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What is the Gospel Chicken House?

Gospel Chicken House - Music for Christ


As told by Vicki Bruce ...

Some know him as Mr. Ray Pollard; others refer to him as Mr. Chicken House or the "head rooster" at the Gospel Chicken House. He often introduces himself as the janitor of the establishment. Many refer to him as Dad because of his father image. After you, the readers, have completed hearing about Ray, I'll let you come to your own conclusion.

During the 29 years I've been involved with the Gospel Chicken House, hundred of times the question has been laid before me. What is the G.C.H.? It's a place for over 35 years, thousands have found hope, love and a reason for living. Why? Because this one man, along with his dedicated wife Mary, was obedient to the Lord Jesus Christ and the mission He gave them to do.

I'll condense the long story down to go something like this:

Over 35 years ago Ray was the bass singer for a group called the Firetower Quartet. They needed a place to practice; so since a big chicken industry had come into the area and all the small chicken farmers had surrendered to the big boys, the feathers and dust now lay settled upon the floor of the empty hen house. This seemed the perfect place to set up camp for a weekly jam session of gospel music. Several pitched in to "clean up" the one end of the building. Out went the chicken "stuff" - in came the instruments, musicians, singers and Jesus Christ. (I guess, being born in a stable, Jesus felt right at home in a building such as this.)

It didn't stay just a practice session for long. Soon people began to ask if they could sit on the practice and listen. As this unfolded, so did the folding chairs. Soon the place began to fill every Saturday night. Different people who could sing or play (or just plain wanted to) were asked to get up and share their gift of talent (or lack of). It didn't matter how great or small the ability was - if you loved Christ, you were on the program!

Sort of sounds like the story could end here doesn't it? Not so...

As in all ministries, where souls find the Redeeming Savior, opposition shows its head. There were some "self appointed judges" who said this was the work of the devil and gave the Pollards heartache over this calling they knew came from the Lord. Over the next few years a lot of tears were shed and a whole lot more prayers were uttered from their lips while on their knees. When discouragement was at its peak, Mary and Ray stood at the "doorway" called decision. Should we close the doors of the Chicken House? Where do you go to get the answer? To the ONE who opened those "beat up wooden doors" in the first place - The Lord God Almighty. God answered. He revealed Himself to Ray. God know this couple needed encouragement and a confirmation of His will for this place of gospel music. He sent light! One Saturday night, a few years after the ministry was well on its way, the spirit was pouring down upon the service. People were at the alter and weeping at their seats as the service came to a close. No one wanted to leave. It was just like in the scripture. "Let's just stay on this spiritual mountain with Jesus. This is so great!"

After everyone had departed, the Pollards went in the house and retired to bed. Sometime later, Ray returned to the kitchen for a drink of water. He then noticed a light. He went to the window and at the west end of the Chicken House was a light. At first he thought he had forgotten to turn off a switch or maybe it was the moon. He summoned Mary to the kitchen, but neither could decide where the light was coming from. Both returned to bed. The next morning they were in their car and it was at that moment Ray knew that it was God shining His light on the previous humble of Chicken House building. He whispered to his wife, "Look up there, Mary there is not even a quarter moon." They knew, through their tears, the Chicken House would continue on. Those doors would never be nailed shut with any hands other than those nail-scarred hands. The Chicken House lived on. I've only heard Mr. Ray describe that scene a few times, but I can tell you this it's always told with great emotion and flowing tears.

Well for over 3 decades, God has poured His blessings because of husband and wife team. They were a team - equally yoked!

Remember as I write the next few paragraphs, these things that take place are not once a year - not once a month - but every Saturday for over 35 years. Approximately 20 acres of grass are always cut for us to enjoy the beauty and the grounds of Pine Lake farm. We always have coffee (he starts the big pot early). Snow is plowed in the winder. Granted these humble people will be the first to tell you over the years many, many people have pitched in to clean, cook and help out where needed. But I personally know the final responsibility is theirs, and all things were always completed and ready to roll on Saturday night. Now, if I've gotten this figured right, that is over 1,750 weeks of upholding their end of the vision God gave them.

A large number of people do not know God gave Ray another vision. One night, as he lay in bed, it was as if he was transported to another place and there he saw this throne. The throne was so bright with light and beauty, Ray thought his entire body would burst. A few days later driving home from Richmond, God gave this man a song. Mr. Pollard went home and penned the song, "The Great White Throne". This song is still being sung before congregations to this day. In June we celebrated Fathers Day. It was also the month we celebrated 35 years of the Gospel Chicken House proclaiming Christ with music. It was the time for me to express my love, along with thousands of others and say, "Ray, we love you!"

The Chicken House, along with this chosen couple, has withstood trials, criticism, rain storms, snow storms, people storms and spirituals storms. They stood the test. Their home always remained open and their hearts stayed soft. The welcome mat was always rolled out. The light is still shining over this little country Chicken House.

Ray always called me his "butterfly daughter".

I'll always call him "The Rock" - for Jesus said, "I'll build my church upon The Rock."

The Gospel Chicken House had a firm foundation - his name is "Ray".

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