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APRIL 21, 2005
I'm not doing much with music at the moment. I am however, wanting to play an acoustic set at the Scarlet Cord, but I haven't heard anything. Other than that, I'll see you all in a few months.

APRIL 13, 2005
I decided to change the cover design of the EP and also add a bonus song. It is a re-recorded cover of my uncle, Brent J Dickey's "How Come (You Don't Have Me By.)" I guess people know me for that song, so I did it for them. I also just plain love the song. Other than that, I am laying low and absolutely loving the weather. I get bored alot, so hit me up on myspace.

APRIL 06, 2005
Not much goin' on here..Just bein' lazy and shit. I hope to eventually take the time to record a longer and better cd, but I have no idea when. 'Think I might take a break and start hitting some books. IM me if you want on ICQ# 324241777 or AIM: dkonbass.

MARCH 25, 2005
I now have a decent self-recorded CD under my belt, and sometime this year I will most definitely launch a full-length (courtesy of my "ZOOM MRS-4b" digital 4-track). Ha ha, is that sad or what..The quality sounds okay though. Catch you later, DK