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~*Chapter 7*~

Erin awoke to the sound of her alarm.  6:30.  Great, Erin hated Mondays.  She always tired from the weekend and not ready to go back to
school.  She got up and did her morning duties such as showering, straightening her hair, and applying her make up.  Around 7:15 she crept up to her cousin Lauren’s room.

Although Erin and Lauren lived together and were related, they were much different in personality.  Erin was sweet, studious and single.  She was also very neat and organized.  She had only one serious boyfriend ever in her life and was not much of a flirt.  I mean yes, she did like guys, but she was more passive than an attention getter. 

On the other hand, Lauren was very popular and went through boyfriends like underwear.  She was very much of a gossip.  Although she was very beautiful on the outside, she was extremely shallow on the inside.

Quietly, Erin opened the door to Lauren’s room.  She looked around in disgust at the clothes that had been thrown everywhere.  Lauren’s room was the only messy room in the house.  It looked as if a tornado had gone through her room only!  But with Lauren’s busy schedule of party and boys, how would she have time to clean her room?

Erin looked over at the heap of blankets that covered Lauren.  Of course, Lauren was sleeping soundly.  Erin ran over and jumped on top of the bed.  She continued to jump saying  “wake up! Wake up!” 

The heap of blankets groaned.  A skinny leg came out from the side and attempted to kick its enemy jumping on the bed.  Erin cleverly jumped around the swinging leg.

Erin jumped off the bed and pulled the covers off of Lauren.  Quickly, she bent over so she was close to Lauren’s ear. 

“It’s Monday and you have 30 minutes to get ready for school!”

Lauren sat up slowly half asleep.  “School?” she questioned as if she had never heard the word before.

Erin grinned.  “Yes, you know, the place were you flirt with guys all day and socialize and gossip about the less fortunate.”

Lauren rolled her eyes and stood up.  She tiptoed through her perfectly made trail through her messy floor towards the bathroom.


45 minutes later….

Erin sat at the kitchen table with her Aunt Nora and Uncle Tom.  As she was finishing her cereal she looked up to see Lauren rushing through the kitchen.  She grabbed an apple and motioned to Lauren that she was ready to go.  The two said goodbye and got into the Jeep Wrangler they shared.

Today Erin agreed to drive.

“So the school carnival is in 2 weeks and we don’t have enough booths yet.  I don’t know WHAT we are going to do!  Michelle is running the pie throwing station, Regina is doing the cakewalk—“ Erin was quickly interrupted by a disturbed Lauren.

“Erin!  Is that Jesse and Michelle riding in the same car together?” exclaimed Lauren.

Erin looked over to her right and squinted her eyes to get a better look. 

“Yeah, actually, that is Michelle and Jesse,” she said in surprise.

“What is a girl like Michelle doing with Jesse McCartney?  He doesn’t even deserve to have a girlfriend.  He is so conceited, self centered
and CHEAP.  Even though he’s one of the richest guys in our school, he’s probably going to charge her gas money at the end of the week!”
Lauren’s eyes narrowed as she looked over at the couple again.

Erin shrugged.  “Well maybe he actually likes her?”

Lauren shook her head.  “No way, Jesse McCartney has no room in his heart for anyone else but himself.  She will realize that and their
relationship will fail.  I don’t see how ANY girl could actually find that pig attractive!”

Erin grinned.  She knew why Lauren hated Jesse so much.  Lauren had tried to date him about a year ago, but Jesse had dumped and embarrassed her.  She decided to not remind Lauren that she herself once had found Jesse the most interesting male on the planet.

Lauren watched with her eyes wide as Jesse and Michelle pulled into the school parking lot.  Jesse got out and very politely opened Michelle’s door for her.  The two walked towards the front of the school hand in hand after sharing a flirtatious kiss. 


“Gag me,” said Lauren’s brunet friend Jessica.  Jessica was Lauren’s sidekick and partner in crime.  She sat in the lunchroom with her arms crossed as she watched Michelle and Jesse. 

Michelle giggled and smiled at Jesse as he brought her lunch to her.  They sat at their own secluded table in the corner of the lunchroom.

“It won’t last long,” commented Lauren.  “Once he gets bored of her he’ll just dump her.”

Jessica raised her eyebrows at her sulking friend.  “Did you know that he bought her a gold ring?”

Jessica knew this would get to Lauren.  Jesse was known for being very cheap.  He had never bought Lauren anything when they had dated.

Lauren just played it off like she didn’t think anything of it.

“It won’t last.  He’s probably just trying to play it up more.  I bet you they’ll break up within two weeks.”  Lauren rolled her eyes as she
focused on her pizza.

Jessica just glared over at Michelle.  Jessica’s family had been the richest in the area before Michelle’s had moved there.  Instantly,
Michelle had become a threat to Jessica with her beautiful looks, nice personality, and money.  Jessica did not like Michelle one bit.

Jessica smiled slyly at Lauren.  “I think he likes her,” she noted while looking over at them.  “He never bought you anything right?” 

Lauren rolled her eyes in reply.  “Please, he couldn’t possibly change.”

Jessica continued. “Do you really think they’ll break up?”

Lauren looked over at Jessica with a ‘are you serious’ face.  “I give them 2 weeks tops.”

Jessica’s smile grew bigger.  “Care you place a wager on that?”

Lauren thought carefully.  She didn’t really have a whole lot of money.  She knew that Jessica’s allowance probably tripled her own. She already owed her cousin Erin some money on top of that.  But Lauren wasn’t one to back down from a bet.

“How much?”

Jessica smiled ruefully.  “Oh not money bone head, I don’t need any of that.  Let’s bet term papers.”

Lauren pondered this idea.  It was a 15-page term paper.  It would not be easy.  She couldn’t even manage writing her own, let alone have 2 of them to do.  But, a bet is a bet, and there is challenge that Lauren can’t handle.

Lauren smiled and held her hand out.  “Bet”.

Jessica smiled back.  “Okay then, the school carnival is roughly two weeks from now right?  We’ll call that as the dead line.  Just think, if
they break up before then, you don’t have to worry about your term paper!”

Lauren glanced over at Jesse and Michelle, hoping her prediction about Jesse would be correct.  People don’t change, right?

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