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-Posted by Dan at 5:22 PM 3/5/03

Ok so the reason we haven't updated the site 4 a while is because we haven't been doing much with it 4 a while. But I did just add a cool new game from Check it out! By the way, Dan is going to be the bassist in another band so we'll put up the link for that as soon as we get it up. Thanks!
-Posted by Dan at 4:47 PM 3/5/03

I just came up with a really cool idea. We are going to put the picture at the bottom of the page so that every time you press refresh or reload, you will get a new picture. :-)
-Posted by Dan at 11:41 2/10/03

We are attemping to make a three octave xylophone out of cans. We will put a picture of what it will looks like at the bottom of the page soon. Once we make it, we will put up a picture of the actual thing.
-Posted by Dan at 11:40 AM 2/10/03

We have just recieved word about the horrible distaster in northern Texas with the Columbia Space Shuttle. We feel incredibly sorry for all the astronauts on board and we will be praying for them. This is the sencond time we have lost a space shuttle. The first time was with the Challenger Space Craft. There were 6 Americans and one other astronaut, the first Isreali in space on this flight. You can watch or listen to this on CNN, CBS, FOX, MSNBC, and any other news channels on the TV or the radio. Once again, we feel extremely sorry for all the astronauts on board. Click here for a news story from
-Posted by Dan at 9:58 AM, 2/1/03

WE'VE HIT 300 PAGE VIEWS!!!!! :-) :-) :-)

I think we will be adding a "jokes" link to the toolbar above sometime.
-Posted by Dan at 8:04 AM 1/8/03

NEWS FLASH! NEWS FLASH! I smashed my toe and I had to go to the E.R.!:-( Wish me luck!
-Posted by Dan at 7:22 PM 1/16/03

I think that pretty soon we will be adding some kind of "useless facts" link on the toolbar above. By the way, I'm not sure if I posted a message about this but we do have a toolbar up at the top of the page if you are just too lazy to scroll down to where it is on this page. I think we might eventually just use the links and delete the other information at the bottom of this page but until then, just use whatever you want. Oh! and I forgot to mention that we will also add a "percussionist of the week" link that we feature a different drummer with a little bio and a link to his homepage sometime this month or next. Ok, I'm done talking now.
-Posted by Dan at 9:20 AM 1/1/03

We have transfered the page to pure HTML!!!
-Posted by Dan at 11:06 12/18/02

whomever can sovle this brain teaser can have a prize! here it is: what were you born with (it's yours), but your freinds and family use it more than you??? =) -Jared

We got a very nice letter from one of our readers. Here it is:
-dan + jared
I really like your site
I especially like the space blammo game
I've told my friend Inga about your site
How often will you update the site?
I like the sites you guys suggested
Are you going to make a special edition for the holidays?
Keep up the great work!!!
Thanks, Grace! We really appreciate getting letters like that. -Posted by Dan at 9:45 AM 12/14/02

We are going to try to put up a sound file on our site. Click here to hear our first actually organized song.

Tell us if it works!
-Posted by Dan at 8:24 PM Ah, what the heck. We are going to get rid of the little dealy that says when the site was last updated. It is too hard to keep up with so you will not see it on the site anymore after today. -Posted by Dan at 3:31 PM 12/6/02

Sarah says, "Hey I'm an idiot so help me." Yay!!!!!!!! -Posted by Dan at 11:43 AM

haven't been on in awhile. 10/4/02
We have the new site thing up! Click here to see it. (Dat der link mite not work yet. I'll work on that later.) None of the links work yet, but hey, it's a start! -Posted by Dan at 11:39 AM 10/4/02

We are going to have a few more people join our band part time. The first one is Sam, our announcer who will also play sometimes. The second one is Tommy,who will be another player. The last one is Logan who will also be a player. Now you know. -Posted by Dan at 7:59 PM-10/3/02

We are going to have a new design for our website up pretty soon. It is going to have a main page that has stuff about the band and then links to links and bios and stuff. -Posted by Dan at 7:50 PM-10/3/02

There is this REALLY fun game that we just found. Click here to play it.

We are going to set up a message board! Here's how it works: You email Dan at or Jared at and write what you want to say, and you put your first name. Then we will put it up on the site within 24 hours. Cool, Huh?!?!?!

YOU CAN NOW GET OUR WEBSITE ON YOUR PALM DEVICE! If you have AvantGo, click here to go to a page where you can put it on. In the first box put "Space Junk", in the second column, put "", Make the link depth 5, put "yes" for "follow off-site links" and "include images." Then click "Save Channel" and the next time you hotsync your device, it will be there! Cool, huh?

Our Favorite Web Sites

Cartoon network
Dan's Family's Home Page
Coffee Break Arcade
Toonami Arena!!!
Candystand Mini Golf
Tales of the Blode Episode 1
Tales of the Blode Episode 2
Tales of the Blode Episode 3
Tales of the Blode Episode 4
Tales of the Blode Episode 5
Lenny Snowboarding- Ezone
Lenny Goes to Pluto- Ezone
Lenny in Space- Ezone
A funny joke to tell your freinds!
Eddie Algae-Ezone
Singing Horses (Way cool!)Make sure your volume's up and then click on each horse to make it start singing. Then click it again to turn it off.

We do really cool stuff with our band. I think I might get an electric bass in a couple of years so we can add some melody to our music. We are getting a digital camera so I am hoping we get some recordings or videos of us playing. But until then, just hang tight and wait for us to figure out what the heck we're doing. Thanks! -Dan

If you can beat a score of 100 in space blammo, i'll be very mad! -Jared

get this gear!

You can email dan at and jared at talk 2 u l8er. :-)

VALLEY RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Note: Most of the links below are sites with mainly games, cartoons, and funny junk! :)

Our Favorite Web Sites

Cartoon network
Dan's Family's Home Page
Coffee Break Arcade
Toonami Arena!!!
Candystand Mini Golf
Tales of the Blode Episode 1
Tales of the Blode Episode 2
Tales of the Blode Episode 3
Tales of the Blode Episode 4
Tales of the Blode Episode 5
Lenny Snowboarding- Ezone
Lenny Goes to Pluto- Ezone
Lenny in Space- Ezone
A funny joke to tell your freinds!
Eddie Algae-Ezone
Singing Horses (Way cool!)Make sure your volume's up and then click on each horse to make it start singing. Then click it again to turn it off.

People in our band