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The Need
According to Actors Equity census last year, out of a total membership of 43,716 professional performers, only 1696 were African American. Of those 1696 Professional African American Artists, it is estimated that less than 8% of them were actively employed in their field. B2: Productions seeks to create paid employment for this undeserved contingency.

Our Mission
The Mission of B2: Productions is to create a national network of venues for professional performers of color which will serve as a support structure for the ongoing development and proliferation of talent and new works generated by and produced by people of color.

Beginning in New York and then expanding every 6 to 8 months, it is our intent to have B2: Productions established with successful venues in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Atlanta, Detroit and Las Vegas. We are committed to providing a high profile platform at each of these partner venues designed to empower, promote and generate opportunity for and by people of color. We are committed to enrolling a multi-cultural audience to support and expand this vision.

It is further our intent to use this network to create a national following and booking network for Entertainers of Color ranging from National Head liners to New Talent. We envision this new network of talent to be of interest to generate a weekly television broadcast from one of these venues.