Chief Blackbear
Copyright 2000 Matt Kilrain

The Chief, Gator and Mike all became heavy drinkers and got in a bad fight with the local police. Several of the officers were hurt badly and the three of them were thrown in jail. Before Sergeant Duffy was able to get them out, the Child Protection Service took Little Bear away and put him in foster care.

The Sergeant was starting to lose his cool. He had to pull off more covert operations to cover the Chief's rear end, than he did working for the CIA. He found out where Little Bear was and sent in the Chief, Gator and Mike wearing ski masks to get him out. He then gave the Chief his boat and sent the four of them down to Costa Rica, telling them to lay low and stay out of trouble.

They did well down there for about five years. Then the Chief ran out of money and started to miss the USA. He had good connections in the underworld and began to smuggle marijuana into the States. Before long he had a Playboy centerfold for a wife and one of the nicest restaurants in Atlanta. Things were going good for him, but Sergeant Duffy was mad at him for coming back to the States and Campenero was still trying to kill him.

Campenero's leg never healed properly. By the mid seventies it had gotten bad enough to put him into a wheelchair. He heard the Chief's mother had a heart attack and was in a Chicago hospital. That was good news to him. His leg had been hurting and he wanted a shot at the Chief. He figured the Chief would come to Chicago to see his mother, and they'd get him then. He had the hospital staked out with six of his men who were ordered to assassinate the Chief before he left the hospital.

The Chief was expecting Campenero to make a move and brought along his gun belt. He drove his motor home up from Atlanta with his Gator, Mike, Black-Jack, Little Bear, and his wife Angela. He looked to the rooftops of the tall buildings and said, "Hey Little Bear; reach into that cabinet and hand me my gun belt."

By this time Little Bear was fifteen and looked more Indian than white. His layered black hair hung down to his shoulders and was combed back. He reached into the cabinet and carefully pulled out his father's gun belt knowing the Chief's Colt was loaded. He said, "Here ya go Dad!"

Angela had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. The Chief admired her beauty and sexual abilities more than her brain. She said, "Do you really think it's necessary to wear your gun belt into the hospital?"

"You don't know Campenero. I'll bet a dollar to a donut hole the cock sucker makes a move," the Chief replied.

"Be for real Duffy! He's not going to try to shoot you at the hospital in front of hundreds of people."

"Angela, you don't know shit. Until you figure which way is up, why don't you keep your mouth shut."

"Hey, I don't have to take this shit. I'll leave your ass right now."

"Yeah right." The Chief took the gun belt contemplating whether or not he should leave his hat in the motor home. He knew his hat would give him away. He also figured the mafia would think he was afraid if he didn't wear it. The hat and jewelry were like his war paint. Without them he wouldn't be the Chief. Ashamed to show fear, he stepped out of the motor home wearing his hat with confidence, checking out the rooftops for snipers as he strapped on his gun belt. He looked more like a cowboy than an Indian. His face was more round than most Indian's and his eyes were blue. His wavy black hair and long bushy sideburns that were showing strands of gray. He had a thick black mustache that pointed down on the ends and the rest of his face and neck were covered with nubbles. He hated the thought of getting shot in the back. Hiding behind the door, he scanned the rooftops and said, "I don't like this. You guys jump out and come around."

Mike said, "Ah, so you're gonna use us for cover. That way you won't get shot, but we will."

"Not if you hurry up. Lets go!"

All the Chief's men jumped out and surrounded him. Angela hesitated, but then jumped out and ran across the street yelling, "Wait for me."

The six of them dashed across the street, sticking close together. They made it safely inside the building and walked up to the information desk, looking around for Italians who looked out of place.

Jenny's room was on the fifth floor. They took the stairs up. Between the fourth and fifth floor they crossed paths with Vinnie Vangucci, the pool shark Olivetti brought in the night of the big shootout at the Chief's Steakhouse.

"How come I'm not surprised to see you here?" the Chief asked, feeling safe with his brothers on the steps between them.

"Hey Chief! Long time no see. What are you doin' here?"

The Chief pulled his Colt from its holster and pointed it at Vinnie. Stepping between his brothers, and extending the gun close to Vinnie's face, he yelled, "Don't gimme any of that shit. I know what you're doin' here. Gimme your gun."

Angela yelled, "Are you crazy Duffy?" You're going to get yourself thrown in jail."

"Would you shut the fuck up?" the Chief hollered shaking the Colt in Vinnie's face.

Vinnie reached beneath his coat and handed the Chief a 45 automatic. The Chief handed it to Black-Jack saying, "Nice piece. Hang onto it. It could come in handy." He then looked to Vinnie and asked, "What's in the case?"

The muscles in Vinnie's cheeks twitched. "You know I just do what I'm told. I got no beef with you."

"Mike! Grab the case."

Mike took the case away from Vinnie and opened it. "M-16: Not too shabby for the mob."

The Chief looked at Vinnie and said, "You gonna tell me what I need to know, or you gonna have us, do you in here?"

Vinnie knew how bad Campenero wanted the Chief. Campenero was insane and would go bizurk if the Chief were to get away again. "Can I light a cigarette?"

"Make it quick."

Vinnie lit a cigarette and then said, "We got a guy in the building across the street. The curtains in your mother's room are open. If he misses; me and my boys are 'spose to take you out in the hall. If we don't get you; they're gonna get you in the street."

Joe grabbed Vinnie by the tie saying, "Alright lets go. You're coming with us."

They got to the top of the steps and Mike led the way through the door. A mobster at the other end of the hall ducked into a closet when he saw Vinnie being led by his tie. They got to Jenny's room and Joe said, "You guys stand guard out here." He cracked the door open and peeked inside. He saw his mother lying in the bed with her gray hair spread out on the pillow. Her face was thin and pale but not wrinkled badly for a woman in her sixties. There was a nurse sitting in a chair on the right side of the bed. Joe pulled Vinnie's tie tighter and whispered, "Go close the curtains. Do anything stupid and I'll waste your ugly ass right here and now." Vinnie quietly walked through the room and closed the drapes.

With Black-Jack by his side the Chief said, "That's our mother. How's she doin'?"

"She's stable," the nurse replied.

"Can we wake her?"

"I suppose that'll be alright."

Black-Jack quickly entered the room and sat next to her on the bed. He ran his hand through her hair saying, "Ma, it's me Black-Jack. We're here with you ma. I got Joe and Little Bear here with me."

Little Bear sat on the bed next to his uncle. "Grandma, we're here. Everything's gonna be alright. Soon as you get well enough, we're gonna take you back to Atlanta so we can take care of you."

In a loud and deep tone of voice Joe said, "That's right ma. We're takin' you home with us whether you like it or not. You're gettin' too old to be makin' it on your own."

Joe's voice woke her. Her immediate concern was her son's safety. Before opening her eyes she said, "They're here son. The Mafia's in the hospital."

In his usual deep tone Joe replied, "I know that Ma. You let me worry about them. You worry about getting well enough so we can go home."

Jenny opened her eyes and saw Black-Jack and Little Bear sitting in bed with her. She smiled and said, "Your brother's going to need your help."

"I know that Ma. Don't worry about him. Look we already caught Vinnie Vangucci and we're using him for hostage."

Jenny slowly shook her head from side to side saying, "You kids are going to cause me to have another heart attack."

Joe was arguing with his mother about how dangerous it was for them to be there when the doctor entered the room saying, "I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask everyone to leave the room while I run some tests."

The Chief pulled a stack of cash from his coat pocket and threw it on the bed's side table saying, "Here's ten thousand dollars. Make sure my mother pulls through: Will ya?"

The Doctor stared at the cash then, at Joe, "Thanks: Now do you mind?"

Joe led Vinnie to the door. He looked back and said, "I mean it. Make sure my mother pulls through. Money ain't a problem."

The Doctor looked up and said, "That's good. Now please leave."

The Chief closed the door to the room and said, "She's gonna be okay."

Mike sighed and said, "That's good. Whata we do now?"

Joe thought it would be safest to stay in the hospital. "You stay here and guard the room. I'm gonna run down to the cafeteria to get us some food. Whata ya want?"

"A burger and some fries'll be good."

Joe looked to Vinnie and said, "You're comin' with us. You know what'll happen if you do anything stupid."

"Whata ya want me to do?"

The Chief grabbed Vinnie's tie and pulled him closer saying, "Just stick close to me."

Vinnie could feel the strength in Joe's hand. He frowned and said, "Great!"

The Chief led Vinnie down the hall by the tie. He kept a tight grip on the tie so he could whip Vinnie's tall skinny body in front of a bullet. Black-Jack led the way. His off-white leisure suit bulged with his and Vinnie's 45's.

Gator covered the rear. Little Bear and Angela walked on the sides of the Chief.

Little Bear wished he could be carrying Vinnie's 45. He didn't see any reason for Black-Jack to have two pieces and him not have any. The Chief had taught him how to use weapons but kept him sheltered from real life situations. All of his life he had heard all these stories. This was his first time in Chicago and he was hoping to experience some action. Seeing his father drag Vinnie around by the tie, made the situation more thrilling. He wondered what he would do if and when Vinnie's friends made a move and wondered what if hell would break out. Walking down the hall he noticed how people passing by were pointing their fingers and whispering to each other, and wondered if the cops were going to be called in. The cops had always been his enemy and he wondered who was worse, the cops or the mafia.

The Cafeteria was crowded and they had to go through a long line to get the food. Black-Jack and Gator stood guard while Joe and Little Bear picked out the food.

"You're lookin' a bit thin, Vinnie. Whata ya say we fatten you up with some of that Veal Parmigon? The Chief asked with a smile. "The fatter you are, the better shield you'll make."

Vinnie smiled and said, "What the hell. It could be my last meal. Can you throw in a piece chocolate cake?"

They made it through the line and were having dinner when three of Vinnie's friends entered the cafeteria. The Chief noticed a bald man wearing a trench coat and saw the barrel of an M-16 sticking out the bottom of the coat. The bald man stood at the door, while the two with black leather pilot jackets split off in different directions. Most of the chairs and tables were taken. Joe wondered what would happen if the bald one opened fire. He knew he could take cover behind Vinnie, but Black-Jack would get it in the back. Staring into the bald man's eyes Joe said, "Black-Jack! Stand guard behind Little Bear.

Black-Jack spun out of the chair quickly and saw one of the guys with the leather jacket pull out a 45. Black-Jack yelled, "Behind ya!"

The Chief was going for his gun when he got shot in the upper back. He flew over the table, landing on his face.

"No!" Black-Jack yelled. He pushed Little Bear out of his chair yelling, "Get down!" and then dove over the table to check on his brother. Angela and a hundred other people screamed as dozens of people ran for the exits.

Joe was on his knees and forehead, trying to get up. Angela's hands covered her face as she screamed. Gator was taking shots at the guy who shot the Chief, but there were so many people scrambling around he wasn't able to get a clean shot. Black-Jack asked, "Are you alright?"

The Chief hollered, "Cover me, goddamn it; before we get killed." He was in a lot of pain. It took all of his strength to lift himself off his face.

Little Bear crawled toward his father and saw the bald man break out his M-16. He shouted, "Dad! The guy's got a machine-gun."

The Chief rose to his knees with his Colt revolver. He pulled the trigger and watched the bald man fly through the double doors behind him. By that time Black-Jack had gotten one of his 45's out and took a couple shots at the guy who shot his brother. That guy dropped to the floor for cover as the one on the other side of the room started to shoot.

The Chief was still on his knees but had a clean shot. He wondered how much trouble he was going to get in as he pulled the trigger and watched the man fall to the floor with blood pouring from his chest. He knew the Sergeant was getting tired of cleaning up after him. So far there were two dead bodies to explain with hundreds of screaming people and the cops about to show up any second.

He was still wondering how much trouble he was going to be in, when the third one started to shoot. The Chief knew Black-Jack didn't have what it took to kill a man, nor did he want his brother to bear the guilt. He could see Gator didn't have a clean shot so he raised the Colt and pulled the trigger for the third time, before falling to his stomach and squirming on the floor.

Little Bear came to his side and rolled him onto his back saying, "You're gonna be alright Dad. Just relax. The doctors'll be here in a second." He held his father's head, staring at the bullet hole in his shoulder. The bullet had gone all the way through and the front of his coat was covered in blood.

Angela crawled to his side crying, "I'm so sorry I doubted you. Please forgive me Duffy. Please!"

Joe lay there wondering if it was over, or if Campenero would send more men. He knew he could recover from the bullet wound and hoped they wouldn't take his gun. He wondered how his mother would take the news that he had been shot and hoped it would not cause her to have another heart attack. He hoped they could leave the hospital together, without him having to go to jail. He felt safe in his son's arms knowing he could count on his brothers to cover him until the doctors arrived. He closed his eyes saying, "I'll be alright. I just need to relax."

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