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~Chapter 12~

Lauren frowned as she watched her cousin Erin hunch over a stack of papers at the kitchen table.

Lauren lightly walked up behind her cousin and put her chin on her shoulder so she could find out what her cousin could be focusing so
intently on.

“Why do you spend so much time planning this stuff?  You always have to have everything PERFECT Erin.  Maybe you should let people help you once in a while.”

Erin turned around to look her cousin skeptically in the eye.  “Oh do you have a suggestion?  Perhaps have a gossip or French kissing stand?”

Lauren gave her cousin a look of shock.  It was fake of course, but that didn’t matter, Lauren needed Erin to help her go through with her
plan to killing a relationship.

Lauren laughed light heartedly.  “Actually, I had an idea about a mother daughter fashion show!”

Erin blushed.  “Well Lauren, I don’t know if my mom will be up to that.”

Lauren laughed again at her silly cousin.  “Not you silly!  I’m talking about Michelle and her mom!  Her mother used to be a model anyways
right?  It would be PERFECT.  You could sell tickets to the show for a dollar each.  You’ll make a lot of money off of it for the donations or
whatever the money goes to.”

Erin sat on the though for minute.  Could her cousin have actually come up with a good and original idea?  She instantly felt guilty for
underestimating her cousin.

“Well, I suppose I could maybe stop by the Edwards home tomorrow during lunch to talk to her,” Erin said thoughtfully. 

“Oh Erin!  You have SO many other things you have to take care of!  I’ll go over there right now and talk to Mrs. Edwards about it.  I’d love
to help you out.”  Lauren smiled angelically at her cousin.

Erin though it was rather strange that her cousin had just now suddenly wanted to be involved, but she had to admit, it did take some of the workload off of her back.


Lauren pulled her Jeep into the Edward’s driveway.  After she knocked on the door, a woman who looked like a beautiful older version of
Michelle opened the door.

“Hi, are you a friend of Michelle’s?”

Lauren played with her fingers.  “Um, yeah kind of, we go to school together, I wanted to ask you if you’d be interested in doing a feature
for the school carnival?”

The two sat down in the kitchen and discussed the plans for a mother daughter fashion show.  Mrs. Edwards agreed to it. 

Soon after, Mrs. Edwards led Lauren out to where Michelle was sitting outside.  The two explained the idea to Michelle about the fashion show.  Michelle looked delighted to do it.

As Lauren sat down to chat with Michelle, she took a closer look at her.

Wow, she really is a pretty girl!  Lauren braced herself as she prepared to work her magic.

Lauren smiled as she leaned in toward Michelle.  “So, don’t you think it’s cool that Jesse is running for class president?  I’m sure he’s
totally going to win!”

Michelle frowned.  “Are you sure?  Jesse hasn’t said anything to me about running for president?”

Lauren frowned back at Michelle.  She twisted her lips into a pout as she continued thoughtfully, “Well that’s really weird.  He’s totally
about to win the election and he didn’t even tell you he was running?  That’s really strange…  Well I’m sure it’s nothing, I’m sure he was
planning to tell you after he won or something.  Besides, those rumors that are going around, I’m sure their not true.”

Although Lauren had pretended it seemed like nothing, she was satisfied to see a troubled look in Michelle’s eyes.

“Rumors?  What rumors?” 

“Oh, well it’s nothing!  Probably not even true.  Well at least I don’t believe them!”  Lauren smiled at Michelle teasingly.

Michelle squeezed Lauren’s hands in her own.  “Please Lauren, you have to tell me!  I don’t know of any of the rumors!”

Lauren sighed.  “Oh alright.  I’ll tell you, but keep in mind that they are probably not true.”

Michelle nodded eagerly.

Lauren continued her evil plan.  “Well, word has it, that Jesse is only dating you to get more votes.  I know it sounds ridiculous, but it’s
been said that he plans to break up with you once he gets what he wants out of you.  Those extra votes.”

Michelle looked confused.  “How would dating me get him more votes?”

Lauren bit her lip.  “Well, he wasn’t really considered the most sensitive person before you moved here and he was known for being a jerk and not being able to fall in love with anybody.  People think that he pretended to fall in love with you to make it look like he’s a changed man
and really sweet and loving.  A good candidate for a student body president.”

Michelle scoffed at Lauren’s previous statement.  “Yes, that is definitely just a rumor.  That’s not true at all.”

Lauren smiled at the look in Michelle’s eyes.  “Oh yes, I know.  Well, I’m sure he was planning on telling you about the election soon
anyways.  Well, gotta go!  Talk to you later!”

Lauren sang loudly to the stereo in her jeep as she sped off from the Edward’s home.

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