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Chapter 1 - Five Years Later

"Mom, yes I know. I’ll find one. Don’t worry. Ok, I love you too. Bye" Twenty-one year old Jesse McCartney sighed, and hung up the phone. He ran his fingers threw his blonde hair and went back into his bedroom.
"Who was that?" The voice from the other room asked.
"My mom." Jesse smiled, and followed the voice. He entered the room, toys all over the place, the bed had stuffed animals all over it. There was a plate of cookies on the floor. And a cup half full with chocolate milk.
"Daddy look!" The child giggled, he held out his hands and inside was a small butterfly.
"Oh that’s cool Cody." Jesse smiled.
"He has some blue and orange and….black on him!"
"Yeah. But ya know, he doesn’t look like he’s feeling well. How about you go put him back outside."
"Ok." Five year old Cody raced outside, and put the butterfly on the porch. Jesse smiled and sat down on Cody's bed. Minutes later, he heard footsteps getting closer and closer.
"Boo!" Cody jumped from behind the door.
"Haha, you got me." Jesse stood up and gave him a hug.
"Yeah!!!!" Cody giggled.
"Cody, I gotta go take a shower."
"Ok Daddy."
Jesse undressed himself and hopped in the shower. About five minutes later, he was out. He got dressed, and brushed his teeth. When he opened the door Cody was sitting in front of it.
"I got bored." He smiled.
"Alright, let's get going. We're gunna be late." Jesse picked Cody up, and carried him out to the car. Cody climbed in the backseat. Jesse got in the front, and drove off.
"Daddy, I don't want to go see your mommy and dad."
"You'll have fun."
"But I wanna meet your friend!"
"You'll meet her...soon."
"Daddy, I wanna go with you!" Cody whined.
"Cody, stop doing that." Jesse looked in the rear view mirror. Cody was doing his famous puppy dog face.
"Please daddy! I wanna go!" Cody cried.
"Nah, you'll see her though. Don't worry."
"Ok." Cody sighed, and stared out the window.
"Alright Cody, we're here." Jesse smiled, and Cody hopped out of the car.
"Hey Jesse." Mr. McCartney smiled.
"Hi dad." Jesse hugged him.
"Hey daddy." Cody smiled. He called Jesse's dad "dad" too.
"Hi Cody." Mr. McCartney picked him up.
"Ok, dad. I'll pick him up at around 12:00."
"I'll be sleeping than!" Cody giggled.
"Yeah. Wait up for me buddy."
"I'll try!"
"It's just like staying up for the new years party last year."
"Oh yeah! Last year Uncle Timmy put ice down my shirt!" Cody smiled.
"Haha, yeah. Anyway, I'll see you guys soon." Jesse smiled, he gave Cody a kiss softly on his head and left. He got in his car, and drove to the resturaunt where he was meeting his "friend".

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