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~Chapter 14~

Michelle slowly strode into her 4th period English class.  Avoiding eye contact with Jesse, she found a seat near the back of the room.  Everyone looked at her oddly.  It was not like her to sit all the way in the
back.  As Erin walked in, she looked suspiciously over at Michelle.  Catching on the something was wrong, she sat next to Michelle at the back of the room.  Passing notes back and forth to each other during class,
Michelle told Erin the whole story about her break up with Jesse.  Erin smiled hopefully as she read the last sentence written on Michelle’s note.  ‘ I think I’m going to go to Switzerland after all.  It’s not like
I have anything here to keep me from going anymore…’

Jesse could not concentrate on Mrs. Cruz to save his life.  He was missing Michelle.  The one true love he had ever had slipped out of his life within the blink of an eye.  The sad thing was, he had no idea why.  He couldn’t put his finger on ANYTHING he did wrong.  She wouldn’t talk to him when he tried to come over to her house.  Worse, she wouldn’t even sit next to him during class. 

What have I done wrong?

Turning back into his old self, he pulled out his calculator and engrossed himself in a pointless game on tetrus.  He didn’t give a damn about Mrs. Cruz’s lecture, or the fact that she was desperately trying to get
his attention at the moment.  Finally fed up with him, Mrs. Cruz sent him outside the classroom.  Not saying anything, Jesse picked up his books and made his way toward the door.  He stared at Michelle his whole
way towards the door, silently pleading for her to look at him.  He sighed as he stepped outside; she had made no effort to even flinch in his

Jesse pondered the idea of just waiting outside for Mrs. Cruz to come out and lecture him, but decided against it.

“Fuck this, I’m going home.”  Jesse briskly walked down the hallway, outside to the parking lot, and sped off toward his home.


Erin sat down next to Greg at the lunch table.  She laughed as he smiled at her with a mouthful of yogurt.  The pink colored cream oozed from the corners of his mouth. 

Erin wiggled her eyebrows at Greg sarcastically.  “Yum!  You’ve got strawberry today?  Let me have some!”

Greg smiled deviously at her.  “Come over here and get it baby!”

Erin playfully squeezed Greg’s checks causing him to spit bits of yogurt everywhere.  “I don’t think so.  I don’t want to catch any Greg cooties!”

Erin laughed as Greg stuck out his lower lip and whimpered at her.

“Greg, shut up! You sound like a little dog!”  Matt took his seat across from them at the lunch table.

As he looked around, he noticed the group was two people short.

“Where are the two love birds at?” questioned Matt.

Erin rolled her eyes.  “Well Mr. I’m so cool Jesse McCartney got caught in his stupid scheme to win student body president, so Michelle dumped him!  I can’t believe how low he’s gotten.  For a while he had me convinced that he had grown a heart, but even I was fooled.  That son of a bitch is so insensitive! He pretended that he cared about her this whole

Greg’s eyebrows shot up.  “That’s not true at all!”  He pointed at her accusingly.  “You have no idea how much he’s in love with that girl!”

Erin rolled her eyes.  “Greg, I know it’s guy code to stick up for your friends an all, but admit it, it was pretty shitty of him to use Michelle as a way to gain more votes!”

Matt’s eyebrows lowered in confusion.  “Erin, that’s impossible.  Jesse didn’t even enter the election until a few days ago.  He’s been in love with Michelle since he first met her.  Besides, take from us, he’s a
changed man.  That fool has actually fallen in love.  He even called me up last night to ‘talk’ about it.  Seriously Erin, a guy will only call his buds to ‘talk’ about his relationship if he truly loves the girl.”

Erin sat dumbfounded for a minute.  Matt did have a point.  Could this have all been just one big misunderstanding?  Another thought struck

Jesse was the only reason Michelle didn’t want to leave for Switzerland.  She was sure Michelle had probably not mentioned anything about it to Jesse, for fear of him making her go.

But Jesse can’t get back together with Michelle right now, or else she won’t go! 


Ring! Ring!  Erin fished through her purse while driving, keeping her eyes on road.  She pulled her small cell phone out of her bag.

“Um, Hi, is this Erin?”  It was Jesse.
“Hi Jesse.  How did you get my number?”
“Um, I got it from Frankie.  Listen, I really need to talk to you.”Erin rolled her eyes.  “Oh really?  Since when does the Great Jesse McCartney need my advice?”
Jesse’s voice began to crack.  “Erin….please.”
Erin gave in.  “Okay, I’ll come over in a little bit.”

Erin pulled into the circular driveway of the McCartney Estate.  Her mind raced with thoughts.  What if he really does love her?  What if he’s too selfish to let her go?  He can’t tell her that he loves her now;
she HAS to go to get her operation!  Would he wait for her until she came back?  Would she even want to come back if she really believes Jesse doesn’t really love her?

Mrs. McCartney led Erin out into the backyard where Jesse was just hanging out.  

Jesse quickly rushed up to Erin and offered her a seat.  Erin couldn’t believe her eyes.  Jesse looked like he hadn’t slept in days.  His hair was not combed, and his clothes were dirty and wrinkly.  This was
definitely out of character for him.
Jesse focused on Erin.  “Erin, can you please tell me what’s going on? 
Why did Michelle break up with me?”

Erin was taken by surprise.  “You mean you really don’t know?”

Jesse began to pull his hair in frustration.  “No! I have no idea. 
I’ve gone over everything I’ve said to her or even done lately, and I
can’t put my finger on ANYTHING that I could have done wrong!”

Erin took a deep breath in.  “Jesse, it’s because she knows you’ve used
her this whole time to get votes for you election.”

Jesse smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand.  “That’s not it
at all!  I’m running in this election FOR Michelle!  Erin, Michelle has
changed my life!  Everything that was so important to me before doesn’t
even matter anymore.  All I care about is Michelle.  I thought that I’d
be able to surprise her by winning this election and I’d be able to
give something back to this town if I was student body president.  That’s
why I kept the election a secret from her.  No wonder she freaked out
when she heard about it.  I know I’ve done some shameful things, but
Michelle is the angel that found me and changed me.  I thought this was
the least I could do to pay everyone back for the horrible person I was
in the past!”

Erin began to panic. “Jesse, did you know that Michelle has the chance
to go through operations and treatments to restore her hearing?”

Jesse was flabbergasted.  “No.  She hasn’t said a thing!  That’s
GREAT!”  He smiled joyfully at Michelle’s fortune.

“There’s just one thing, Jesse,” said Erin warningly.  “She has to go
to Switzerland for a whole year to be able to do it.  Only, until
yesterday, she wouldn’t go because she didn’t want to leave you.”

Jesse’s jaw dropped in shock.  “What?!  Erin I love her.  I would wait
forever for her.  This is the chance of a lifetime, she needs to take

Erin sighed.  “Well if you love her enough to let her go there….she’s
going to have to leave New York believing you don’t love her anymore,
otherwise she won’t leave you.”

Erin looked and blinked twice.  Could it be?  The Jesse McCartney was

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