"I tried so hard to hate you but it only makes things worse.
I only end up hating myself. And as my hatred grow so do the
lies, it's hard to face the truth sometimes, god I feel so
useless. God I hate myself when I try to get over you. I hate
myself, how will I ever get over you?"


30 July 2001: Well, I think that I have the whole problem with the bootleg worked out. In order to download the files that aren't on this website you'll have to go to my folder at myplay.com. I'll put that information up on the bootleg page. Sorry for the inconvenience.

28 July 2001: Stabbing Westward was just on the Craig Kilborn show on CBS. They played So Far Away and then the show played clips of High, Wasted, Breathe You In, and So Far Away before commercial breaks and when guests came on and the like. So there you have it. It was a pretty good performance of it. I kind of wish that they had played something else just for a little bit of variety. I suppose once Angel hits the radio if they are on more shows that might get played as well. I'd love to hear that one live. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

26 July 2001:Stabbing Westward is now kind of on tour again. They are hitting a few radio shows as listed on the Official Site. Unfortunately, none of these dates are out by me. :( Also, Angel is going to be the next single. I happen to like this song quite a bit. I don't know if it's one of the more "radio-friendly" of the songs, but I happen to really like it.

But I've never been loved by an angel
I've never felt anything so pure
I've never been loved by an angel
Until tonight your heaven filled my room

23 July 2001: Well, this site is now actually one step ahead of my +Live+ site. I've got a full bootleg up here from Summerfest from this past July 4th. I recorded it off of the webcast, so the quality is quite good. I put it in mp3 form so that it would actually fit up on the pages here. There is also cover art for the front and the back that I made. I'm considering making a label for the disc as well. We'll see how ambitious I get tonight. So go to the new section and download this show. I think it was great, the new songs are amazing. (Just a note, I could be a little biased considering it was my first Stabbing Westward concert, and I was really close to the front, and because it was the only time I got to see them this summer. But other than that, no bias.) Go download it!!! :)

22 July 2001: Stabbing Westward is scheduled to be on the Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn on Friday, July 28th. The show starts at 12:35 EST on CBS, but I don't know what time Stabbing Westward is actually supposed to be on. :)

21 July 2001: HOB.com has a webcast of the entire concert at Summerfest from July 4th. Like I said before, this was an amazing concert, and it was so cool to be able to watch it again. I even figured out where I was standing because of the arms of the guy standing in front of me. But definitely go and watch it!

13 July 2001: Happy Friday the 13th!! (That's it. lol)

9 July 2001: Ok, all the pictures that I took from Summerfest are up in the pictures section. Some of them turned out really good, others of them were ok. I did what I could to try to make them look better. Unfortunately I had someone's head in most of them since in the one row ahead of me there was a guy who was probably over 6' tall standing right in front of me. Of course, I felt worse for the girl in the row behind me because she was even shorter. So if you're looking at the pictures, this is what you missed. :)

5 July 2001: OH MY GOD!!! That's really all I have to say. Stabbing Westward did show up at Summerfest in Milwaukee yesterday, and the show kicked ass. They played for almost 2 hours, and played 13 songs. It was absolutely amazing. Today I can barely hear or speak, but it was so worth it. We were standing on the second row of benches, so we were really close to the stage. And as always, Chris looked absolutely gorgeous! :) About halfway through the set he took off his shirt, and wow, he is built. :) But that just made the concert that much better. His voice is amazing, and the whole thing just kicked ass. I've got pictures that I'll be putting up in a few days from the show, so that's something to look forward to. The setlist from the show was:

  1. What Do I Have To Do?
  2. High
  3. Perfect
  4. So Far Away
  5. Happy
  6. Violent Mood Swings
  7. I Remember
  8. Save Yourself
  9. Wasted
  10. The Only Thing
  11. Television
  12. Dawn
  13. Shame
All in all, it was absolutely amazing, even if I don't have anything to compare it to since I've never seen them before, but if I ever see them again and their shows are even half as good it will be great. Even the new songs absolutely rocked. Like you'd never even guess, but they were great. :) I really hope I get to see them tour again soon.

2 July 2001: I picked up the July issue of CMJ New Music Monthly and there was a 19 track CD sampler with Stabbing Westward's Wasted on it. Ok, basically that was the only reason I got the magazine, but that's ok. They were described in the magazine as:

"Overhauled NIN-influanced electronic-rock quintet moving toward distintly more melodic territory."
I don't know how much I agree with that. Way too many people just categorize them as a rip-off of NIN when it isn't entirely true. But oh well. At least they were included in the CD, so I give the magazine credit for that.

30 June 2001: Again :( Now they've cancelled all the shows after the first, making my ticket for the Electric Factory show worthless as well. So that's 3 shows that I was supposed to see Stabbing Westward at, now I won't get to see them once. :( Despite this all, I know everyone still hopes that everything goes well with Andy's surgery and I can't wait until they are able to get out on the road again *Crossing my fingers* so that maybe I'll get to see them. Maybe they'll play another round of club shows later this summer or in the fall to make up for it? (I hope, I hope, I hope) Cause now the high point of my summer has just been totally shot to hell. But oh well. Again, hope Andy get's well soon, and I guess I'll just have to deal with listening to their CD's instead of seeing them. :(

28 June 2001: :( Stabbing Westward has cancelled all their tour dates with The Cult after July 7th. :( I was hoping it wouldn't be true, but all of the dates after the Philadelphia show at the Electric Factory have been erased from the tour section. I just got a ticket for that show since they aren't playing in New Jersey anymore, so there might still be tickets available for those people willing to make the drive. I was hoping I'd have a little more time to recover after seeing them in Milwaukee, but what can I do. I really want to see them. I'm gonna be totally beaten up though since I don't think there's any way to get rid of my ticket for the 13th, and I'm sure not going to waste the money. Hmmmmmm.... 3 concerts in 2 weeks. New record for me. Let's all hope I can still stand after it all. :)

25 June 2001: I'm going to see Stabbing Westward at Summerfest in Milwaukee on July 4th! :) What better way could there be to celebrate than to go to see my first real Stabbing Westward concert with the friend who started me listening to them? Even better is that less than 2 weeks later I'll be seeing them again in New Jersey with The Cult on Friday the 13th. :) I can't wait. In about a month and a half I'm going to be seeing 3 great concerts. Besides seeing Stabbing Westward twice, I'll also be going to the Rolling Rock Town Fair in Latrobe, PA on August 4th. Staind, Incubus, +Live+, Stone Temple Pilots, Tantric, Oleander, and The Deftones. Of course, I then have to drive all night to get to a family reunion, but this is beside the point because this is going to be a great concert. Just one more thing to look forward to before I have to start classes again... and at 8am at that. But I've still got 2 months and 3 concerts before I have to worry about that. I'm considering adding an mp3 section in the near future, but we'll see. Still have plenty to work on for the site.

13 June 2001: Today I've added a Yahoo! Messenger skin under the Theme section. I'm in the process of working on an ICQ skin also, but that's still in progress. If I can figure it out, next up are Winamp and Windows Media player skins. But we'll see how and if those actually turn out. For now, there's at least the regular theme that I've based off the new album, and the Yahoo! Messenger skin. Download, and enjoy.

11 June 2001: Well, the theme is up now. I'm not quite sure that the directions are right, but I'll fix those soon. Also, I've put up pictures from the acoustic show that they did at Tower Records in Chicago on May 22nd. I've got pictures of my signed CD booklet up on the Stabbing Westward page, and in the picture section are all the pictures that I took at the concert. There are some pretty good ones up there. Take a look. There might be more stuff up soon, depending on some things I'm working on right now, so keep checking back.

5 June 2001: The website is up, look for more updates soon. I should have the theme up by the end of the week hopefully.

22 May 2001: Stabbing Westward's Self-titled CD, Stabbing Westward is out in stores now. Go to Best Buy to get a special bonus disc with your CD. My bonus disc was mislabeled as having 1. So Far Away 2. Perfect on it, but in reality, track 2 is Wasted. Still a great little acoustic CD.