He was still clutching his side. Tom knew the bullet had to come out.

"Jarrod," he said, "that bullet is going to have to come out. This is going to hurt but I have to get it out."

"No," Jarrod begged. "I can’t."

"Yes you can," Tom told him.

Tom picked up his hunting knife and held it over the fire. Then he went to his son. He opened Jarrod’s shirt and went to the wound. He began to dig for the bullet. Jarrod screamed in pain. Tom knew it was painful for his son but he had to find that bullet. Nick just sat and watched. He was too numb to do anything. After several minutes, Tom located the bullet. He dug it out. Then he wrapped the wound with a bandage from tearing strips off from one of the blankets. Jarrod was becoming delirious. He was talking out of his head. Tom knew he had to get Jarrod to a doctor.

"Nick," Tom said, "we’ve got to get Jarrod to Pine Lake. He’s lost a lot of blood and he’s burning up with a fever."

"Father," Nick replied, "I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do it."

"You didn’t mean to do what?" Tom asked.

"I didn’t mean to shoot my brother," Nick said.

"You?" Tom asked shocked.

"I heard the leaves rustle," Nick replied. "I shot at the sound. Then I heard Jarrod cry out."

"It’s all right son," Tom told him. "We have to get your brother to a doctor."

"All right," Nick said. "What can I do?"

"I’m going to set Jarrod up on my horse and hold him," Tom replied. "You bring his horse. We’ll have to hurry. He’s lost an awful lot of blood."

Tom and Nick went to work. They packed up all the gear. Then Tom sat Jarrod up on the horse and climbed up behind him. They began the trek to Pine Lake. Jarrod was burning up. He was barely conscious. They kept going. A couple of hours later, they rode into Pine Lake. Tom stopped in front of the doctor’s office. He climbed down from his horse. Tom eased Jarrod down. He was still burning up. Luckily, about half way down, he had passed out. Tom carried the boy into the office.

"Doctor!" he called as he walked in.

The doctor walked out of the back room. He saw the boy and motioned for Tom to bring Jarrod to the examination table. Tom laid Jarrod on the table and stepped back.

"What happened?" the doctor asked.

"He was shot," Tom answered. "I dug the bullet out but he’s burning up with a fever and he’s somewhat delirious."

The doctor examined Jarrod. When he looked up, he was shaking his head.

"Your son has lost a large amount of blood," he said. "He has a fever from the infection that has set up in the wound. I need to give him a transfusion. Will you give him blood?"

"I would but he’s not the same blood type as me," Tom answered.

"Do you know who is?" he asked.

"My other son here might be," Tom said. "I don’t know."

"Son," he asked, "would you be willing to give your brother blood if you match?"

"Yes sir," Nick said. "Because I’m the one who shot him."

The doctor didn’t ask any questions. He went to work. He took a sample of Jarrod’s blood and a sample of Nick’s and tested them. When he reappeared, he was nodding.

"They match," he said. "We can begin."

Nick sat down next to Jarrod and the doctor began the transfusion. Jarrod was still burning up. After the transfusion was over, the doctor gave Jarrod some medicine to help fight the fever and the infection. Now all they could do was wait. Tom sat down beside his son. Nick sat down beside his father. He prayed that Jarrod would be all right. He hadn’t meant to shoot his brother. Tom noticed Nick’s face and decided to talk to him.

"Son," he said, "don’t blame yourself. It was an accident. Your brother is going to be all right. You have to believe that."

"I’m trying," Nick replied. "Father, I should have looked closer before shooting. I love Jarrod."

"He knows that," Tom told him. "You gave him a transfusion. Try not to worry. Your brother’s strong."

"He’ll hate me," Nick said.

"No he won’t," Tom replied. "He loves you."

While they were talking, Jarrod’s eyes began to open. Tom looked over and when he saw his son beginning to wake up, he moved closer to the bed.

"Jarrod," he said, "come on boy. Wake up."

"Oh," Jarrod replied. "What happened?"

"You were shot," he told him. "How do you feel?"

"I’m sore," Jarrod said. "I’m so hot."

"You have a fever son," Tom replied.

"How come my side hurts?" Jarrod asked.

"Nick accidentally shot you," he answered.

"Nick," Jarrod said. "Why?"

"He thought you were a deer," he replied.

"I’m so sorry Jarrod," Nick told him. "Please forgive me."

"It’s all right," Jarrod said and smiled. "It was an accident."

"Son," he replied, "you rest."

Jarrod closed his eyes and slept. Several days later, he was allowed to get up. After a full week, Jarrod was able to go home. He was all right and didn’t hold a grudge against this brother.


Retaliation on A Barkley

Nick, who was nine at the time, was on his way home from school on day when he heard someone call his name. He always walked the same way home everyday. Jarrod, who was almost thirteen, was usually with him but he had stayed in town to see the sheriff.

"Nick," Tony Barnes said as Nick walked by, "I want to speak to you a minute."

Tony, who had blond hair and blue eyes, was the same age as Nick. Nick stopped and walked over to him.

"What do you want?" Nick asked. "I have to get home and do my chores."

"I didn’t like what you did in school today," Tony said. "You shouldn’t have said that to Debbie. She really likes you."

"I don’t care anything about Debbie Wilson Tony," Nick told him. "And besides you need to mind your own business."

"Yeah," Tony said. "Well, calling her names wasn’t very nice.

"Yeah," Nick replied. "She started it first and since when do you care about Debbie."

"Since today if it’s any of your business," Tony told him.

The two boys ended up in getting into a fight. After it was over, Nick stood up and looked down at Tony.

"That’ll teach you to pick on me Barnes," Nick said and walked away.

Tony got up and dusted himself off. His nose was bleeding and he had a black eye. He went home where his older brother, Seth, a boy of fifteen, saw him.

"What happened to you?" Seth asked.

"Nick Barkley," Tony answered.

"Barkley again," Seth said. "I think it’s about time I teach those Barkleys that they can’t run over people."

"Nick’s only nine Seth," Tony replied.

"I know that," Seth told him. "But doesn’t he have an older brother?"

Yeah," Tony said. "Jarrod, why?"

"No reason," Seth replied. "I’ll see you in a little while. You better go and get cleaned up."

"All right," Tony told him and headed for the house.

Seth decided to talk to his two closest friends, Clay Briggs and Sam Adams. He met them at the old mill on the other side of Stockton. It had been abandoned for several years. Seth, Sam and Clay met there often.

"I need some help," Seth told them. "My little brother got beat up by that Nick Barkley. I want to teach those Barkleys a lesson."

"All right," Clay said. "What did you have in mind?"

Seth told them what he wanted to do and the next day they carried it out.

Jarrod was on his way to see the sheriff after school the next afternoon. Jarrod and Harry had been sharing books with each other since Jarrod was two years old. Jarrod thought the world of Harry. He loved reading Harry’s books. Jarrod still had the book that Harry had given him when he was two. It was one of his favorites. As he was walking down the street toward the sheriff’s office, Seth Barnes walked out of an alley beside the general store.

"Jarrod," Seth said as he walked up to Jarrod. "Can I see you a moment?"

"Seth," Jarrod replied as he stopped. "I’m in a hurry."

"I need to talk to you a minute," Seth told him. "It’s very important."

"All right but make it fast," Jarrod said. "I’m in a hurry."

"Come over here and I’ll tell you," Seth replied.

The two boys walked into the alley. Sam and Clay came up behind Jarrod and grabbed him by his arms.

"What’s going on?" Jarrod asked.

"Yesterday," Seth answered, "your brother, Nick, beat up my brother, Tony. I’m just repaying the debt."

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Jarrod said.

Seth just smiled at him and punched him right in the ribs. The air flew out of Jarrod’s lungs and he would have fallen to the ground had the other two boys not been holding him up. Seth hit him again and again in the ribs. Soon his ribs were on fire. Seth then pummeled him in the face. Jarrod’s nose began to bleed and his mouth was busted open. But Seth wasn’t finished. He kept on hitting Jarrod. After ten minutes of continued abuse, the boys threw Jarrod to the ground. He could barely move.

"Take that back to your brother Barkley," Seth said.

The three boys left with smiles on their faces. Jarrod tried to stand up but his ribs were hurting very badly and he was dizzy. He tried to crawl but he couldn’t. Finally, he passed out in the dirt behind the general store.

When Jarrod didn’t keep his appointment with Harry, he got worried. Jarrod was always on time. He decided to go look for the young man. Harry walked down the street looking for any signs of the young man. When he arrived at the alley that ran behind the general store, something made him walk down that alley. Then he spotted Jarrod. He hurried over to him and turned him over. He cringed when he saw the boy’s face and shirt. Harry knew he had broken and bruised ribs plus his face was bloody. He gently picked Jarrod up and carried him to Dr. Merrar’s. When he walked in with the Barkley boy, Merrar was shocked.

"What happened?" he asked.

"I don’t know," Harry answered. "I found him in the alley behind the general store. It looks like he’s been beaten up."

"Carry him into the examination room and put him on the table," Merrar told him. "Then you better ride out to the Barkley ranch and tell his folks."

"Right," Harry said. "Do what you can for him?"

"I will," the doctor replied.

The doctor began to examine Jarrod. When he unbuttoned the boy’s shirt, he could tell that several of his ribs were broken. He wrapped them as tight as he could. Then he cleaned up Jarrod’s face. He put a bandage around his head because there was blood from a wound on the side of his head. He picked Jarrod up and moved him to the back room and laid him on the bed. The boy’s breathing was labored because of his broken ribs. He waited until the boy’s parents arrived.

Harry left the doctor’s office and climbed up on his horse. He rode as hard as he could for the Barkley ranch. He arrived at the house thirty minutes later. He dismounted and walked up to the front door and knocked. Tom answered the door.

"Sheriff," Tom said, "this is an unexpected pleasure. Won’t you come in?"

"Tom," Harry replied, "I’ve got some bad news for you."

"Harry," Tom asked, "what’s wrong?"

"It’s Jarrod," Harry told him.

"What about Jarrod?" Tom asked starting to get worried.

"I found him about forty-five minutes ago in an alley behind the general store," Harry said. "Tom, he’s been beaten up very badly. He’s gotten either bruised or broken ribs and his face was a bloody mess."

"I’ll be right with you," Tom replied. "I need to tell my wife."

"I’ll wait outside for you," Harry told him and left the house.

Tom walked back into the house and into the library. Victoria, who was pregnant with their fourth child, was reading a book while taking it easy and she looked up when Tom walked in. When she saw his face, she knew something was wrong.

"Tom," she asked, "what is it?"

"The sheriff just came to the door," Tom answered.

"What’s happened Tom?" she asked.

"He said that he found Jarrod in an alley beaten up very badly," Tom told her.

"We have to go to town," Victoria said.

"I know," Tom replied. "Harry’s waiting outside."

They headed out the door. Victoria was carrying baby, Eugene. Tom found Nick out in the barn.

"Nick," he said as he walked up to his son, "Jarrod’s been badly injured. Your mother and I are going to town to the doctor’s."

"I’m going too," Nick replied and dropped what he was doing.

They took the buggy and they rode as fast as they could to Stockton. When they arrived in front of the doctor’s, the family rushed inside. Dr. Merrar met them as they walked in the door.

"How is Jarrod?" Victoria asked.

"He’s been savagely beaten," Merrar answered. "He has broken and bruised ribs, abrasions all over his face, and a concussion."

"Can we see him?" Tom asked.

"Yes," he answered and showed them to the back room.

As they walked into the room, Tom could see his son’s battered and beaten body. He cringed when he saw his oldest son. Jarrod’s head was bandaged, so were his ribs and his face had cuts and bruises all over it. Victoria walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it.

"Honey," she said, "it’s mother. I’m right here."

"Son," Tom replied, "it’s all right. We’re right here. You’re going to be fine."

"He’s been unconscious since the sheriff brought him in," the doctor told them. "He’s going to be in a great deal of pain when he wakes up but I believe he’ll be all right."

"Who could have done this to my boy?" Tom asked getting angry. "If I ever find the guilty party, I’ll..."

"It’s all right Tom," Victoria said. "Let’s just get our son well."

"I don’t have any idea who did this Tom," Harry replied. "There wasn’t anyone around him when I found him."

They stayed with Jarrod. Several hours later, Jarrod began to come too. He moaned when he tried to move and Tom held him as still as he could.

"Jarrod," Tom said, "you’ve been badly hurt. You can’t move around too much."

"Oh," Jarrod replied. "What happened?"

"Someone beat you up," the doctor told him.

"Son," Tom asked, "do you know who it was?"

"Yes," Jarrod said very weakly. "It was Seth Barnes and two of his friends. He said it was for something that Nick had done to his younger brother. Oh."

"Here Jarrod," the doctor replied and gave him a spoonful of laudanum.

Jarrod slowly closed his eyes and slept. Tom and Victoria looked over at Nick for answers.

"I did have words yesterday with Tony Barnes," Nick said. "He made some comments about a me and a girl. I took exception and hit him. I had no idea his brother would beat up Jarrod."

"Nicholas," Victoria replied, "what am I going to do with you? You should have just walked off."

"I’m sorry," Nick told them.

"The main thing is that we get Jarrod better," Tom said. "How long will he have to stay before he can go home?"

"Several days," the doctor replied. "You are welcome to stay here with him. He’ll sleep for a while after giving him the medicine."

"Thank you doctor," Victoria told him.

Late that evening, Jarrod woke up. He was in a great deal of pain but he was awake.

"How long have I been here?" he asked weakly.

"Several hours," Tom answered. "Just take it easy."

"Oh my ribs hurt," Jarrod said.

"I know they do honey," Victoria replied. "You have broken and bruised ribs. You need to rest."

"What did Nick do to make Seth do this to me?" he asked.

Nick looked down at his brother.

"Tony and I got into a fight day before yesterday," Nick told him. "I guess Tony ran home to Seth and then Seth decided to take it out on you. I’m sorry big brother. I didn’t mean for this to happen."

"I know you didn’t," Jarrod said. "Seth’s a hothead anyway. He’s worse than you."

"That’s saying a lot," Nick replied.

"Jarrod," the doctor said as he walked in, "you need to rest."

"Yes sir," Jarrod answered.

"Close your eyes honey," Victoria told him.

Jarrod closed his eyes and slept. Because Victoria had been under a lot of stress with the severe injury to Jarrod, she went into labor while Jarrod was still at Dr. Merrar’s. Jarrod was still too weak to get up so Dr. Merrar put Victoria in his and his wife’s bed. On November 18, 1857, she gave birth to a daughter. Tom was indeed very thrilled. Nick and Gene were happy but Jarrod still didn’t know.

"Victoria," Tom said as he walked into the room, "she’s beautiful. She has my eyes."

"Yes she does," Victoria replied. "She’s the spitting image of her father. How are the boys taking the news of having a little sister?"

"Gene is happy and so is Nick to a certain degree," Tom told her. "But Jarrod doesn’t know yet. He’s still asleep. He’s been asleep for quite a while. When he wakes up, I’ll tell him."

"All right," she said. "Tom, what are we going to name her?"

"I like the name Audra for a girl," Tom replied. "What about Audra Victoria Barkley?"

"Audra Victoria," she said. "I really like that name."

"Good," he told her. "I better go and check on Jarrod."

Tom left his wife and baby daughter. He walked over to Jarrod’s room. When he entered the room, Jarrod was beginning to wake up.

"Son," Tom said as he walked up to the bed, "can you hear me?"

"Yes," Jarrod replied and opened his eyes.

When he tried to move, he was still in immense pain. He looked up at his father and noticed the happy expression on his face.

"Has something happened?" he asked.

"Yes son," Tom answered. "You have a blond haired baby sister. Her name is Audra Victoria."

"A sister," Jarrod repeated. "I wish I could see her."

"You will in a few days," Tom said. "You just take it easy for a while."

"All right," Jarrod replied.

Several days later, Jarrod was allowed to see Audra for the first time. He was amazed at how pretty she was.

"Audra," he said, "I’ll all ways look out for you. You don’t ever have to worry about anything honey. I love you."

Audra smiled up at her oldest brother and Jarrod smiled back at her. After spending a full week at Dr. Merrar’s, both Victoria and Jarrod were allowed to go home. Jarrod couldn’t get over how beautiful his sister was. She really looked up to her oldest brother. There was bond between them that would never be broken. Jarrod would always look out for his little sister.


The Rattler (Year Thirteen)

One beautiful spring day when Jarrod was almost fourteen, Frank, Matt and Jarrod decided to take a ride toward Stockton.

"Why don’t we take a ride toward Stockton?" Matt asked.

"All right," Frank answered. "You want to go Jarrod?"

"Sure," Jarrod said.

Matt and Frank were in the lead and Jarrod was a little ways back. As Jarrod rode along the road, a rattlesnake was coiled on one side of the road. When Cinnamon approached the snake, he reared up and sped away. Jarrod tried to hold on to the reins. Soon he had passed Matt and Frank. They tried to follow but were left in a cloud of dust. As the horse rounded a curve in the road, Jarrod was thrown off. He landed very hard on the hard ground and his head impacted with a good-sized rock. He was completely knocked out.

At the Barkley Ranch, Nick was in his room. He felt a strange sensation and tried to figure out what it was. He decided to follow the feeling. He left his room and walked downstairs. Victoria met him as she was walking from the parlor to the gun room.

"Nick," she asked, "is something wrong?"

"I’m not sure," he answered. "I’ve got a strange feeling."

"Tell me about it," she said.

"I feel like something bad may have happened to Jarrod," "I was sitting in my room and I felt like I could hear Jarrod call out to me."

"That is strange," she commented.

"I’m going to ride toward Stockton just to make sure that nothing’s wrong," Nick told her.

"Be careful," she said and he headed out the door.

Victoria walked into the gun room here Tom was working. He looked up when she walked in.

"Victoria," he asked, "what’s bothering you?"

"I just ran into Nick and he told me something odd," she answered.

"What did he say?" he asked.

"Nick said he was up in his room and a strange feeling came over him," she began. "He said he felt that something was wrong with Jarrod. He’s going to ride toward Stockton and take a look."

"I’ll go with him," he said and walked out the door.

Tom caught up with Nick at the barn.

"I’m going with you son," Tom said.

"All right," Nick replied and the two of them rode off.

Nick could tell as he rode that the sensation or feeling was getting stronger. Tom watched his son’s expression and knew that his son was bothered by something. As they rounded a curve in the road, Tom spotted Jarrod. He stopped his horse and jumped down. Nick was right behind him. They rushed over to Jarrod. Tom looked him over. When he lifted Jarrod’s head, he saw the rock and the blood. He felt the back of his head and there was a fair sized gash.

"He’s got a gash on the back of his head," Tom said. "We’ve got to get him back to the ranch."

"I know," Nick replied.

They gently picked Jarrod up. Nick cradled his head in his hands. Tom carried him over to the horses. Tom gently set his son up on the saddle. Nick held him to keep him from falling. Tom climbed up and held his son.

"Nick," he said, "you ride to Stockton and bring the doctor to the ranch."

"Yes sir," Nick replied and rode off.

Tom rode as fast as he could to get his boy back to the ranch. When he arrived, one of the hands helped him get Jarrod down. Then Tom carried his son into the house.

"Victoria!" Tom called as he walked inside. "Victoria!"

Victoria came out of the kitchen and when she saw Jarrod she rushed over to Tom.

"What happened?" she asked.

"We found him on the side of the road," Tom answered. "His head is cut open on the back and he’s been unconscious since we found him. I sent Nick on to town for Dr. Merrar."

"Let’s get him up to his room," Victoria said.

Tom carried his son up to his room and laid him down on the bed. Victoria sat down beside him.

"Jarrod," she asked, "can you hear me?"

He didn’t move. The doctor arrived thirty minutes later. He walked into the room and examined the boy.

"Jarrod’s got a bad bump and cut on the back of his head," he said. "Do you know what happened to him?"

"No," Tom replied. "We found him on the side of the road. Will he be all right?"

"I hope so," he told them. "I don’t believe any other damage was done. I’m just worried because he hasn’t come to."

They kept a vigil by Jarrod’s bedside. Shortly afterward, Jarrod began to moan. Tom moved over close to his son.

"Jarrod," he said, "can you hear me son?"

"Oh," Jarrod moaned.

"It’s all right boy," he replied. "You’re going to be fine."

"What happened?" he barely whispered. "My head is hurting."

"Looks like you took a tumble," he told him. "Do you remember what happened?"

Jarrod tried to think but his brain wasn’t cooperating.

"I can’t remember," he said. "Oh my head hurts."

"I’ll give you some pain medicine as soon as I make sure there is nothing else wrong," the doctor replied.

He examined Jarrod again. Satisfied, he gave the young man a spoonful of laudanum. Then he wrapped the boy’s head with a bandage. Jarrod’s eyes closed and he slept.

"It’s not abnormal for him not to remember," the doctor told them. "He may remember in time and then again he may never remember."

"Will he be all right?" Tom asked.

"I don’t see why not," the doctor answered. "He’s going to have to stay quiet for a few days."

"All right doctor," Victoria said.

The doctor left and Nick sat down beside his brother. Tom looked over at his middle son.

"Nick," he replied, "I don’t know what you felt but I’m glad you felt it. We might have lost Jarrod if you hadn’t come downstairs when you did. You and Jarrod must have some kind of special bond between you."

"I don’t know what it is father," Nick told him. "All I know is that I felt like Jarrod called out to me to come help him."

"Well whatever it was, you saved your brother’s life," Victoria said.

A few hours later, Jarrod came to. His head was still hurting but it was a dull pain. He looked around his room. He wasn’t sure how he had gotten here. Tom noticed the expression on Jarrod’s face.

"Son," he asked, "what’s bothering you?"

"I can’t remember how I got here," he answered. "I remember riding toward Stockton with Matt and Frank. I remember Cinnamon getting very jittery and then galloping off. But I don’t remember what caused him to run."

"Your brother, Nick, and I found you on the side of the road," Tom said. "You had either been thrown or fell from your horse. You were unconscious because you hit your head on a rock. And the strangest thing of all is that Nick sensed something when you were hurt like you called out to him."

"I did," Jarrod replied. "As I fell I said Nick and then everything went black. I’m glad Nick heard my cry. But I can’t explain it either."

"There must be some kind of strong bond between you and Nick," Tom told him. "Otherwise, you would have probably laid there for a long time before you were found."

"Nick," Jarrod said and looked over at his brother, "thank you."

"You’re very welcome big brother," Nick replied as he walked over to the bed. "I was glad I heard your cry or sensed it. I’m not really sure myself."

Jarrod continued to improve and within a week was able to get up. Jarrod and Nick would continue to feel that close bond between them for the rest of their lives and on more than one occasion it saved their lives.


The Old Score (Year Fourteen)

Tom and Victoria were in the library of their magnificent home. Tom was working at his desk and Victoria was relaxing on the couch reading a book. Gene, who was four, and Audra, who was two, were playing in the floor. Nick, who was eleven, and Jarrod, who was almost fifteen, were playing a game of pool.

"Jarrod," Tom said looking up from his work at his oldest son, "I was hoping you and Nick would do me a big favor."

"What’s that father?" Jarrod asked turning his attention away from the game and on to his father.

"I need you to ride to Modesto and pick up some important papers from an old friend of mine, Tom replied. "You would be gone a week. These papers are very important. I need them for a business venture I have in the works. I was asked by my old friend to come by and pick them up. I had forgotten that he still had them."

"Sure," Jarrod told him. "We’d be happy to. Wouldn’t we Nick?"

"Yeah," Nick said.

"Good," Tom replied. "You two can leave in the morning. The man’s name is Sam Pendleton. He and I have been friends for over twenty years. I wish I could go myself but with the roundup starting I can’t leave."

"Don’t worry father," Jarrod told him. "We’ll take care of it."

"Right," Nick said. "And when we get back, we’ll help you with the roundup."

"That will be fine," Tom replied.

Victoria who had been listening spoke for the first time.

"Jarrod," she said, "I want you and Nick to be careful. You keep your brother out of trouble and both of you come back safely."

"We will," Jarrod replied. "Nick will be on his best behavior, won’t you Nick?"

"Yeah," Nick told them. "We’ll have a wonderful time together. I look forward to spending some time with my brother."

"Good," she said and smiled.

The next morning the two brothers were up and dressed early. They had everything packed that they would need for the trip. Tom met them as they walked downstairs to leave.

"I’ll expect you back in five days," he said. "The Pendleton Ranch is on the other side of Modesto about five miles."

"Yes sir," Jarrod replied. "And we’ll have the papers for you."

"Yeah," Nick agreed. "Everything will be fine."

"Good," Tom told them. "You two be careful and Jarrod keep an eye on that brother of yours."

"I will," Jarrod said and the two boys left the house.

They mounted up and headed off for Modesto. When they rode into town, they went to the hotel and registered.

"Barkley," the hotel clerk said. "You some of those Stockton Barkleys?"

"Yes sir," Jarrod replied. "We have some business here for our father."

"Your father?" the man asked. "Who is your father?"

"Tom Barkley," Jarrod told him.

"Yes," the man said. "I remember him. He used to come up here often to see Sam Pendleton."

"That’s why we’re here," Jarrod replied. "We have to pick up some documents from Mr. Pendleton."

"He’ll be happy to hear from Tom Barkley," the man told them. "You’re in room twenty-six."

"Thank you," Jarrod said and the two brothers walked away.

The hotel clerk left the desk and walked down to the sheriff’s office. He walked inside. The sheriff looked up and smiled.

"Hank," the sheriff said, "what can I help you with?"

"Two brothers just registered at the hotel," Hank replied. "They are Tom Barkley’s sons."

"Barkley," the sheriff said. "I thought we had seen the last of Barkley five years ago. What are they doing here?"

"The older of the two said they were here to see Sam Pendleton," Hank told him.

"Well," the sheriff replied. "I’ll ride out and talk to Sam. He’s wanted to get even with Barkley for five long years. Wait until he hears that two of his sons are here."

Hank left the office and went back to the hotel. The two brothers were up in their room and were unpacking. The sheriff rode out to the Pendleton Ranch to see Sam.

"Jake," Sam said as the sheriff walked up to him, "what brings you out this way?"

"There are two boys at the hotel," Jake replied. "They are Tom Barkley’s sons."

"Tom Barkley," Sam said. "I hadn’t thought about him in five long years but I haven’t forgotten what he did either. Did they say what they were doing here?"

"Yeah," Jake told him. "Something about picking up some documents from you."

"Great," Sam replied. "I sent a wire to Tom and now I can finally have my revenge against Tom Barkley. When his sons ride out here, we’ll kidnap them. We’ll make them pay for what their father did."

"Good," Jake told him. "Do you want me to wait with you?"

"Yeah," Sam said. "I’ll need some help with my plans."

The two Barkley brothers decided to ride out and see their father’s old friend. They rode out to his ranch. They dismounted and walked up to the front door of the house. They knocked on the door. An older man opened the door. He was lanky and tall with dark brown hair.

"Yes," he said.

"My name is Jarrod Barkley sir and this is my brother, Nick," Jarrod replied. "Our father, Tom Barkley, asked us to ride up here and pick up some important papers from you."

"Yes," he told them. "Won’t you come in?"

The two boys walked inside the house. The sheriff was seated at the kitchen table.

This is the sheriff, Jake Watkins," Pendleton said. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen your father. How is he?"

"Fine," Jarrod replied. "Sheriff Watkins."

"Good," he told them.

"We had better get those papers back to father," Jarrod said as they started to leave.

"What’s your hurry?" he asked.

"We promised him we’d be back in five days," Jarrod told him.

"I’m afraid you won’t make it back in five days," he said and pulled a gun on them.

"What’s going on?" Jarrod asked confused.

"You two are under arrest," the sheriff told them as he also pulled out his revolver.

The sheriff and Pendleton walked over to the two confused and shocked brothers. The sheriff grabbed Nick and Jarrod tried to stop him. Pendleton hit Jarrod right across the face with the gun. Jarrod’s face was cut and he reeled backwards.

"You leave my brother alone," Nick said and was elbowed in the ribs.

"You two are going to spend some time with me," he replied and smiled a wicked grin. "And I’ll get some free labor in the process. I have a lot of work that needs doing around here and you two fit the bill."

"You can’t keep us here against our will," Jarrod told him as he slowly rose to his feet holding the left side of his face.

"Oh no," Pendleton said. "Who’s going to stop me?"

Two of Pendleton’s men walked in the house and grabbed the boys by the arms. They made them walk out to the barn where they were tied to a post back to back in the tack room.

"Jarrod," Nick asked, "are you all right?"

"Yeah," Jarrod answered. "What’s going on?"

"I don’t know," Nick said. "But whatever is it’s got something to do with father."

After a short time, Pendleton walked out and stood over the two brothers.

"I owe your father something for what he did to me five years ago," Pendleton said. "Now I’ll pay him."

He motioned for one of the men to untie the brothers. They were taken by force into the barn where one man held Nick and Jarrod was tied to one of the stall walls. His shirt had been removed and his back was wide open. Another man had a leather belt and he began to beat the boy on the back. Jarrod cried out in pain.

"Oh please!" Jarrod cried. "What did we do?"

"It’s not for you boy," Pendleton said. "It’s payback to your father."

After beating the boy for ten minutes, Jarrod was cut loose and he put his shirt back on. The two boys were taken to a pasture that had been cleared of trees.

"You see those stumps," Pendleton said. "You will dig each one of them up by hand. If you don’t do as you’re told you’ll be punished. Now get to work."

There were a dozen stumps and the two boys were made to dig by hand. Jarrod who was hurting from the beating, didn’t work fast enough to suit Pendleton.

"Boy," Pendleton said, "I told you if you didn’t work hard, you’d be punished."

He hit Jarrod right in the ribs with the butt of the rifle he was carrying. Jarrod dropped to his knees.

"Get back to work," Pendleton said.

One of the men stood over them. Neither one of the brothers were given any water. Jarrod, who was still hurting, managed to finish out the afternoon but he wasn’t doing very well. Right before dusk, they were taken back to the tack room and tied. They still weren’t given any water or food. Jarrod was in bad shape. He was beginning to wheeze very badly. He also started to run a fever. Nick was very worried about him.

"Jarrod," Nick asked, "how are you doing?"

"I’m having a hard time breathing," he answered. "I may have a fever and I can’t see straight."

"Hang in there," Nick said. "We’ll get out of here."

"I hope so," Jarrod replied.

Neither one of the brothers could rest very well. The next morning they were taken back to the pasture. They were forced to dig stumps in the extremely hot sun. They were not given any water. Jarrod finally collapsed. Pendleton and several of his men were guarding the boys. Two of the men picked Jarrod up, removed his shirt and tied him to the wagon. Then they beat him black and blue. They took turns beating him. That afternoon late, the two brothers were ordered to walk to the wagon for the trip back to the barn. Jarrod collapsed again. Nick went to his aid but was thrown into the wagon. Jarrod’s hands were tied and the other end of the rope was tied to the back of the wagon. He was drug (dragged) behind the wagon because he couldn’t stand up. When the group arrived back at the barn Jarrod was released and pulled into the barn where he was tied to the wall of the stall. He sat there all night. A guard would punch him in the ribs or face every time he started to fall asleep. He was really in bad shape by morning. He prayed that his father would rescue them before he was killed.

"Bring his brother out here," Pendleton said. "I want him to see this."

Nick was dragged out of the tack room. When he saw Jarrod, he tried to run to him but one of the men held onto him. Jarrod was barely standing in the middle of the barn with his hands tied in front of him. Pendleton and three of his cowhands were standing around Jarrod. They began to punch him. Then the next one would throw a punch. Jarrod was staggering from one man to another. Finally, he fell to the ground unconscious. Pendleton walked over to the boy and looked down at him. He reached down and picked Jarrod up by the collar of his shirt. Then he pulled the boy outside where he locked him up in a small box covered with chicken wire. The box was extremely small. Jarrod couldn’t straighten out inside. The wire cut into his skin. Jarrod was set down right in the hot sun. Nick knew his brother wouldn’t last much longer. Nick was taken back to the stumps. He worked as hard as he could but his mind was on his brother who was locked up. That evening when Nick was returned to the barn, Jarrod was also freed. They were tied in the tack room. Nick looked over at his brother.

"Jarrod," he asked, "can you hear me?"

"Yeah," Jarrod mumbled. "I hurt everywhere."

"Hang in there," Nick told him. "We’ll get out of here."

Tom received a telegram a few days later. It was supposedly from Nick. It read: Father, come at once. Jarrod injured. Nick.

"Victoria," Tom said, "I have to go to Modesto. I don’t know what’s happened but if Jarrod is injured then Nick can’t take care of him by himself."

"You’re right Tom," she replied. "Please be careful."

"I will."

Tom headed out for Modesto.

The next morning, Pendleton and his men came into the tack room. Nick was awake but Jarrod had evidentially passed out. Pendleton untied them and pulled Jarrod out by his arms. He took him outside and locked him up in the chicken wired box. Then he made Nick stand there and watch as one of the hands took hot coal bits and dropped them through the cage holes on Jarrod. He screamed in pain when one of them landed on him. Pendleton just laughed at the boy.

"Oh please," Jarrod begged. "I’ll do anything you want. Just don’t hurt me any more."

"That will teach you not to fall down on the job," he said. "Let’s go boy."

"No," Nick replied. "I’m not leaving my brother."

"You either leave him or watch him die right now," Pendleton told him.

"Go on Nick," Jarrod barely got out. "I’ll be all right."

Nick obeyed. He was taken back out to the pasture to work.

Tom arrived in Modesto late that afternoon. He walked into the hotel.

"I would like to know what room Jarrod and Nick Barkley are registered in?" Tom asked.

"Don’t have anyone by that name registered here," Hank answered.

"You had them here two days ago," Tom said as he looked at the hotel register. "Where are they?"

Tom was getting very angry. Hank finally shook his head.

"They are at Sam Pendleton’s ranch," Hank told him.

"Thank you," Tom replied and left.

He rode out to the Pendleton Ranch. When he rode up, he could see the chicken wired box. He didn’t notice what was in it until he rode by it. When he saw his oldest son, he jumped from his horse and ran to him.

"Jarrod," Tom said, "can you hear me son?"

Jarrod barely opened his eyes but he knew that voice.

"Father," he barely said.

"It’s me," Tom replied. "Hang on son. Where’s your brother?"

"Working in the pasture," Jarrod told him. "Digging stumps by hand."

"By hand!" Tom shouted.

"That’s right Tom," Sam said from behind him.

Tom turned around and saw his old friend. Sam, who was holding Nick, then he let him go to his father.

"Son," Tom asked, "are you all right?"

"Yes," Nick answered. "But Jarrod’s hurt."

"I know he is," Tom said. "Sam, why did you do this to my boys."

"You don’t remember Tom," Sam replied. "What you did five years ago?"

"No," Tom told him.

"Think," Sam said.

Tom thought about it and then it dawned on him. You’ve held a grudge for five years on account of that," Tom said.

"Yes," Sam replied. "I thought we were friends."

"We are," Tom told him. "Or at least I thought we were. But you’re certainly not acting like a friend trying to kill my sons. If you are holding a grudge against me fine but leave my sons out of it. They haven’t done anything to you."

"Not after that," Sam said. "And when your sons showed up in town, I had my revenge." Tom, when this situation presented itself, I jumped on it. I’m sorry about your oldest boy but it was sweet."

"Let my oldest son go Sam," Tom replied. "He needs a doctor. You’re mad Sam. You’re not thinking rationally."

"I don’t think so Tom," Sam told him. "Your son is my insurance policy that you won’t do anything to me. He stays right where he is."

"He’ll die," Tom said. "Please Sam. He’s my son."

"No," Sam replied. "I do have a heart. But you can visit with him for five minutes."

Tom walked over to the wire cage. He looked inside at his boy. Jarrod was in bad shape.

"Hold on son," Tom said. "I’ll get you out of there."

"OK," Jarrod mumbled.

Sam walked over and prodded the boy. Jarrod cringed and tried to close his eyes. Every time he did, Sam or one of his men would prod him again.

"Leave him alone," Tom said getting angry.

"What are you going to do about it?" Sam asked.

"Stop you," Tom replied.

"All right," Sam said. "Release the boy. Take your sons and get out of here. Don’t you ever come back or I will kill you. And if you report this to the authorities, I’ll kill your sons. Now go."

"All right," Tom replied. "But if you ever touch my sons again, I’ll kill you."

Tom helped Jarrod out of the cage. He cringed when he got a real good look at his son. Jarrod was black and blue, he was having a hard time drawing a good breath, he was shivering and he was burning up from a fever. Tom and Nick helped Jarrod walk over to the horses. Tom sat him up on his horse and then climbed up behind him. Nick climbed up and got the reins of Jarrod’s horse. They headed back for town. When they arrived, Tom found the doctor’s office. He eased his son off the horse and carried him inside. When the doctor saw him, he looked away.

"Bring him in here," the doctor said and Tom carried Jarrod to the examination room.

The doctor helped Tom lay Jarrod down on the table. Then he began to examine the boy. He would shake his head. Finally after thirty minutes the doctor looked up at Tom.

"Your son has two broken ribs and several bruised ribs. His back is blistered from what looks like a belt buckle. His face is bruised. He’s running a fever and he has a concussion. He is also very dehydrated."

"Will he make it doc?" Tom asked.

"He’s got a good chance," the doctor answered. "But he can’t be moved for several days."

"What ever you say," Tom said. "I guess I should go to the law about what Sam Pendleton did to Jarrod. But he threatened to kill my boys."

"That wouldn’t do any good," the doctor replied. "The sheriff works for Pendleton."

"Do you?" Tom asked.

"No," the doctor told him. "I’ve seen him do horrible things before but to do this to a boy is completely uncalled for."

"He was trying to get even with me," Tom said. "I think he did."

"Please don’t worry," the doctor replied. "Your son needs liquids and rest but he will be all right."

"Thank you," Tom told him and had an arm around Nick.

"Do you mind if I ask you your name?" the doctor asked.

"Tom Barkley," Tom said.

"I thought so," the doctor replied. "He blamed you for losing all that money five years ago."

"How did you know?" Tom asked.

"Pendleton has been fussing about that for the last five years," the doctor answered. "He was looking for a way to get even. When your two sons showed up, he had his answer. I know he abused them. How is your other son?"

Tom looked down at Nick. He was bruised and battered but he was all right.

"He’s just worried about his brother," Tom said. "Frankly, so am I."

"You can stay with him tonight," the doctor replied. "I won’t let Pendleton get his hands on your boy again."

"Thank you," Tom told him.

The doctor and Tom gently carried Jarrod to the bed. He cried out in pain several times. Tom covered his son up and sat down in the chair beside of him.

"Jarrod," he said, "you’re going to be all right. You just rest."

"Jarrod," Nick replied, "thanks for saving my life."

Jarrod barely nodded and then he passed out. Tom didn’t move from his side.

The next morning, Jarrod woke up. He was very sore but he seemed to be alert. Tom was thrilled.

"Son," he asked, "how do you feel?"

"I’m sore," Jarrod answered. "My ribs and head hurt. I’ll be all right."

"I know you will," Tom said and smiled.

Over the next few days, Jarrod continued to improve. At the end of the week, he was allowed to go home. Tom and his two sons rode home. Every so often Tom would glance over at Jarrod to make sure he was all right. When they got home, Tom told Victoria what had happened. She put Jarrod to bed.

Jarrod healed and returned to school. Tom never forgot what Sam Pendleton did to his sons. He vowed if he ever saw him again, he would kill him.


A Night in Jail (Year Fifteen)

Jarrod, who was nearly sixteen, was sitting at the desk in the study doing his homework. Tom walked in and Jarrod looked up.

"Studying?" Tom asked.

"Yes sir," Jarrod answered.

"Why don’t you stop for a while and ride into town for some fun," Tom said.

"I think I will," Jarrod replied.

Jarrod left the ranch and arrived in Stockton thirty minutes later. He walked into the saloon. He saw Harry the bartender and walked over to the bar.

"Jarrod," Harry said, "I haven’t seen you in a while."

"Yeah," Jarrod replied. "I’ve been studying very hard. I came into town to take a break and enjoy."

"What’ll you have?" Harry asked.

"A beer," Jarrod answered.

Harry sat the beer down in front of Jarrod. Jarrod took a big swallow of it. Then after he had finished one, he ordered another one. After the fourth beer, Harry told him no.

"Jarrod," Harry said, "I can’t give you any more. You’re already drunk. Now you go home and sleep it off."

"I want another beer!" Jarrod demanded. "I am a paying customer."

"No," Harry replied.

Jarrod reached across the bar and grabbed the front of Harry’s shirt. He pulled him close.

"Give me another beer or I’ll take it out of your hide," Jarrod told him.

"No," Harry said.

Jarrod stood there fuming. Harry inched over to one of the waitresses.

"Go get the sheriff," he whispered.

She took off out the door. Jarrod slammed his fist down on the bar.

"Harry," he said, "I don’t want to hit you but I will."

"You’ll have to Jarrod," Harry replied.

Jarrod pulled his arm back to hit Harry when Harry Lyman, the sheriff, walked in. He grabbed Jarrod’s arm.

"Jarrod," Harry asked, "what are you doing?"

"I want another drink," Jarrod told him and Harry could tell he was drunk.

"I think you better come with me," Harry said.

"I don’t think I want to," Jarrod replied.

"You’re going," Harry told him and turned his left arm half way up his back.

Jarrod hollered.

"What are you doing?" Jarrod asked. "Ow that hurts."

"It’s for your own good son," Harry answered.

Harry dragged him out of the saloon and over to the jail. He sat Jarrod down in a chair.

"Jarrod," Harry said, "this isn’t like you. You’ve never been drunk in your life."

"I want another beer," Jarrod replied and tried to hit Harry.

"All right son," Harry told him. "Let’s go."

"Go where?" Jarrod asked.

"To the cells," Harry answered and ushered Jarrod back to one of the cells.

Harry locked the young man up. Then he went out to the outer office where he sent a deputy out to the Barkley Ranch to tell Tom. Tom arrived in town an hour later and walked into the sheriff’s office.

"Harry," Tom asked, "what’s going on?"

"Your son was arrested for trying to attack both the bartender and myself," Harry answered.

"You’re joking," Tom said.

"No," Harry replied. "I’m not."

He led Tom back to the cells. Inside sitting on the cot was Jarrod. He was still fuming.

"Jarrod," Tom asked, "what’s got into you?"

"I decided to have a drink," he answered. "Harry wouldn’t serve me."

"You don’t need any more beers or whiskey, whatever you’ve been drinking," Tom said. "It looks like you’ve had too many all ready."

"I have not," Jarrod replied.

"Harry," Tom asked, "will you release him into my custody?"

"Sure," Harry said and unlocked the cell.

"Thanks Harry," Tom replied.

"No problem," Harry told him.

Tom walked in and grabbed his son by an arm.

"Let’s go home son," he said.

"No," Jarrod replied, and tried to get away from his father. "I’m going to get me another beer."

"No you’re not," Tom told him and grabbed his son by the arm.

"Let go of me," Jarrod said. "You don’t tell what to do."

"I certainly can," Tom replied getting angry.

He held on to Jarrod as he stumbled out the door. Tom managed to get him on his horse and get him home. When they arrived home, Jarrod was still unsteady and he was still very angry. Tom had to hold his arm so he could walk in the door. When they walked inside and Victoria saw her oldest son, she was shocked.

"Jarrod," she asked, "are you drunk?"

"Yes," he answered.

"Not only is he drunk," Tom said, "but he was in jail for trying to hit Harry the bartender and the sheriff."

"What has gotten into you?" Victoria asked. "You’ve never done anything like this before."

"I don’t know," Jarrod told her. "Can I go?"

"No," Victoria said. "You’re going to tell me everything you did and said young man."

"I can’t," Jarrod replied.

"Why not?" she asked.

"Because I can’t remember what I did and said," he answered. "And because I’m going to be sick."

"All right," she said. "You can go but this is not over young man."

Jarrod hurried upstairs as fast as he could. He vomited for the next thirty minutes. Then he slowly walked to his room and laid down on his bed. He fell asleep. In the study, Tom and Victoria were talking about what had happened in town.

"Tom," she asked, "what got into him?"

"I don’t have the vaguest idea," Tom answered. "All I know is that when I got to town, Jarrod was locked up and he was mad."

"Mad?" she asked. "About what?"

"The fact that Harry the bartender wouldn’t serve him another beer," he answered.

"What are we going to do Tom?" she asked.

"I’m taking that boy out to the barn," he answered. "He’s got it coming."

"I think you’re right," she said. "But I still can’t believe that Jarrod was drunk."

"I know," he replied. "I wouldn’t have ever thought that Jarrod would do something like this. Nick, yes but Jarrod no."

Tom slowly walked upstairs to his oldest son’s room. He opened the door and walked inside. Jarrod was asleep on his bed. Tom walked over to the bed and shook his son. Jarrod’s eyes shot open and he cringed because of the enormous headache he had. He looked up at his father with bloodshot eyes and knew he was in big trouble.

"Jarrod," Tom said, "get up."

"Why?" Jarrod asked.

"We’re paying a trip to the barn," Tom replied.

"No," Jarrod begged. "Anything but that."

"Let’s go," Tom told him and physically pulled him to his feet.

Tom pushed him out of his room and down the hall. They walked down the stairs and out the front door. Nick, Gene and Audra watched their father and brother leave the house.

"Mother," Gene asked, "where are father and Jarrod going?"

"To the barn," Victoria answered. "Your brother has been a very bad boy."

"What did he do?" Nick asked.

"He got drunk, tried to hit the bartender and the sheriff and was arrested," she answered.

"Jarrod?" Nick asked. "Not my brother."

"Yes Nick," she said. "Your older brother."

"That doesn’t sound like Jarrod," Nick replied.

Tom and Jarrod walked into the barn. Tom looked at his son with disappointment and anger on his face. He pulled off his belt and Jarrod stared dumbfounded at him.

"You know why we’re here," he said. "I’m very disappointed in your behavior."

"Yes sir," Jarrod replied. "But father I don’t know what came over me. "I’m sorry."

"Sorry doesn’t cut it," Tom told him. "I can’t make you stay in your room. This punishment has to be something you’ll remember."

"But," Jarrod began.

"But nothing," Tom said. "Turn around boy."

Jarrod looked at his father with fear in his bloodshot eyes. Then he slowly turned around. Tom walked over to him.

"Drop your pants and take off your shirt," he said.

Jarrod slowly removed his shirt and undid his pants. His back and legs were bare. Tom began to punish Jarrod. He winced every time the belt met his skin. Tom stopped after ten smacks.

"You can get dressed," he said.

Jarrod pulled his pants back up and put on his shirt. He looked at his father.

"Jarrod," Tom said, "you will go into town tomorrow and apologize to Harry and the sheriff. Then you will come back here where you will drink a barrel of beer until you are sick as a dog. Maybe that will teach you."

"Yes sir," Jarrod replied and walked back into the house.

Tom entered and sat down in the parlor.

"How did it go?" Victoria asked.

"He’s going to apologize tomorrow and then he’s going to come back here where he will have to drink beer until he is so sick of them," Tom answered.

"Isn’t that a bit harsh?" she asked.

"No," Tom said. "I’ll be here. It won’t take too many to make him sick and start throwing up. Then he’ll never want another beer for a long time."

"I hope so," she replied.

The next afternoon, Jarrod rode into town with Tom. He slowly walked into the saloon. He walked over to the bar. Harry watched him as he walked up.

"Afternoon Jarrod," Harry said.

"Harry," Jarrod replied. "I would like to apologize for yesterday. My behavior was very rude."

"It’s all right," Harry told him. "You just watch it from now on."

"I will," Jarrod said.

"Harry," Tom replied, "it won’t happen again. I’m seeing to that. I need a barrel of beer."

"What for Tom?" Harry asked.

"Because my boy is going to drink every drop," Tom answered.

"But that will make him sick as a dog," Harry said.

"Exactly," Tom replied.

Harry brought up a barrel of beer and Tom loaded it in the buckboard. Then Tom and Jarrod walked down to the sheriff’s office. Harry looked up when they walked in.

"Jarrod," he said, "you look a lot better today than you did last night."

"I am," Jarrod replied. "I came here to apologize Harry. I’m sorry for what I did and what I said."

"It’s all right son," Harry told him. "Just don’t do it any time soon."

"He won’t," Tom said. "He’s going home and drink beer until it makes him very sick."

Tom and Jarrod rode back to the ranch. Tom unloaded the barrel of beer in the barn. He made Jarrod sit down on a bale of hay. Then Jarrod started drinking. After the tenth glass of beer, Jarrod began to vomit. Tom just stood there and watched. When Jarrod had stopped, he made him drink some more. By the second one, he was throwing up again. This time he vomited so hard and so long that his throat and stomach were raw and sore. When Tom got him cleaned up, he helped his son into the house and put him to bed. Tom walked downstairs where he sat down in the parlor with Victoria.

"How did it go?" she asked.

"Fine," Tom answered. "He won’t do it anymore for a while. He was really sick. I put him to bed. This should teach him."

"I hope you’re right," she said.

The next morning Jarrod got up. He was still very sore and he gagged every time he saw a beer for the next six months. He had definitely learned his lesson.


College Boy (Year Sixteen)

Jarrod, who was almost seventeen, would be graduating from school in the spring. Since he was a small boy, his parents had always wanted him to go to college. He would be the first in the Barkley family to go. One cold day in November, Tom, Victoria, Jarrod, Nick, Gene and Audra were in the study. Tom was sitting at his desk, Victoria was sitting on the couch sewing, Jarrod and Nick were playing pool; Gene was doing schoolwork and Audra was playing.

"Jarrod," Tom said looking up from his desk, "you are going to be the first Barkley to go to college. I’m so proud of you son."

"Thank you sir," Jarrod replied. "It is an honor but I still haven’t decided what I want to study."

"That’s all right," Victoria told him. "You have plenty of time for that."

"With all the trouble brewing between the North and the South a civil war looks eminent," Tom said. "It won’t affect us here but back east I bet it’s a mess."

"Yes," Jarrod replied. "From what I’ve read the South is going to leave the union. I hope it doesn’t. I hate to see friends fighting friends and brothers fighting brothers."

"If there is a war," Nick told them, "I’m going to join the army and fight."

"Nick," Tom said, "you’re only thirteen. That’s a little too young."

"Well I’m not going to fight," Jarrod replied. "I want to go to college."

"Thank you honey," Victoria told him. "I don’t want you to go off and killed hurt or even killed."

"No problem," Jarrod said. "I’m not a military man. I am a boy who loves to read books. I might even become an author."

"That would be an interesting career Jarrod," Victoria replied. "I have always envisioned you as a doctor, lawyer or even a politician but not a writer."

"You have always thought I would be something other than a rancher like father?" Jarrod asked.

"Yes," Victoria told him. "Right after you were born, you just didn’t have the look of a rancher. When your brother Nick came along, we knew he would be. He has the lungs for it."

"That’s for sure," Jarrod said and laughed. "I always thought about trying to be a rancher to please father but I never wanted to be one. I’ve always loved books and writing. I don’t like to work out on the range that much."

"We know that son," Tom replied. "Do you remember the first book you ever got?"

"Let’s see," Jarrod said trying to remember. "It was from Harry wasn’t it?"

"Yes," Tom told him. "You were very impressed with Harry and his badge when you were two years old. You were a good boy son. I’m very proud of you no matter what you choose to do with your life. I just want you to know that your mother and I will be here any time you need us."

"Thank you father," Jarrod said. "I really appreciate that. I’m sorry that I didn’t turn out like you. But I inherited more from mother. I still love you very much father."

"I know that son," Tom replied. "And you did inherit one thing from me."

"What was that?" Jarrod asked.

"Your eye color," Tom answered. "Yours are a little brighter and bluer but they are definitely from me."

Jarrod smiled. And so that evening Jarrod formally announced that he was going to college.


The Camping Trip with My Big Brother

Jarrod had always been the big brother but when Gene came along there were eleven years difference between the two. Jarrod and Nick had a special bond between them. Gene admired and loved his oldest brother very much. One day, when Gene was six and Jarrod was nearly seventeen, Gene asked Jarrod if he would take him camping.

"Jarrod," Gene asked, "will you take me camping?"

"Why me?" Jarrod asked.

"I don’t know," Gene said. "I don’t think Nick really likes me. He’s always yelling at me over nothing."

"Nick is always yelling," Jarrod replied. "That’s the way he is."

"I was just hoping that you would take me," Gene told him. "I love you Jarrod and want to spend some time alone with you."

"All right," Jarrod agreed. "How about this weekend?"

"That’ll be great," Gene said. "Where do you want to go?"

"I know a great place up in the mountains about a half day’s ride from the ranch," Jarrod replied. "It’ll be great."

"Thanks Jarrod," Gene told him.

On Saturday morning, Jarrod and Gene were up early and packed. It was a beautiful spring morning. They wanted to get an early start.

"Jarrod," Tom said as the two boys were eating breakfast, "you watch out for Gene and be careful."

"I will," Jarrod replied.

"Jarrod," Victoria said, "you two be very careful and come back safely."

"We will," Jarrod told them. "We’ll be back tomorrow afternoon."

After breakfast the two boys mounted their horses and headed off. Jarrod knew a spot a half a day’s ride from the ranch. It was a beautiful area with a stream. They could fish for their supper. They rode in silence. Every so often Jarrod would look over at his youngest brother and smile. Gene was a good boy. He was smart and would be a famous man some day. They arrived a couple of hours later. Gene was in awe. He couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. The stream was only a few yards away. They dismounted.

"Let’s set up camp," Jarrod said. "I’ll go get some firewood. You put out the bedrolls."

"All right," Gene replied

Gene set up camp. While Jarrod was gathering some firewood a short distance away, he didn’t see the rattlesnake coiled in the brush nearby. As he reached for a small piece of wood, the snake struck. It bit him on the left arm right above the wrist. Jarrod cried out. Gene heard his cry and came running.

"Jarrod," Gene asked as he arrived, "what’s wrong?"

"I’ve been snake bit on the arm," Jarrod replied.

Jarrod’s left arm right above the wrist had a puncture wound in it. His arm was stinging and had begun to turn purple and swell. Gene tied his handkerchief above the wound and tied it tightly.

"Gene," Jarrod said as he fought against the poison, "I need you to get the poison out."

"I don’t know whether I can," Gene replied.

"You have to try," Jarrod told him.

Gene aided his brother back to the campsite. He laid Jarrod down on his bedroll. Jarrod was in bad shape. He took Jarrod’s knife from his pocket. He cut the bit open and began to suck out the poison and spit it out. Jarrod was pale, weak and getting sick on (to) his stomach. Gene knew his brother was in trouble.

"Jarrod," Gene said, "I have to get you to a doctor. Can you move at all?"

"No," Jarrod replied. "I’m so sick on my stomach."

His pulse was weak and rapid. Jarrod tried to get up but he was too sick to move.

"Jarrod," Gene said, "I’ve got to get help. I’ll go get father."

"I can’t go with you," Jarrod replied.

"You stay here," Gene told him. "I’ll be back soon."

"Hurry Gene," Jarrod said.

Gene ran to his horse and mounted up. Then he rode as fast as he could for the ranch. Jarrod tried to stay awake. He was so weak and very sick.

Gene arrived at the ranch a couple of hours later and Tom walked out of the barn when he heard the horse. When he saw Gene, he knew something was wrong.

"Son," he asked, "what’s wrong?"

"It’s Jarrod father," Gene answered. "He’s been snake bit."

"Snake bit," Tom said. "Where is he?"

"Back at the camp," Gene replied. "He was too weak and too sick to move."

"Show me," Tom said and called Nick. "Nick!"

"Yeah," Nick replied as he walked out of the barn.

"Your brother has been snake bit," Tom told him. "Ride to Stockton and bring the doctor here. I’ll go with Gene and bring Jarrod back here."

"Yes sir," Nick said.

Nick saddled his horse and mounted up. He rode off toward Stockton and the doctor. Tom went into the house.

"Victoria!" he called as he walked inside.

"Yes Tom," she said as she walked out of the kitchen.

"Jarrod’s been snake bit," he told her. "I’m going with Gene to bring him home."

"Hurry Tom," she said.

Tom left the house and went out to the barn where he saddled his horse. He then mounted up and the two of them rode off. Gene took his father to where Jarrod was.

Jarrod was still lying down on his bedroll. Tom jumped from his horse and rushed over to his son. Tom could see the wound. His son was hot and his breathing was weak.

"Jarrod," he asked, "can you hear me?"

"Yes sir," Jarrod mumbled.

"I’m going to get you home son," he said.

"Hurry father," Jarrod mumbled. "I’m so sick and weak."

Tom eased his son up and helped him walk over to his horse. Tom got him up on the horse and climbed up behind him. They rode off for the ranch as fast as they could. Tom kept an eye on his son as they rode. Jarrod finally passed out. They arrived at the ranch and Tom eased his son off the horse. He carried him inside and took him up to his room. Dr. Merrar was waiting on them. He examined the wound and gave Jarrod the antivenin.

Then they waited.

"Gene," Tom said as they were waiting for Jarrod to wake up, "you were very brave son. You saved your oldest brother’s life. I’m very proud of you."

"Thank you father," Gene replied and smiled.

Jarrod woke up a short time later. His arm was sore and he was weak but he was alive. He looked at his parents and smiled.

"Jarrod," Tom asked, "how do you feel?"

"I’m weak," he answered. "Thanks Gene."

"No problem," Gene said. "I’m just glad I could help."

"Me too," Jarrod replied and smiled.

After that, Jarrod and Gene also had a special bond. Jarrod was all right and he never forgot what his youngest brother did for him.

A Wonderful Sister

From the day that Audra was born, Jarrod had always had a special place in his heart for his only sister. He was almost thirteen when Audra was born. Her mannerisms were like her father and brother, Nick. Jarrod loved his sister.

One cold November morning before Audra’s fourth birthday, Tom and Victoria had a discussion with their oldest son.

"Jarrod," Tom said as he, Victoria and Jarrod sat in the study, "your mother and I are going to a party at the Tyrones. George has just been appointed a judge. Would you look after your brothers and sister while we’re gone?"

"Well," Jarrod answered.

"Jarrod," Victoria said, "you are the oldest. Your brothers and sister look up to you."

"All right," Jarrod replied. "Does that mean Nick too?"

"Of course," Victoria said. "Why?"

"Because Nick has never listened to me," Jarrod replied. "He thinks he is old enough to take care of himself."

"I’ll have a talk with him," Tom said.

"Then I’ll do it," Jarrod replied.

"Fine," Victoria said.

Tom found Nick in his room that afternoon. He walked in and sat down on his son’s bed.

"Nick," Tom said, "I want to talk to you."

"Certainly father," Nick replied and sat down beside Tom.

"Your mother and I are going to a party at the Tyrones tonight," he said. "George was appointed as a judge. Your brother, Jarrod, is going to look after you, Gene and Audra."

"Father," Nick replied, "I don’t need him to look after me. I’m thirteen."

"I know that," Tom said. "But your brother is almost seventeen. He’s going to be in charge. I want you to help him and not argue with what he says. If you do, we’ll pay a visit to the barn. Is that understood?"

"Yes father," Nick said.

"Good," Tom replied. "Everything will be fine."

That evening, Tom and Victoria were ready to leave.

"Gene," Tom said, "Audra, your brother, Jarrod, is in charge tonight. You mind him."

"We will father," Gene replied.

"Yes papa," Audra told him.

"We’ll be back later tonight," Victoria said. "You have a nice time together."

"Don’t worry mother," Jarrod replied. "Everything will be fine."

Tom and Victoria left. Jarrod walked into the study to do some work. Nick followed him. Gene and Audra went to Gene’s room to play. As Jarrod sat down at the desk, Nick walked in.

"Jarrod," he said, "I’m not keen on this but I know you’ve got your hands full with Gene and Audra."

Thanks Nick," Jarrod replied.

Gene and Audra were playing. Audra climbed up on a chair to reach one of Gene’s toys. He was watching. She reached for it and lost her balance. She fell to the floor. Gene screamed and ran down the stairs looking for Jarrod.

"Jarrod!" Gene called. "Jarrod!"

Jarrod and Nick walked out of the study at the same time. When Gene saw them, he hurried to them.

"Audra fell," he said.

"Where?" Jarrod asked.

"In my room," Gene answered.

Jarrod ran upstairs to Gene’s room. He found Audra in the floor. He picked his sister up. She was out cold. He carried her to her room and laid her on her bed. He checked her to see if anything was broken. Luckily, no broken bones. He felt her head and found a bump on the back of it. He sat down on the bed with her and began to talk to her.

"Audra," he said, "it’s Jarrod. Wake up honey."

Audra began to wake up. Jarrod took her hand in his.

"Jay," she said, "what wrong?"

"You fell and hit your head," he replied. "Are you all right?"

"Me head hurt," she told him.

Jarrod held her and hugged her till she fell asleep. Then he tucked her in. He went to Gene’s room next and tucked him in.

"I’m sorry Jarrod," he said. "I did not mean to hurt Audra."

"I know you didn’t," Jarrod replied. "She’s fine."

Then Jarrod went downstairs to the study and finished his homework. Nick followed him.

"Jarrod," he said, "you were great. You’ll make a wonderful father some day."

"You really think so," Jarrod replied.

"Yes I do," he told him. "You have a special gift big brother."

"Thanks Nick," Jarrod said and smiled.

When Tom and Victoria arrived home, Jarrod told them about Audra. They went upstairs and checked on her. She was fine and was asleep. Tom and Victoria were very proud of their oldest son. He had handled everything just fine.

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