You may be wondering why we haven't run an event in quite a while. This is because we are concentrating on our new venture, publishing. We had hoped our first book would be ready by now, but due to unforseen circumstances, it isn't. So this has meant that Bishi has been delayed for quite a while now. However, we are still running stalls at occasional music events, so keep a look out around Newcastle. Get in touch with us if you are interested in a pub meet for creators.

The art of Gone Exhibition

There Goes Tokyo Exhibition of Nigel Auchterlounies artwork-Sept. 2003

Bishi out and about

where you can find us between bishi's

Bishi Bashi 6

September 2002

Bishi Bashi 5

June 2002

Bishi Bashi 4

April 2002

Bishi Bashi 3

Feb 2002

Bishi Bashi 2

Dec 2001

Bishi Bashi 1

Sept 2001

Photos from Bishi Bashi


The Kochalka puppet theatre

Bishi Bashi Stock list

T.G.T. main contents page

Mail us with suggestions or for info:
