ok this is all about me, and if you read it, i'll feel special!...here goes


From the home page you have some idea of who i am, but you dont really know much about me now do you, well here goes. beyond what the homepage says im really different, unlike most ppl would think, I AM CLEAN never done any drugs in my life, and i dont plan on it so there...lol

Things i like: for some go here, but ill write more anyways, i like hanging out with my friends this summer, and just doing whatever feels right at the moment, i like this juice that i found, crystal ligh, its the best! i like my computer...oddly its not evil and yeah

now..Things i Love: BETH! i love her more than anything! you make my life worth living, and i know i owe you, sorry but i knew we had to leave soon! i love being with you cuddleing with you, kissing you, and everything else i do with you, i just love you! and nothing or anything anybody says is gonna change it

Some things i Hate:  when ppl tell you what YOUR feeling when THEY have NO IDEA! or when people are mad/sad and try to bring you down with them...err it just bugs me for more go here

you know theres not much to put on this page cuz a lot of it is already on the other parts of my page...so yeah...just wanna say again I LOVE YOU BETH! lol, and i miss you soooooo much, but its not like we wont see eachother again, itll just be a day or 2...lol, but it seems like forever! thats about it, see ya ppl!