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[Editors Note: In Part II, I will describe the effects of the chi machine on my health, mental clarity, energy level, sleep, as well as other people's experiences. To find out how to get a chi machine, go to The Chi Place

When it comes to exercise, I am of the same mind as G. K. Chesterton, who said, "Whenever I get the urge to exercise, I lie down until it passes off." So it was with some difficulty that a friend of mine persuaded me to come to a demonstration of a new exercise machine. When she told me that you use it lying down and it required no effort, my curiosity was piqued. So I went to the demonstration of the Sun Harmony chi machine.

After a brief introduction, testimonials and video, the distributor asked for a volunteer. Another friend of mine raised her hand and went to the front of the room. She had been plagued by ill health ever since I’ve know her, 13 years. After drinking the required 8 ounces of water, she layed on the floor in a supine position with her legs slightly raised and the back of her ankles in the two grooves of the chi machine. The distributor turned the machine on and I observed something so unusual that I almost laughed. Her body undulated from side to side like a fish or an alligator. This went on for about 3 or 4 minutes. When it was over, she rested for a couple of minutes, got up, drank some more water and announced that the chi machine made her tingle all over.

Now it was my turn. I drank my water, took off my shoes and slipped into the chi machine. My friend who invited me was in another chi machine next to me, talking most of the time, asking me how I felt, what was I experiencing, were my feet placed right. I said not a word in reply, but instead focused on the experience. My body was undulating in a figure 8 motion. It felt very relaxing. When the machine turned itself off I continued to lay back. I was amazed. I couldn't feel the floor and felt like I was floating in air like the woman in Figure 1. I was tingling from head to toe. I knew it was due to the oxygenation of my cells because the only other time I felt a similar tingling was when I hyperventilated once in a hot tub. A short while later I felt a pulsing in my thyroid gland. I slept unusually well that night and had much more energy than usual that entire weekend. The following day I went to have my aura picture analyzed. (See aura.) The woman who did the analysis remarked that my spine was aligned well. She asked me if I had been recieving a lot of chiropractic care. I told her I hadn’t but I did try out a chi machine the night before. What I didn’t tell he is that I hadn’t seen a chiropractor for about a year and the x-ray he took then showed a crooked spine. The thought of not having to go to a chiropractor ever again, of getting better sleep and having more energy, convinced me to buy a chi machine. Besides, I thought, it would make a great two-part article for Mandala of Light.


The Sun Harmony chi machine relaxes all muscles, promotes blood and lymph fluid circulation, enhancing the body’s own natural absorption of oxygen and self-cleansing ability, and stabilizes and balances the nervous system. It activates the response to insulin, prevents arteriosclerosis, staves off senility, enhances immunity and cardiac pulmonary function, prevents cancer, and normalizes weight..

People who have used the chi machine for just a few hours have reported more energy and stamina, deeper and more restful sleep, soothed nerves and aching muscles, relief from headaches, less anxiety, more flexibilty in joints and vertebrae, and no side effects or injuries from use.

How can such a simple machine as this, shown in Figure 1, have such a profound effect on our bodies?

Figure 1: The Sun Harmony Chi Machine

You have to understand that while the Sun Harmony chi machine is simple, 40 years of research and development went into it. Don’t be fooled by cheap imitations like the Swing Master chi machine, they don’t have the unique patents for the servo-mechanism that gives a smooth back and forth motion at the correct frequency and can cause injuries and discomfort.

The undulating motion of the body during a chi machine massage relaxes all the muscles, and influences a correction to certain conditions of spinal misalignment. This, in turn, can alleviate complications arising from such misalignment. Chiropractors claim that 80% of chronic disease problems are linked to the spine. The spinal column bone marrow is also a good source of blood and immune system globulin upon which middle age adults are more dependent, following depletion of globulin production from the aged and shrunken thymus gland.

The massage action stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, opening up the bronchioles to provide maximum oxygen access to the lungs. Simultaneously, blood flow to and from the lungs is increased, enhancing oxygen exchange from the lungs to the blood and therefore to the body cells, to excite cellular metabolism. The stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system also balances the nervous system which may help insomnia, digestive problems, stomach pain, palpitation, anxiety, constipation, neurasthenia, aches and pains and mental stress.

The massaging action also aids in unblocking the "chi" or life force pathways to ensure a maximum flow of this healing energy through all body organs to restore normal or improved functioning to impaired organs and body systems related to such organs.

The detoxifying effects of the Sun Harmony chi machine can be experienced if you use it for longer than recommended. You will feel nauseous. Just five minutes twice a day at first is recommended for most people. You would gradually build up your tolerance to fifteen minutes twice a day. A 15-minute massage is estimated to be the equivalent of walking 10,000 paces (90 minutes) in terms of body oxygenation. It provides the essential benefits of sports or aerobic exercise without the stress on vertebrae, joints and organs and without depleting body energy levels or causing injuries. For an exercisephobe like me, that’s a workout I can do faithfully every day.