Some things i really like are....
  1. My Girlfriend Beth, i love ya!
  2. computers, they may be evil but we still need em
  3. talking online, so IM me
  4. hot topic, even if it is a little over priced
  5. music...the good kind
  6. finding that new band before anyone else you know does
  7. getting a new cd
  8. the feeling after you take a shower
  10. rollerbladeing, hopefully im gonna start doin tricks and shit soon
  11. working on my page, cuz its a sumthing to do when im bored, and when other ppl are bored they can look at it and not be bored
  12. goin to the movies
  13. messin around at target
  14. hanging out in general
  15. cuddleing...i know im a guy...but i like it!
  16. kissing
  17. summer a way
  18. 89X the best station ever
  19. concerts, even tho i've only been to one, but it was still a ton of fun!
  20. being right and watching the other person deny it
  21. finding out who your real friends you guys!
  22. the red wings WE WON!
  23. Playing hockey at matts house
  24. My room
  25. makin people laugh, even if it means hurting or embarassing myself
  26. Mr. Green.....mmmmmm yummy
  27. Play Station
  28. Anime, i dont care what you say erin!
  29. Sleding
  30. Snow boarding
  31. getting funny looks from people


Trixiegirl's music