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Taking a huge gulp of the nasty brown liquid that stunk, Mandy saw Jamie, Cory,
Jesse, and Tori headed for her house. Mandy had been sitting on the fron porch.
When she noticed them she quickly threw the bottle out on the sidewalk. “Hey!!”
They greeted Mandy with smiles as they sat down on the steps with her.

“Hi! Did you all have fun?” She questioned.

Cory replied, “Yeah, lots of fun. It was as fun as it would have been if you
were there. Why’d you leave?”

“I don’t want to talk about,” Mandy looked at the ground.

Jamie, who sat next to Mandy, answered, “It’s ok, but why do I smell

“Huh? Beer? I don’t drink beer?” Mandy responded quickly.

Jesse remarked, “Mandy, there’s a beer bottle on the sidewalk.”

“My mom must ave dropped it when she was arrested.”

“It wasn’t there earlier,” Jamie acknowledged.

Mandy stood up and started to walk inside, “Whatever. Just leave me
alone.” Mandy dissapeared inside.

Outside, the group stayed there looking at each other in puzzlement.
“Mandy’s doing drugs and drinking. I know she is,” Tori explained.

“You don’t know for sure, Tori. Her mom might have left it,” Cory declared.

Jamie shook her head, “ Her mom didn’t leave it. It’s either
Mandy’s or her grandma’s and I definitely don’t think her grandma drinks. I’m
sure of it.”

“I can’t believe Mandy would do something like this. She promised us that
she would never drink or do drugs or anything. Remember she made it clear she
wasn’t going to be like her mom?” Jesse reminded them.

“Yeah, Jess. I remember. I remember the first time she ran to my house
because of her mom.”

“Well, I got to go. See you later guys,” Tori announced, “Bye.”

Cory agreed, “I have to go too. Bye.” They both started walking off.

“Bye,” Jesse and Jamie unisoned.