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Links & Thanks


Fan Sites ~
Creative Cats
Growltiger's Ship
Jellicle Cats Come Out Tonight
Jemima and Electra's Jellicle Junkyard
Ruth's Study
The Jellicle Loony Bin
The Unofficial Veerle Casteleyn Fanpage
Tuggerine & Tugger's Pleasure Lair
Velvedere's Jellicle CATS Theatre
Victoria's Corner
Official Sites ~

The Official Really Useful Group Site
The Official UK CATS Site


Other 'Junk' ~

Albemarle London
CATS Forum @
CATS Trailer from IMDB(uses Windows Media Player)
References to CATS sites on

Link To Me!

-By Banner:


-By Text Link:

(a href="")Demeta's Wickerbasket(/a) [substituting the round brackets for < and >]


-Behind the Makeup pages ~

Thanks to Mia - who sent me a lot of pictures - and to all the sites I used to collect the non-makeup pictures.

-Bloopers page ~

Thanks to Pepperjack, and any others (too numerous to mention) who have helped out here so far!

- Castlists page ~

All information obtained from:

  • July 2001 & April 2002 programmes bought from The New London Theatre, Drury Lane, London;
  • Manchester & Milton Keynes brochures published on the UK Tour,
  • Brochures bought from various sources on the Net;
  • From the (official) Original CATS London Cast CD;
  • From the Cats video (Copyright R.U.G. 1981-2002);
  • Melanie, who donated the July 1996 list to me!
  • From Feli & Carbucketty's sites;
  • And from my friend Mia in America, who sent me a absolute TON of info.

    -Character Bios pages ~

  • Thanks go to MsJ, Cettie, Jemibub, Velvedere & the owners of Mystical Divinity for the generous offer of pictures for this section.
  • Thank you to the peeps as named on the relevant pages for the various views given on the characters.
  • Thanks to LadyBoston for some of the International Names featured.
  • Huge MASSIVE thank you to Carbucketty for allowing me to use his resources at his webpage database to collate all the various international names!

    -DemiCet Shrine pages ~

  • Huge thank you to ALL that contributed to the costuming, dolls, graphics and fanart sections so far. All makers and drawers are referenced in the areas, rather than write them all here.
  • Thank you to Rumpleteezer, who made the Demeter and Etcetera collage banners, to Roxanne and Velvedere for the costuming images, to Roxanne (again) for the graphics page buttons, and to Jemibub for the beautiful DemiCet doll! :)
  • Thank you to Velvedere for all the pictures on the Shrine Video Gallery.

    -Facts & Out-Takes page ~

    All thank yous to the various sources are on this page as appropriate.

    -Galleries ~

    Thanks to Velvedere for the Video images I have up. The London/UK Tour images were scanned myself from brochures and programmes I have acquired through Ebay or when I saw the show.

    -Interviews page ~

    Thanks again to Theatregoer magazine, for the Alexandra Jay & the Sally Ann Triplett articles, and to Tuggerine for sending and translating the John Partridge interview.

    -Lyrics pages ~

    Entire lyrics contents taken from the OLC recording of CATS. I also made reference to Swan's site to check it was correct, though nothing was lifted from her site in any way.

    -Merchandise page ~

    Thanks to Ampersand for some of the information.

    -Miscellaneous Junk pages ~

    Thanks to the random sites listed on the relevant pages, including the sites the doll bases were taken from. As re: the fanart page, thank you to all who contributed, I really appreciate the efforts.

    -Newspoint pages ~

    Thanks to Carbucketty for the idea of the blog to keep this area neat! :) Also massive thank yous to all that have contributed to this section and also to all the sites that the various news stories were lifted from.

    -Spotted page ~

    Thank you to the peeps on the forums for the additions.

    -Trip Reports pages ~

    Thank you to Rumblepurr, Stoffey, Rosie and Spatz for their UK Tour Trip Reports sent to me.

    -UK Tour Information page ~

    Thanks to, and Without forgetting Carbucketty and Syra for the updates!

    -What's In A Name? page ~

  • My CATS friends: Kezia, Ampersand, Cettie & Carbucketty.
  • The English version of the souvenir CATS brochure, distributed by Dewynters Plc/The NLT, London WC2H.
  • The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
  • My Dad's copy of the 'Pears Encyclopedia' 1956-57.
  • WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University.
  • Collins English Mini Dictionary, (colour text), published 1995.