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Police Story 2

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Police Story 2 starts with a quick recap of the events of Police Story, intercut with footage of Ka-Kui (JC) being disciplined for those same events. He's demoted to traffic duty and is called to a road accident where he bumps into his girlfriend May (Maggie Chung). While they're talking a car pulls up containing Chu Tu - Mr Big from Police Story who was supposed to be in prison. His slimy lawyer, Ko, explains that Chu's been released on compassionate grounds as he only has 3 months to live. Despite that they vow to make Ka-Kui's life hell.

Later Kai-Kui and May get home from a night out and are confronted by Ko, who's found May's flat and comments how a fire in the building would sweep through and kill anyone in it. Since he's not breaking any laws Ka-Kui can't do anything and Ko drives off. The next day while May is visiting her Aunt, Ko turns up again and roughs her up. Her Aunt calls Ka-Kui who rushes over and is told Ko and his goons are in the restaurant on the other side of the highway. In the restaurant a fight breaks out, which results in the place being trashed. Ka-Kui is again hauled in front of his bosses, but he decides to quit before they can punish him.
May is overjoyed when he tells her the news and they head to the mall to book a holiday in Bali. While they're there a bomb threat is called in. Despite no longer being a policeman, Ka-Kui takes control and sets off the fire alarm in an attempt to get people to leave the mall. Eventually the police and fire brigade turn up, but it's starting to look like it was a hoax. Fortunately for him there was a bomb which causes a huge amount of damage, but no loss of life.
Next day the bombers contact the mall owners and demand 10 million, or they'll bomb another mall. The owners contact the police and the case is assigned to Ka-Kui's old boss. He wants Ka-Kui back, so arranges for him to be called off the plane to Bali. Kai-Kui suggests that since dynamite is a controlled substance, it should be traceable, but he's not interested in helping. They've delayed him long enough, however for the plane to take off, so he agrees to take the case.
After planting a bug in the boardroom of the mall owners, Ka-Kai returns to the police station to find May waiting and very angry; so angry she dumps him. He spends the day trying to make good and just as it's working Ko's goons ambush them in a park. Jackie fights them off, but when he gets back to May she dumps him again for being too savage.

Following up a tip on the dynamite Ka-Kui goes to a bar in disguise and attempts to buy some dynamite from a seller. He's been set up and the CID want to arrest him. Instead he gives them the slip and follows the seller home and arrests him. He's interrogated and reveals the identity of the last buyer. The surveillance team follow the buyer to a factory where Ka-Kui and another policeman encounter a mute, who attacks them and flees with his bomb equipment.
Shortly, the blackmailers announce that they will set a bomb off at 12 noon. While the police are searching the malls, the bomb (in a parcel) goes off in the office of the mall owners. The bad guys then kidnap the dynamite seller and force him to take a bomb into the police station, where it is detonated. Meanwhile May has been kidnapped.
Kai-Kui goes off the rails and seeks out Chu Tu, only to discover he's not behind May's kidnap. He gets a phone call telling him to go to an industrial building, where he's knocked out and strung up. The blackmailers, led by the mute, want Ka-Kui to go and collect the ransom. Ka-Kui refuses, so the mute uses him as target practice for his firecrackers. Ka-Kui still refuses so they threaten to hurt May, forcing him to agree. To ensure his cooperation they wire him up to some dynamite with a 15 minute timer...

Police Story 2 is like an extension of Police Story, although Jackie's character has an even rougher time in this film. Compared to some of his later films where he's always the nice guy it's a welcome change to see him playing an angry character, who's prepared to do whatever it takes. The fights are intense and lack the typical slapstick, making you wince instead. PS2 contains some classic Chan moments like the leap off the bus, the dead end car chase and the fight in the playground, which shows just how reckless Chan and his stunt team can be.

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