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Below are some of the services provide by Sriwana. Should you have any enquiries,
feel free tocontact us to clear your doubts.

:Suriati Tahir, Mohd Fauzi Anwar, Hayati Rahim
Dance Instructor
:Fauziah Hanom Yusof
Dikir Barat
:Hayattullah Juraidi
:Hamzah Rahim
:Mohd Fauzi Anwar

Malay wedding Standard and Exclusive performances.
Prices are subjected to change depending on clients requirements.

Malay wedding (including transport) --- from S$450
One time performance (any function) --- S$300

Dance Instructors
Primary and Secondary school --- S$50 / hour
minimum of 2 hrs per week

Costume rental view
From $25 onwards including accessories.
(Normal and exclusive collection available) for adults and children
Baju Melayu for boys ,Baju kebaya,Baju Kurung, modern contemporary
and many more designs available for both male and female.
Asean Dance Costume - Thailand,Indonesia,Brunei,Indian,Chinese
are also available.

Accessories and Percussion instruments
Cucuk Sanggol,Earrings,Necklace or flowers from S$12.00 onwards.