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Chapter 2 - The Date

Jesse walked into the resturaunt, and spotted his friend Greg with his blind date, and Greg's girlfriend as well.
"Hey." Jesse smiled.
"Yo Jess, this is like your date...Morgan, she's my cousin." Greg smiled.
"Hi.." Morgan said shyly, and brushed her golden blonde hair out of her eyes. Jesse gulped, as they waited to get seated. Twenty minutes later, they got seated. Greg sat next to his girlfriend Lacey. Jesse sat next to Morgan.
"So....your Greg's cousin." Jesse nodded.
"Yup. He's a dork.." Morgan laughed.
"I am not!" Greg defended himself.
"Greg, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but uh yeah you are." Lacey giggled. Greg pouted, but he smiled again once the waiter brought their meals. They talked some more, and finished eating. Once they were done, they paid the waiter, and were out of there.
"That was interesting." Jesse smiled.
"Yeah, it was.." Morgan blushed.
"You don't talk much."
"She's kinda shy.." Greg explained.
"Oh, ok." Jesse held her hand.
"Well, um. Lacey and I are going to like...go back to my house." Greg said, as they got into their own car.
"Alright, cya." Jesse waved, once they were gone Jesse turned back around.
"So, I guess it's just you and me." Morgan gulped.
"Yup, I guess so."
"So, um. Want to come over?" Morgan asked.
"Sure." Jesse smiled, and Morgan got in her car, and Jesse got in his. He followed her to her house.
"So, this is the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom is down the hall, and my room is upstairs with the baby's room."
"You have a kid?" Jesse asked.
"Yeah, she's only one, but she's at her dad's house right now."
"Yeah..we broke up when she was born...well when she was a few weeks old."
"What's her name?"
"Aw, that's cute."
"Yup, Samantha Marie you have any kids?"
"Yeah, a five year old. Cody Nicolas."
"Aww. What happened to his mother?"
"She, a car accident." Jesse felt tears sting his eyes. Everytime he talked about Nikki, he always got upset.
"Oh..I'm so sorry."
"It's ok, you didn't know."
"But I feel awful!" Morgan sighed.
"It's ok, really."
"What time is it anyway?" Jesse asked.
"11:30." Morgan replied.
"Oh, I need to go pick up Cody."
"Yeah, can I meet him sometime?" Morgan asked walking Jesse to the door.
"Yeah of course." Jesse gave Morgan a quick kiss on the cheek, and left. He picked up Cody, who was sound asleep, and drove home.
"Hey, Cody." Jesse whispered.
"Yeah?" Cody asked, rubbing his green eyes.
"Come on, we're home." Jesse smiled.
"Ok daddy. I'm coming." Cody got out of the car, and walked slowly up the steps to the door. Jesse unlocked the door, and Cody walked in behind him and fell on the floor.
"Hey buddy." Jesse bent down next to him, but Cody was asleep again. Jesse chuckled. "I guess I have to carry you." Jesse picked Cody up slowly, and walked down the hall to Cody's room. He placed Cody in the bed, and turned off the lights and closed the door slightly. He walked into his own bedroom, and got in the bed. Once his head hit the pillow he fell fast asleep.

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