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Ryan Brewer's Web Page

My life is born out of a love and passion for Jesus Christ and a rebellion of the "status quo" of the modern church. I hope to serve my Lord faithfully with all my heart and with all my soul and with all  my mind and with all my strength. I strive to deal honestly and directly with the issues facing the church today. It is my hope by being honest that others will be drawn to my Lord through me Thanks for visiting.

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May God bless you and lead you to Himself. Revelations 22:17

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One of the great passions of my life is to seek God with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. One of the best books that I have found on the development of our Spiritual Formation is: Renovation of the Heart by Dallas Willard. Along with that, is a wonderful book that has helped me understand Spiritual Disciplines and the importance of applying them to my life. This book is Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster.

Below are articles that I have written which summarize each of the Spiritual Disciple that Foster details in this book. I hope that these articles will be of help to you in your spiritual walk with Christ.
However, let me give one word of caution. Not every Spiritual Discipline is Christian. The word "spiritual" is almost taboo today. Just because the word "spiritual" is attached to a phrase doesn't mean that it is actually Biblical. For instance, there are many people who disagree with Richard Foster's work on Contemplative Prayer. Their argument is that the references that Foster uses for "his method" of Contemplative Prayer are not Christian, themselves. Through my research, I would have to say that this is true. Henri Nouwen, Thomas Merton, several other authors that Foster quotes are not Christian. Some are Buddist monks, others are Universalists believing all paths lead to God. Before, reading any of the articles posted here, I suggest that you first read the article on "What is Spiritual Formation?"

I feel that is extremely important for every believer in Jesus Christ to take their Spiritual growth very seriously. Don't simply take my words as truth. Test them against the scriptures themselves to make sure you find them to be true. I wish you the best. God Bless.


Click here to view Richard Foster's Pastoral Letter on Spiritual Formation
Click here to view Practical Ideas and Exercises for the Practice of Spiritual Disciplines
Click here to view The Common Disciplines and Questions of Examen
Click here to view What Does It Mean To Be A Disciple?
Click here to view The Importance of Spiritual Disciplines?
Click here to view The Discipline of Meditation
Click here to view The Discipline of Prayer
Click here to view The Discipline of Fasting
Click here to view The Discipline of Study
Click here to view The Discipline of Simplicity
Click here to view The Discipline of Solitude
Click here to view The Discipline of Submission
Click here to view The Discipline of Service
Click here to view The Discipline of Confession
Click here to view The Discipline of Worship
Click here to view The Discipline of Guidance
Click here to view The Discipline of Celebration


These are the articles that summarize Dallas Willard's Renovation of the Heart. Hope they are helpful.


Click here to view Chapter 1. Introducing Spiritual Formation: The "Beyond Within" and the Way of Jesus
Click here to view Chapter 2: The Heart in the System of Human Life
Click here to view Chapter 3: The Radical Evil in the Ruined Soul
Click here to view Chapter 4: Radical Goodness Restored to the Soul
Click here to view Chapter 5: Spiritual Change: The Reliable Pattern
Click here to view Chapter 6: Transforming the Mind: The Thought Life
Click here to view Chapter 7: Transforming the Mind: Sensation and Emotion
Click here to view Chapter 8: Transforming Will and Character (the "Heart")
Click here to view Chapter 9: Transforming the Body
Click here to view Chapter 10: Transforming the Social Context
Click here to view Chapter 11: Transforming the Soul
Click here to view Chapter 12: The Children of Light and the Light of the World
Click here to view Chapter 13: Spiritual Formation in the Local Congregation

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