Quakertown PA

Today's Driving Distance: zero Miles - Driving Time: zero Hours

Total Driving Distance [so far]: 4250 Miles - Driving Time: 75 Hours

A view from yesterday of Pennsylvania

Another weathered building

I woke up around 8am and went to get some breakfast from the little buffet they have at the hotel. Acting on an idea from last night, I asked at the desk if I could stay in my room an extra day. I had the notion of going to nearby Philadelphia and visiting the Three Stooges Museum but they are only open on Thursdays unless you reserve a visit ahead of time. So I decided to just hang here in Quakertown and get some work done, update the website, etc. New York is only a short 2 hour drive away. The weather was windy and cloudy so it was a good day to stay off the roads.

This pizza was much better than what I got in Terre Haute.

I had a nice quiet day and got caught up on the website then I went and got myself a pizza in the afternoon. Big enough for lunch and dinner. I am excited about getting this far already. Only a week until the baseball season opens. Tomorrow New York, here I come.

On to Day 19

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