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2003 Water Polo
2004 Water Polo
Winter Formal
In Memory of My Grandpa
Senior Prom



Friends are the ones that are always there,
Whenever anything gives you a scare.
They'll be there when the road gets rough,
They see you through when times are tough.

They laugh with you when you tell a joke,
Even lend you money when you are broke.
They cry with you when you are sad,
Sometimes they might even get mad.

Expressing myself is easy and I feel free,
To say that my friends mean so much to me.
They are always there and never complain,
They feel your laughter and also your pain.

They know when to laugh, when to smile, when to cry,
They even know when all you need is a sigh.
They make you laugh when you are down,
They make a smile out of a frown.

Never hold grudges over something that's silly,
The best friendships are often hilly.
So just remember when you find a true friend,
Never let that friendship end.