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More Tails Added:  Friday, July 25, 2003 Thanks Ryouko!

This part of the litter box means exactly what the title of it says.  It is a bunch of tails that I ripped off some poor kitties as- er butt! Get it? Cat TAILS hehehe. Ummmm.... okay, I'm only asuming that you're laughing. I know.  I'm corny. Anyways, if you enjoy reading stories about your fellow kitties, then you belong here and only here. At the moment, I am cat tail- less.  Okay, so maybe there are a few down there, but I still need more ( I'm never satisfied ). So i suggest you write until your paw falls off.  And when that happens, you will then use your other paw.  And when you lose that one, then you will use your nasty crusty feet you bum. ::smiles extremly sweetly:: Or, you could just be lazy and send me a fic you already wrote. E-mail me ( or Your story. I do rate my stories, but however, I don't care if it's G or R!!! I refuse to filter writing as it is an expression! On an additional note, please make any grammar checks and if you want certain colors or images (background, font, scrollbar colors, etc) please tell me ( If it's an image you'll have to tell me from where). If you'd like I can post your e-mail and website.  Summary's for the stories are posted at the beginning of their page. Pages will open in a new window.   Oh and just for the record, I was being sarcastic about the feet..... I think your feet are lovely (just as long as I get mah freakin fanfic!)!