Info Page

General Site Info
Ratings Info
Fic Submission Info
Link Submission Info

General Site Info

Birth Date: I have no idea.
Why was the site created: Because I wanted to have a place to put my own fics without having to worry about other people remembering them.
Our Goal: To make the biggest and best fan fiction site! Not only with Cats fics, but with all fics! Muhahahahahahaha!

Ratings Info

I ask that people rate their fic beforehand. But, if you don't, I can. No XXX fics! AKA porn. I'll take fics with a little sexual content. But let's make sure that if it were a movie it would be aloud in the same building as, say, the Harry Potter movies. NC-17 fics are ok. I will review each fic before putting it up and make sure that the rating is correct. All fics that have to be rated by me will be rated in a Hollywood type fashion. G-General, PG-Partental Guidance suggested, and so on and so forth.

Fic Submission Info

1.Please tell me if you want the fic on my site or if you would prefer I link it from your site (or a fan fiction site such as
2.Right now I am only accepting Cats and Cats spinnoff fics. When this site gets bigger and I can get a domain name then it will be all types of fan fiction. But not right now. So if your fic has nothing to do with those jellicle cats that are dancing around a stage, I won't take it.
3.Please read Ratings Info first.
4.All fics must be sent with a web address or an e-mail address. I will not use the sender address unless specified in the e-mail that that is the address to use. If you wish to remain anonymous, please say so.
5.Please note that you will not be given any form of payment for your fics.
6.You retain all copyright over your fics. If at anytime you wish them removed from the site then e-mail me and I will do so promptly.
7.Please preformat your fic before sending it in. It takes a long time for me to get it up otherwise.
8.Please double check your spelling and grammer as I will not do it for you.

Link Submission Info

Got a couple of things for people to know before asking me to link their site.
1.The site has to have something to do with Cats.
2.It can not have any porn, and it can not be a hate site.
3.You must link back to Jellicle Stories.
4.I will not put random e-mail addresses on my site. So, if you submit an e-mail address, then you better also have a story up already.