San Jose CA to Burbank CA

Today's Driving Distance: 440 miles - Driving Time: 6.5 hrs

Total Driving Distance [so far]: 570 miles - Driving Time: 8.5

Chris saying goodbye to Mr. Met

Chris and I vacated the hotel early so I could get him home and me on the road to LA. We did however take a small detour and quickly visited my son Jeff in Richmond. I got to personally congratulate Tracy for all her hard work! It was good to see them both just before embarking on my trek. Traveling to drop off Chris at his house. I grabbed a quick bite to eat before heading off to I-5 and sunny Southern California. It was noon so I was right on schedule. Most of the drive south I listened to a 56 song CD "Best of Nazareth" that I had burned last week. Traffic wasn't too bad. Tonight I was going with another close friend to see, yes again, Blue Oyster Cult. Back to back shows to start my road trip. Kerry and I grew up together in the same neighborhood but unfortunately don't hang out enough. He and his lovely wife Caroline, I found out, are huge Walking Dead fans such as myself.

I arrived at Kerry's around 5, making good time even with the pinhead drivers on I-5. We headed off to Hollywood to see the Amazing Blue Oyster Cult! Kerry found a close parking spot just across the street from the theatre. The show was again excellent and we got closer to the stage during the encore. We talked about old times once back home and then called it a night.

Blue Oyster Cult in Hollywood

On to Day 3

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