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My Aura

My Life

My Visions

My Transformation

Taken November 7th, 1999

Taken January 1st, 2000


I decided to show these pictures of my auraand chakras in order to present two new healing technologies: aura imaging software for diagnosis and the Chi Machine for healing and general well being. The aura imaging software captured these pictures and printed out a four-page analysis. After two weeks of using the Chi Machine twice a day, I had my pictures taken again to see if my aura and chakras had changed. As you can see, on November 7th, the chakras were about the size of CDs. The only one that had some color is the solar plexus because I was hungry at the time. At one point, while I was watching my image on the screen, my throat and heart chakras activated. The colors were teal and emerald respectively. The person doing the analysis, Tonya Gamman, remarked that teal is a rare color for the throat chakra, indicating compassion, but it is becoming more common among the new children who are being born. They could be what Scallion refers to as the "Blue Ray Children." In his book, "Notes from the Cosmos," he wrote, "The children incarnating in this time period are driven toward peace and unity, a caring not only for Earth, but for the universe in its totality" Scallion states that most of them were incarnated from Lemuria, but there was a subdivision from Atlantis called the "yellow race," who began incarnating from the 40's to the 70's who are peacemakers. I believe I am of this group and that my two daughters are Blue Ray children.

The computer anaysis states that "The color of the aura on the left is green/yellow. Yellow is the color of the intellect and green is the color of growth and change. Thus my ideas will be changing in many areas. The gold on the right indicates warmth, optimism, humor, and natural joy. Compassion and inspiration is what I am all about. I want to save the world and have fun while doing it. My hope and confidence in the future is a great comfort and inspiration to others."

"The major lesson I need to learn is to believe in myself and my ideas. I am able to intuit knowledge directly from the ether so I can't always explain how I know what I know. I also need to avoid getting so involved in intellectual pursuits, such as this web page, that I don't take time to have a little fun."

The third photo is my aura and chakras on New Years Day. Note that the chakras have more color and brightness, and the aura has become mostly teal (the color tone changed during scanning so it doesn't look as teal as the original) Read Tonya Gamman's article on the significance of the teal at Aura Imaging - Part I. Apparently the teal is due to a planetary secret ray initiation, but I think the change in the chakras is due to the chi machine.

The Chi Machine is an exercise machine that requires no effort yet massages and oxygenates every organ, every cell in the body. People have reported benefits after just a few hours of use. I will be writing articles on the Chi Machine in the winter, 2000 issue and the aura imaging software in the spring issue. If you want to know more about the aura program, visit If you want to find out more about the chi machine go to The Chi Machine - Part I



I must have had many past embodiments as a monk. My earliest memory is that of meditating in my miniature rocking chair, thinking profound thoughts and feeling frustrated because I couldn’t express them in speech or writing. As soon as I learned to write, I began writing stories. Since I went to a parochial school, what I read and wrote had a spiritual theme. When I was in the third grade, I wrote an essay about the Holy Spirit that amazed my teacher so much that she showed it to the Mother Superior (principal) who called me down to her office. I thought I was in hot water, but she just praised me and told me to keep up the good work

By the time I was 15, I was reading St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila and practicing contemplation and spiritual fasting. In my freshman year in college, I convinced the Philosophy professor and some of my classmates to form a Philosophy club. We sponsored lectures and workshops by sensitivity trainers, psychics, the Vedanta Society, and other New Age teachers, and even a Southern Baptist minister.

At 22, I dropped out of college to join an esoteric school based on the teachings of Ouspensky and Gurdjieff. A few months later I left to become a dharma bum, drifting from guru to guru and spending some time at Baba Ram Dass’ Lama Foundation in New Mexico. I went to California to meet Robert DeRopp, author of "The Master Game," which should be required reading for all seekers. He gave me some caustic constructive criticism and I returned home to balance some karma and get a B.A. degree. After three difficult years, I was initiated into Transcendental Meditation, became a TM teacher and practiced it for 11 years, 5 of which included the TM-Siddhi techniques.

In 1983, I found the Summit Lighthouse and the teachings of the ascended masters of the Great White Brotherhood. It was what I had been searching for since childhood. I could write a book about my life since 1983, especially the eight years I was on staff at the Royal Teton Ranch, headquarters of Church Universal and Triumphant. Most of my experiences were uplifting and edifying, some spiritually and psychologically transforming. A few were unpleasant, like the 3 months I suffered from chronic bronchitis while attending Summit University in the polluted air of Los Angeles. Yet even these were opportunities for growth and balancing karma. I will just describe the highlights - my spiritual highs and delights.

My first conference was in the Heart of the Inner Retreat from June 29th to July 5th, 1983. Every night during the conference, before going to sleep, I would make the call to go to the retreat of the chohan of the ray for that day. On the last night, a Tuesday, I made the call to go to El Morya’s retreat at Darjeeling. I woke up before dawn and remembered a strange dream: I was standing in a room full of light. Before me was a tall dark bearded man in a blue turban holding a gold disc which he said contained the akashic record of all my past embodiments. I was shown a scene from a life in India in which, as the nephew of Akbar and a beaurocrat in his government, I fought against the lawyers and politicians who wanted to overthrow him. The only other memory I retained upon awakening that week was that of being barred from entering a temple by an angel when I made the call to go to Serapis Bey’s retreat at Luxor.

That wasn’t the only angel encounter I had at the conference. During one dictation, I was meditating right before it began. The Messenger came on stage and began. When the master announced his identity with "I AM Serapis Bey!", I whispered under my breath, "Serapis Bey!" Even though I was sitting about 10 rows from the stage, Serapis Bey must have heard me, for he shouted, "I demand silence!" Immediately I felt the pressure of attention on me like a powerful mental laser beam. Serapis continued the dictation. I raised my head, which I had lowered in shame and beheld tier upon tier of white-robed angels standing at attention with a look of absolute sternness. I learned later that these were Seraphim.

When I returned to Washington, D.C. after spending two weeks in the Heart of the Inner Retreat, I was severely depressed because the Heart is about as close to the etheric plane you can get and still be in the physical. The effluvia of a sea level city seemed like the astral plane in comparison and I thought seriously about quitting my job and going back to stay. But in my depressed state of mind I thought I would be rejected because, obviously, I couldn't hold the light. I spent two weeks there and didn't come back radiating light and joy like other Keepers of the Flame from the teaching center who were at the conference for one week. I was in this funk when I boarded the subway train to go to work one morning. I sat across a mother with a young boy around four or five. He kept staring at me with a look of astonishment. Finally, he turned to his mother and said, pointing to my forehead, "Mama, that man's name 'I AM THAT I AM'!" At the end of the conference, everyone received the sealing of their forehead with a crystal by the Messenger. This innocent boy with inner sight saw what I had received, the name of God sealed in my forehead as John envisioned in Revelation 22:4. That made my day and banished the gloom that had settled over me.

Toward the end of my Summit University Level I class, everyone was in a funk because the President’s Day banquet was the next day and we hadn’t prepared a pageant, which was the tradition. We had been studying Hiawatha who, along with Longfellow and the Messenger, Mark Prophet, was an embodiment of Lanello. I don’t remember if I made a call to Lanello about the situation, but while watching a video about the Inner Retreat, I was suddenly gripped with the inspiring idea of writing an epilogue to Hiawatha. The basic plot was Hiawatha paddling his canoe to the Western montains of Montana to reconcile with his father and to reunite with Minihaha. Minihaha introduces Hiawatha to the 144,000 saints from the twelve tribes. Each tribe recites a verse describing the part they will play in bringing in the golden age at some future time when they will be reborn and gather at the Inner Retreat. By the time the video was over I had written a rough outline and some of the verses all in the iambic pentameter of Longfellow. After the video I presented my idea to the class and the listless mood changed in an instant to one of excitement and frenzy. In less than 30 hours, I and another writer finished the lines, plus others made the costumes, selected the music, designed the props and choreography and we had one rehersal. I think everyone was in a state of amazement and disbelief that the pangeant could be put together in such a short time. When it was over, the Messenger commented that it was like the plays that are given in etheric retreats to instruct souls. I knew then that we had help from Lanello and his angels to work this miracle.(To be continued...)



In the early morning hours of March 8th, 1976, I was suddenly awakened in my sleep and saw a face before me. I was fully conscious and aware that I was having a lucid dream as I examined the face. I knew it was the face of an angel because it had an expression of profound awe and it glowed. The thought occurred to me that this was the face of one who beholds the face of God. Years later I saw the same face in a picture of a stained glass window depicting the Archangel Gabriel.

The angel showed me a vision. I saw myself walking up a slight rise to a large field where I joined hands with hundreds of people to form a large circle. Everyone was looking at a woman dressed in a shimmering white robe who was speaking. I had the sense that what we were doing was extremely important. Then, the scene changed and I saw myself visiting my relatives and warning them that something bad was going to happen and that the had to flee to the mountains. I felt sad because they didn’t believe me. I also saw a woman I did not recognize having the same experience with her family. Finally I saw myself suspended in space over America, looking down at the aftermath of a cataclysm or war. Instead of the white lights of cities and towns, there were the red glows of fires. I was horrified. Like Ebenezer Scrooge at the vision of his future grave I asked, "Are these visions of what may be, depending on my actions and non-actions and that of others?" The silent angel nodded yes.

About nine years later, on January 1, 1985 at Camelot, the former headquarters of Church Universal & Triumphant in Malibu, I walked up the slight rise to the field next to the chapel of the Holy Grail with hundreds of other. As I did so, I realized that my first vision was coming true. I knew what the Messenger would be wearing. When the circle of light was over, she said, "This circle of light has tremendously amplified the power of Elohim for the safety of Earth... Wherever two or three are gathered in the name of God, of Christ, there is your Christ Self in the midst and you may perform this ritual again and again with the tapes or on your own. It is best to do it with my calls to have the protection of our office as you leave your physical bodies."

A few days later when I wrote to the Messenger about joining staff at the Royal Teton Ranch, I mentioned my visions in a postscript. In her reply, she did not offer any interpretation of the visions. I never brought it up again nor told anyone else about them until I got married seven years later. I hoped that because the first vision came true, that the third would not, that the one circle of light was all that was needed to avert the third vision. However, when the Church started installing shelters and stockpiling survival supplies, I thought that perhaps the third vision, which I had interpreted to be the aftermath of a nuclear attack, would come to pass after all. I called my family to warn them about a possible nuclear attack. Some laughed; others became angry. I felt sad for them and thought that this was my second vision even though I was not with my family and there was no strange woman and her family. When the Berlin Wall came down and the cold war ended, I took it as a sign that the third vision had been averted. Thus, I put my visions behind me and went on with my life. I left staff, married and started raising a family.

Then on the morning of March 14th, 1999, something happened that forced me to resolve once and for all the meaning of my visions. I awoke with the memory of a vivid dream still impressed upon my mind. I wrote it down as follows: "I am at the home of our shelter president. Others in the shelter group are there for an important meeting. The president announces that he has learned from a website of a psychic in Iceland that one of the moons of Mars will hit the Earth in two days. I ask him to show me the web site. When he tries to call it up, we discover that it has been removed. He tells me that he and his wife will travel to Iceland to confirm the story." I meditate on the dream for a few minutes and come up with the interpretation. The moon of Mars is Phobos, which means terror in Greek. Iceland is the Land of fire and ice, which is what hits the Earth when it passes through the tail of a comet. That is, burning meteors and hail. the terror is the “great King of Terror” prophesied by Nostadamus in his quatrain X.72. Some commentators have interpreted it as a comet. The burning meteors in the tail of the comet are what will cause the fires in my third vision. I felt like calling the shelter president to tell him about my dream, but my wife dissuaded me. Who would put much stock in dreams and visions and my interpretation of them? The following Saturday morning, while listening to a radio interview about the third secret of Fatima, which is supposed to be a warning about a bolide hitting the Earth, someone called to relate a vision he had of floating above the United States and seeing thousands of fires. He wanted to know if this could be the aftermath of the bolide. Suddenly three ideas clicked in my mind: 1) The third vision is indeed the aftermath of a large meteor hitting the Earth; 2) Other people have been given the same vision; and 3) I have also been given the key to avert it and it was time to start telling people about it.

I knew that I had to get Keepers to do the circle of light, but I decided to first present the evidence that the Earth is in danger of a meteor strike and that it should be decreed about. I presented the idea of a seminar on prophecy followed by a prayer vigil to the Bozeman Community Teaching Center board of directors. They were very supportive. Then I found out that the Church was allowing teaching centers to broadcast global prayer vigils over the internet. So we arranged to have the prophecy prayer vigil broadcasted. I was delighted that I was able to present some of the information from the seminar, such as quatrain X.72, to everyone listening so that they could make specific calls. I felt that the vigil was a success, but I knew it lacked a key ingredient, the circle of light. I didn’t want to present it, because that would require revealing my visions as an explanation of why I felt it to be so important. I knew that if I did so, people in the community would dismiss it as just Wayne’s dreams or ego trip. So I made a call to Archangel Gabriel and Vesta that if they wanted the circle of light to go forth, it would have to be initiated by someone in the community who was respected and had influence.

A few days later I received a call from a member of the board of directors. She wanted to know if I wanted to help organize a second prayer vigil that would have as its focus the circle of light. I was flabbergasted. When I asked her how she found out about my vision, she said that she happened to be at the Ranch helping to prepare for the July conference when the person in charge of booths showed her an e-mail I had just sent telling her about my visions as an explanation for why I needed a booth for the Circle of Light (the name of this activity at the time). She was at the right place at the right time and was the answer to my call. Over the next few days I studied the original circle of light from January 1st, 1985, the following dictation by Vesta and the preceding dictation by Gautama Buddha and discovered some important calls to make. I also discovered much about the earth grid, the astrology of August 11th and how it all tied in to the circle of light. Unfortunately, due to e-mail glitches and time constraints, I was not able to get my talk approved by the board member before the prayer vigil. Thus, people listening had no idea why we were doing a circle of light on the August 11th eclipse and grand cross and why it was so important. I learned later than many teaching centers turned the patch off and conducted their own St. Germain service.

Not one to be easily discouraged, I decided to put all the information from both prayer vigils into a newsletter and pass it out at the conference. In two weeks, the summer issue of Mandala of Light was printed and over 200 copies went out to Keepers from all over the United States and the world. After a two-week vacation, I went to work on the fall issue which I planned on handing out at the Harvest class. However, since there was no room for booths nor was there anyone in charge of reviewing material as there were at the July class, I could not distribute the fall issue.

I had been thinking of putting Mandala of Light on the internet ever since the second prayer vigil. Now was the time to do it. Even though I knew nothing about HTML or what made a good web page, I started to learn through trial and error. After a week or so the first awkward version of this web page appeared and I notified everyone on my e-mail list. Now it is nearly perfected and on dozens of search engines, known to dozens of news groups, linked to dozens of related sites, and advertised on several banners. The word is getting out to Keepers of the Flame and lightbearers and this gives me hope.

Had I visited my relatives in the Spring of 1999, the second vision would have been fulfilled, because at that time I was in a fearful state of mind regarding the near future. But, as a result of my research and wrestling with my inner demons of fear and hopelessness, my entire outlook of the future changed to one of positive realism based on the knowledge that we can create a better future through the power of our decrees and meditation. In July of 1999, when I visited my family and the family of my wife, the mystery woman of my second vision, I did not mention prophecies of cataclysm.

The fact that I was able to prevent the second vision from manifesting by first changing myself gave me hope that the third vision could be averted. The key, I believe, is the first vision - the circle of light. So far, prophecies and predictions of cataclysm in August, September and November of 1999 have not come to pass. There are more prophecies coming due, especially the one for a pole shift around May 5th, 2000. With the Circle of Light and the Decrees and Calls on prophecy, astrology and the earth grid, I feel confident that negative prophecies and astrology can be averted or at least mitigated.


I told my wife on the phone yesterday, "Honey, I think I’m going through a metamorphosis." She asked jokingly, "You mean like in Franz Kafka’s story?"

"No," I replied, "this is something positive, something marvelous and wonderful. The out-of-body experiences are just one aspect of it. I’m also seeing things in my mind before they happen or at a distance." "My goodness!" she exclaimed, "Are you becoming psychic?" I answered emphatically, "No, this doesn’t feel psychic; this feels much higher. I think I’m becoming more spiritual."

Gregg Braden, Gordon Michael Scallion and others are saying that our DNA is mutating to form a new species of human being. This is happening within certain individuals now who are in harmony and well-balanced. This is what I believe is happening to me. This section is a record of my experiences and thoughts about them. If others are going through the same metamorphosis I would appreciate your input. Just go to and open the metamorphosis folder.


September 13th, 1999 - After staying up late researching for an article on creation, I went to bed tired but still mentally active. I could not resolve in my mind the two seemingly contradictory ideas that Vishnu is the Word or son of Brahma, and that Vishnu as Narayana gave rise to Brahma. As my body drifted off to sleep, my mind kept up the debate. Finally, my body fell asleep, but I was still awake. I was out of my body and felt light. The vastness of space opened up before me and I felt I could fly anywhere in the universe at the speed of thought. But instead, I chose to lie still, and, in a sudden stroke of inspiration, recited mentally the mantra, OM Namo Narayanaya! Instantly, light exploded before me, emanating from a central sun of incredible size. The concentric circles of light swirled and became a vast expanding spiral. Then eddies formed in the curves of the spiral as it expanded outward and these became smaller spirals that grew and sprouted even smaller spirals until the entire far-flung universe of galaxies and star systems was created. This vision only lasted a few seconds, but I felt that I had just witnessed billions of years of the creation and evolution of the cosmos fast forwarded a trillion times the speed of light

One of the few Western mantra experts, Thomas Ashley-Farrand, wrote in"Healing Mantras: Using Sound Affirmations for Personal Power, Creativity and Healing," that "Om Namo Narayanaya takes the sayer to sublime spiritual realms where spiritual questions are answered and great truths are revealed."

The great truth of creation that was shown to me is this: Narayana is the divine spark in every part of creation. In the cosmos, it is the Great Central Sun. In man, it is the three-fold flame. It’s the abode of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Just as it is sometimes called the Holy Christ flame, so too is Narayana identified with Vishnu, the second person of the Trinity, because, out of the three, he is the closest to us. His avatars, Jesus and Krishna, are loved by millions

October 22nd, 1999 - I was lying in my bed falling asleep when I suddenly found myself going through the floor to the darkened living room below. I realized I was out of my body and wanted to get back in. Since I was in the living room and often take naps on the couch, I went over to it, expecting to find my body. When I didn’t see it I looked behind the couch. I could see the back of the wood stove on the other side of the couch and a sliver of light past that, but no body. I began to panic. This caused my heart to beat fast and that brought me back to my body. I was disoriented at first; I thought I was in the living room. I got up and went downstairs. My wife was rocking our youngest daughter in the darkened living room. The light was on in the adjacent dining area. I looked behind the couch and saw the back of the wood stove and the sliver of light from the dining area exactly as I saw them in my out-of-body (OOB) experience.

October 29th, 1999 - I was in the state between waking and sleeping when I found myself OOB again. I was more comfortable with the experience this time. I floated into the brightly lit computer room where my daughters were watching TV. I went over to my computer and saw that it was off. I then went down the stairs, frightening one of our cats who was on the landing. This startled me and I went back into my body. I got up and went down stairs and saw the cat at the bottom. I petted it and apologized for scaring it. Later that night, I woke up with this thought: What if surfing the internet is causing me to have spontaneous OOB experiences? The last two experiences occurred after I had been on the internet for six or seven hours. Perhaps after projecting my consciousness out to distant web sites all day long, it becomes easy to project it out of my body while falling asleep. Two other observations support the internet-OOB hypothesis. In my second experience the first place I floated to was my computer screen. And in both experiences, my vision was not continuous but broken, like watching a frame by frame video on the internet using RealPlayer. I think my consciousness is stuck in my computer. I need to tell it that it’s free to go anywhere in the universe and can experience anything continuously, not just frame by frame.

November 5th, 1999 - I came out of my body briefly and thought about where I could go. I looked at the ceiling and saw the glowing star and planet stick-ons. "That’s it! I’ll go into outer space!" I declared. But I came back into my body. A little while later, I found myself out of my body again, and went into the computer room. This time I didn’t go over to my computer but went through the skylight. I saw the star-studded sky and shot straight up. It was an exhilarating experience, like being in a transparent star ship traveling at warp 9. The stars streaked by me at various speeds depending on their distance. Those closest were blurred lines. I couldn’t control my excitement and found myself back in my body. I thought "Next time, I’m going all the way to the Great Central Sun!" But then I realized that if I made it there, Alpha and Omega would just say, "What are you doing here, Wayne? You should be back on Earth working on your mission." So I decided that next time I would travel around the Earth and observe the structure and locations of the vortices of the new etheric grid.


August 2nd, 1999 - I was late getting home from work and my wife needed the car. As I sped around the corner, I saw in my mind the flashing lights of a police car and thought that maybe I should slow down. Five seconds later I saw the flashing lights in my rear view mirror. The question is: Did I see the future or did I just see at a distance the police car starting the chase?

November 8th, 1999 - I was at work cleaning out a bandsaw. I needed to clean out a tight spot and found a narrow tube to use as a makeshift adaptor, but I needed something to stuff around it in the hose. I looked at a distant garbage can and saw two crumped up packing bags in my mind. I walked over to the garbage can and there they were just as I envisioned them.

November 10th - I saw my daughter holding a bag of balloons while I was lying on my side facing away from her with my eyes closed. When I turned over and opened my eyes, she handed me a bag with two baloons and asked me to blow them up.

(To be continued....)


When I and my family attended the New Years class we visited the aura imaging booth. The person in charge offered a special two-for-one rate for my daughters. Then my wife wanted her's and mine done at the special rate. This time my aura was turquoise and green, instead of yellow-gold and green. I decided to chant the "Om Namo Narayanaya" mantra while watching my aura and chakras on the computer screen. Immediately, yellow light began to radiate from my throat chakra and soon my aura was yellow and green.

Later on while resting in the child care triplex, I saw my turquoise and green aura before me in my mind's eye. I realized that this is what I had been seeing during deep meditation since 1972 when I attended a lecture in new York City by a traveling Indian master. He instructed us how to meditate, and during my meditation I saw swirling gold and blue light. The master then asked for a show of hands for various colors and visions. He was doing a survey of the auras of the people in the audience. As I lay there watching my swirling aura, I again recited the mantra and saw a burst of yellow light in the center. I called my daughter over to me, opened my eyes a crack and looked at her. I could make out a faint blue aura.


While lying down after using the chi machine, listening to Tibetan singing bowls, I thought about calling my freind who introduced me to the chi machine. Immediately, my friend called. A little while later, while taking a shower, I thought about calling my wife. Immediately, the phone rang. I jumped out of the shower and answered it with, "Hi, Honey! I need to be more careful where I am before thinking of calling people." I then related my two synchronistic experiences. Or were they experiences of thought transference?