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Leave Me In Hell

Six sixty six
Beastial sex
Screaming in pain
Rules hell's domain

I don't want to be born

I don't want it

Leave me in hell

Gold pentagram
Full blooded ram
Hell bears its child
Sharpens his scythe

I don't want to be born

I don't want it

Leave me in hell

Hail Satanic Majesties

My crucifix
Chief satanist
Possessed by hell
Cast me a spell

I don't want to be born

I don't want it

Leave me in hell


Hooded figures, clouded skies
Fires burn within their eyes
Pentagram with baphomet midnight strikes
Goat of menders lifts his head
Summons up the living dead
Virgin flesh lies tied and bound
Hail satanas

Scream for mercy cry and repent satan claims your soul
Sacrifice, sacrifice, oh so nice, sacrifice

Candles glow on alters bare
A virgin's death is needed there
Sacrifice to lucifer my master
Bring the calico raise the knife
Welcome to my sacrifice
Plunge the dagger in her breast
I insist

Limbs weaken life flies away demons rejoice
Sacrifice, sacrifice, name your price, sacrifice

Death is swift `neath satans' sword
All the same young and old
Life means nothing to my lord
Drink from chalice warm and sweet
Virgin's heart final beat
Lightning strikes virgin dies
Satan smiles

The moon is black and the witches dance, heaven is denied
Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice

Heaven's On Fire

You think your soul is nice
You've lived in paradise
So now you take the stand
You want to hold your master's hand
You think your soul is free
Look up and you'll see me
The pearly gates ablaze
The angels bear the zombie's gaze

Heaven's on fire
And there ain't nothing you can do
Heaven's on fire
And when you die you'll go there too

The angel's life their death
No there ain't nothing left
The clowns of God despise
But torment renders no disguise
The skies a blazing tomb
Plenty sorrow plenty doom
They hattle living sin
The souls of God can't hate to win

Heaven's on fire
And there ain't nothing you can do
Heaven's on fire
And when you die you'll go there too

If God is so almighty
Then why is he enslaved
In heaven's hell by satan
The universe his slave
Satan rides the skies
Look up you'll see his eyes
Disguised as endless stars
To keep an eye on endless wars
Do you believe in God
He's chained up like a dog
And every hour he screams
Satan rules supreme

Countess Bathory

Welcoming the virgins fair, to live a noble life
In the castle known to all - the Count's internal wife
She invites the peasants with endless lavish foods
But, when evening spreads it wings, she rapes them of their blood

Countess Bathory
Countess Bathory

All day long the virgins sit and feast on endless meals
The Countless laughs and sips her wine - her skin doth crack and peel
But when nighttime fills the air one must pay the price
The Countess takes her midnight bath with blood that once gave life

Countess Bathory
Countess Bathory

Living in her self-styled Hell, the Countess dressed in black
Life's so distant - death's so near - no blood to fury time back
The castle walls are closing in, she's crippled now with age
Welcomes death with open arms - the reaper turns the page

Countess Bathory
Countess Bathory

Don't Burn The Witch

The witches brew a pot of hate
With lizard, but and man
With a smile they laugh their spells
Astir with wretched hand
Calling demons baphomet
And mephistopheles
The tattered firyres cackle
As their mortal victims bleed

Don't burn the witch
The ways of hell aren't wrong
Don't burn the witch
Let them brew their song

The witches of the blackened arts
Are cunning, cruel and mean
Persecuted by religion
God the man unseen
Beastial malevolence
Is chartered in their bones
Leave the unreal house of God
And burn in hell at home

Don't burn the witch
The ways of hell aren't wrong
Don't burn the witch
Let them brew their song

Eye of lizard
Wing of bat
Testicle of man
Tongue of eagle
Brain of rat
Jesus Christ's left hand

The witches make the voodoo doll
A toy taboo in heaven
They dance around the pentagram
In search of rape by satan
Leave the heart and blood of men
In cauldrons laced in sin
Add the arsenic, hemlock, pus
Triumph takes the wings

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