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~Chapter 6~

Michelle, Greg, and Jesse sat together at a small in the library after school.  They had been working for nearly an hour and a half for now. 
To Michelle’s surprise, they had gone the whole study session with out playing a game of paper-rock-sissors, had a thumb war, or been side tracked by anything else!  These two clowns had transformed into studious intellectuals.  WEIRD!

Greg looked up from the article he was reading about Dr. Seuss and sighed.  Michelle looked up to find a pair of eyes on her.  Greg rested his chin in his hands as he just started at Michelle, sort of in a daze. 

Michelle laughed as she waived her hand in front of his face.  Greg soon awoke from his daydream.  He just kind of laughed a little

“Hey Jess, let’s go to Amado’s,” suggested Greg while holding his stomach.

Jesse’s eyes light up as he looked at Greg.

“Hell yeah, I’m starving let’s go.  Are you coming too Michelle”?

Michelle gave them a look of confusion.  “Who’s Amado?”

The boys looked dumbstruck. 

“Amado’s is a Mexican food restaurant just down the street,” answered Greg with a matter of fact attitude.


Jesse pull his car over to the curb in front of Michelle’s house.  The two sat in silence thinking of what to say.

“Well…..thanks so much for the ride.  It really helps a lot since I can’t drive and all you know…” Michelle spoke shyly as she avoided eye

She chanced a look at Jesse to see what his expression was.  He was just looking at her, not saying anything.  He bit his lip as he pondered an idea.

 If Michelle didn’t know any better, she thought the gap between her and Jesse was getting smaller.  She closed her eyes as she felt his lips meet with hers.  A warm sensation ran through her body.  She shivered down her spine as she felt his arms wrap around her.  As they pulled away, Jesse wiped a little glob of spit that he had accidentally gotten on the side of her lip.  She smiled as she watched his lips move.

“Michelle, I know we’ve only known each other for about a month or so, but I’ve liked you ever since the first day of school.  I think we
should start dating.  What do you think?”

Michelle just smiled.  “I think that would be great.”

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