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Reb 2002 Pictures

Justin serenades a pony Jose in a parking lot Ian is sexy ? Ian is sexy again Azure: Leader Of Men proud to be part of the community want his sex0r Jose is constipated you know..penis
SEX!!! what Walking into the distance. Ian showing girl how to stick her tounge out at martin. Justin getting protective of his food. Kiss dem pipes J. Jose working his magic on some females. .....what can I say? Ian and Justin REB 2002 Jordan bustin' some beats.. somethings always covering his face...???

Practice At Lyndsey's

Jordan Shred Ian SHRED!! Jordan Kickin it. I must have pissed him off Determination.. w00t w00t Damn him for being so big. The future M3t@llic@ ;) Who are these guys? The Stringed Instrument Players!

Grad Fashion Show (Ian + Jose)

Ian Shasta And Jose Put up y0 Dukes Biatch Cheap shot.. hit him where it hurts!! BOOOyAH! Sophistimacated? Me think yes. Une Photo sur Moi Pour Avril PimPed OuT Ridiculously good looking Male Models Ian Struttin his Shiz Ian Again Yes, another one of Ian
Trio of Doom Thats right, my turn to pimp. Jose Struttin his Shiz Omg, one where Ian's in the background.. crazy.

Axefest Finals 2003

Jose and Ian Ian Rippin It Scream Bro.... SCREAM!!! A little more mellow ;) Looks like Ian's legs are broken.... Theory of a NickelfAzure Pose! Whats in the sky??.. What was Ian smoking?.. Jose after a song.. looks tired... Now Justin's on crack... More crack..
Redemption! Who am I? Who are you? It's the crack I tell's ya.. Poor Jordan.. *tisk tisk* get bigger bro lol.. Jose looks tired.. someone get that man a twinkie! So determined! Oh My God.. theres Jordan.... wow!