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Have courage! Be strong! Fear absolutely nothing except the Lord of Hosts! We are never alone. The Lord Jesus Christ is with us, in us, around us, and binds us to Himself and to each other! There is nothing to fear in the dark for He is there, nothing to dread in the depths of the sea for He is there, in space, on the earth, everywhere in this vast Universe, there is nothing to fear ever… FOR WE ARE NEVER forgotten!!! CHRIST THE LORD NEVER FORGETS ANYONE!!! Even when we fall or fail, He is with us and waits for us to arise again with faith! As the Scriptures say: (Isa 49:15) "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!" Even when pressures of life, work, career decisions, personal failures or problems overwhelm us The Lord of Glory is with us shining in our darkness as a light house on the shore in a stormy sea. With His might we can overcome all adversity, all power of the evil one can be subdued in His Name, no tribulation can overwhelm us. His joy and peace can never be taken from our hearts. This strength of His Grace is what allowed the martyrs to face lions and torments, and horrible death with joy and gladness in the Lord.

"The Holy Trinity, pervading all human beings from first to last, from head to foot, binds them all together…. The saints in each generation, joined to those who have gone before, and filled like them with light, become a golden chain, in which every saint is a separate link, united to the next by faith, works and love. So in the one God they form a single chain which cannot quickly be broken."
(St. Symeon the New Theologian)

Like fire in a hot iron, the Lord God is within us, everywhere, filling our darkness with His bright light.

Out of darkness He brings light, out of the grave He brings life, out of the impossible He works His Will.

As He created the Universe out of nothing, He bring about all kinds of unimaginable things in your life out of nothing also.
We simply need to do one thing: Believe in Him!
The we can say together with the Apostle Paul: "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13).

Through life’s trials and troubles we will glow with His light as gold purified in a furnace. We will be like metal heated to glowing gold with His Presence and His life within us!
The Lord of Glory desires that we live with Him forever in His Kingdom. That for all eternity we share in His life and be His children and friends. All that happens here on this earth is only meant to teach us things that will be useful in the age to come. All our struggles, all our years on earth are simply a great school for us to learn the basics of living forever! The Lord of Hosts, the Almighty Creator of the Universe does not stand by and watch our struggles as a passive spectator. He is with us, walks our walk with us, is in us, in our hair, in every cell of our body, in our soul, intertwined to our being more intimately than the soul is to the body. So have courage and be strong in His grace and love!
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the journey......
the climb.....
the struggle...........
not alone...
one that has walked with HIM....
walk with joy my friend in HIM...
