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About us

Ditubuhkan: 24hb Julai 1955
Didaftarkan: 1959 Kerabat Kepada Lembaga
Biasiswa Kenangan Maulud/
Persekutuan Kesenian Singapura,
Ahli Bersekutu Kepada Persatuan Rakyat.

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Sriwana its History, Activities and Achievements

Sriwana was formed in 1950 as a Keroncong Party (a traditional Malay Orchestra).
Its activities were mainly to entertain guests at wedding parties and taking
part in cultural shows organised by local educational bodies, especially the
Malay Youth Literary Association (4PM), with whom Sriwana was affiliated,
to raise fund.

In 1955 Sriwana felt that a cultural body which specially dealt with cultural activities
and developments was needed as most of the societies that existed at that time
were either literary, welfare or educational bodies.

Sriwana was thus formed to
fill the requirements. Its objective is to be active in cultural field
as a means to promote, uphold and upgradethe Malay arts and culture.
To be successful in these objectives, Sriwana made an all out
effort to make Malay youth
interested in thecultural activities which was at that time
monopolised mainly by artistes from outside Singapore and this
made the local community felt that the cultural activities performed
does not belong to them.

As well to make the Malay, cultural conscious.
To achieve these objectives, Sriwana has organised several activities, such singing,
dance and drama competitions, workshops, talks and seminars including the
publication of cultural magazines.

Presently, Sriwana has five sections in its organisation for achieving its
cultural activities. There are drama group
(contemporary and traditional form),
Malay Music (traditional and modern form),
Dance group, Dikir Barat, Tamudra (Youth Group)
and Bengkel Kanak-kanak (Children Workshop). Our membership
strength are approximately 200 ordinary membersand 100 youth
and children members.

The five sections are actively involved, in their own ways in various
cultural activities in the Republic.

Since its formation, Sriwana emerged as one of the most active cultural
bodies in Singapore. Presenting its own productions and taking part in several
projects organised by local community and government bodies such as
Aneka Ragam Rakyat (Outdoor Cultural activities), Cultural Festivals,
National Day Rally, Drama, Dance and Theatre Traditional Festivals.
Also taking part in National Day and Chingay Processions, and other events such
as the Miss Universe Contest, TV programmes, shows for tourist and
tourism promotional shows abroad.

As for drama and dance, since it was formed in 1955, Sriwana had decided to
take an active role in this field. Every year it is a must for Sriwana to stage
drama and dance performances either in the form of contemporary or traditional.
In the Drama Festival 1982 - 1984 organised by the Ministry of Community
Development,Sriwana was voted"Best Performance" for its drama "Kutukan"
in 1982, drama "Malaikat" in 1983, and drama "Selimut Putih" in 1984.
All the successful dramas were written, directed and performed by our
own members.