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This year's Junior USY is off to a great start with Julie Levine as our awesome new advisor. We have already done many wonderful events. The opening program was at Avi Rosenzweig's house. We had a delicious BBQ and many snacks. It was a great time to get to know each other and play games like foosball and volleyball. The second event was the regional Boat Cruise around Boston Harbor and to George's Island. Everyone who went had a great time even thought the weather wasn't perfect that day. The most recent event was a scavenger hunt at Faneuil Hall and then dinner at Shalom Hunan for a fantastic Kosher Chinese dinner. Upcoming events include the annual regional Turkey Dance, a Pasta andPerforming Arts night on November 18th (talent show), the Jr. USY convention from December 14-17, and a joint event with Temple Isaiah. We are all looking forward to these and hope to continue with many more great events such as these. We encourage any 7th or 8th grade students to join if they haven't already done so.

A message board has been created and it would be great if everyone could contribute... LUSY Forum!

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Lexington USY