South Colonie Friends of Music

Activities and Projects

===> Did you know that - - ALL - - SCFOM monies come from membership dues and donations? <===

1. Did you know that SCFOM has underwritten a Summer Music Program-
(Paul C. Aldi Music Academy) for more than 20 years,
giving area student musicians an opportunity to study their own instruments and perform in groups?
Areas of study outside of the their own instrument are also provided giving students
a chance to broaden their musical experiences.

2. Did you know that College Scholarships (First year of study only) are awarded to 4 graduating seniors
from Colonie Central who have performed in a musical group (band, orchestra, or chorus)
for all 4 years of high school?
This is a competitive process requiring letters of recommendation, essays, and resumes
which are judged by an outside source.
Applicants DO NOT need to continue their education in music.

3. Did you know that SCFOM sponsors a Dance Band comprised of local high school students, graduates,
and area musicians? This group regularly performs in the local community.

4. Did you know that every few years, SCFOM sponsors and promotes an Alumni Concert? All CCHS graduates
are invited back to their Alma Mater for a weekend rehearsal and performance.

5. Did you know that all graduating seniors who continue their education in some music-affiliated field
receive a Harvard Music Dictionary to assist in collegiate studies?

6. Did you know that SCFOM provides Hospitality Receptions for many major music events held in the District?
These include Suburban Council auditions, Learn-to-Play nights, the Faculty-Student Recital,
and visiting musical groups.

7. Did you know that SCFOM contributes to and supports sending students at all levels
to special musical outings and field trips?

8. Did you know that in the past, SCFOM has purchased classroom instruments and equipment
for General Music classes in the District's elementary schools and High School?

Did you know that a dedicated group of parents, teachers, and other interested people comprise this all-volunteer force?

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Count since September 23, 2011