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Chapter Two
    “Cause I’m young and I’m hopeless..I’m lost and I know this..I’m going
nowhere fast that’s what they say..I’m troublesome I’ve fallen...I’m angry at my
father,” Sixteen-year-old Mandy sang dancing around her room. Then Mandy
heard a knock on her door. She opened it to find a girl around her age with
shoulder length blonde hair and hazel eyes, “Hey Jamie! What’s up?”
 The blonde entered and took a seat on Mandy’s bed, “Not much. I was
wondering if you wanted to go down to the ice skating rink with me, Christina,
Jesse, Mike, Cory, Sarah, and Tori.”
 “Uh..sure. What time are we going?”
 “Well, we were thinking about in half an hour.”
 “Ok, fine with me. Let me change first.”
 “Alright.” Mandy went to change into something more comfortable. Then
they both headed out the door and down to the local ice skating rink.They entered
the icy cold building. Sitting in a corner were three boys, a blonde and two
brunettes. They were with three other girls, two blondes and a brunette. Mandy
and Jamie walked up to the group.
 Mandy and Jamie both chirped, “Hey you guys!”
 “Hey Jamie! Hey Mandy!” A blonde girl with blue eyes, Sarah smiled.
 A brunette boy with brown eyes, Mike, spoke, “So, you all ready to go
 “Yeah, let’s go,” Jamie enthusiasticly replied. The group then headed for
the front desk to get skates. Soon they were out on the floor skating. Mandy was
doing fine skating by herself then the blonde guy, Jesse, ran into her.
 Mandy stood up dusting herself off even though she wasn’t dirty, “Jesse,
why’d you do that?”
 “I didn’t mean to. I slipped, ok?” Jesse apologized.
 “Yeah, sure. I believe that one Jesse. I know you can skate well and you
wouldn’t bump into anyone unless....”
 “Oh, whatever Mandy. I don’t like you. You can dream though, but I will
NEVER like you like that. Seriously.”
 They began to skate, “ Jesse afraid to tell someone he likes them?”
 “No,” Jesse made a sour face at Mandy. “Leave me alone.” Then Jesse
skated off.
 Mandy skated over to the side floor. She headed to the eating room. In
there, she saw Jamie, Cory, a brunette boy, Tori, a auburn haired girl, and
Christina, a blonde girl. “Hey! Scoot over some. Make room for me,” Mandy slid
in next to Tori who was sitting across from Cory and Jamie.
 “So, what have you been doing Mandy? Flirting with the guys out on the
rink?” questioned Tori.
 Mandy looked down, “No, but I found out Jesse likes me. He won’t admit it
 “Oh,” Cory declared, “How’d you find that out?”
 Mandy quickly answered, “He bumped into me on ‘accident’.” Everyone
started to crack up. “What?”
 “He uses that a lot lately.”
 “Yeah, I know. He needs something new doesn’t he?”
 Christina finally spoke up, “So, how’s it going living with your grandma?
Since your Mom was arrested.”
 “Good,” Mandy quietly said and slouched back in her chair.
 Jamie interrupted, “Yeah, now I don’t go over and have to fight with her
mother. I don’t see her with brusies anymore. I think it was for her own good. I
mean no one should treat someone else like that.”
 “Can we talk about something else?” Mandy asked.
 “Sure. When does school start again?” Mandy started to drone out what
everyone else was saying. Her mom was locked up a week ago for abusing her
child. She had been on trial for three months. Ever since she was two her mother
abused her. Mandy lived in a closet most of her days because of her mom. She
didn’t start school until she was nine. Jamie was there for her through all of it.
 A tear fell from Mandy’s eye, “I’m going to go home, ok?”
 “Ok, talk to you later,” They all replied as Mandy took off her skates and
turned them in for her shoes. She put them on and headed home.

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