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Don’t give up hope! Be strong in your daily struggle! Don’t let life overwhelm you, find time to spend with the Lord in prayer especially at night, and you will grow and be a warrior to be reckoned with.

Do not be discouraged by the weaknesses that you have in your character, we all have them. Trust God and let Him take over in your life and He will magnify your strengths and fix your weaknesses. If you are sinful and have offended God and human beings have courage to stand up and change. The Lord will use your sins as good fertilizer for you to take deeper roots in Him and blossom, as you will under the brightness of His light. Look upon all the evil and bad things that befall you as boot camp for your training as a warrior of God. The more you struggle, the more you face, the more experienced you will become in the art of spiritual warfare.

If you feel week inside simply say, “I am strong in the Lord, God is my strength.” You can do it! All human beings can with His grace. God is with you in your attempts to be strong and He will grant you the victory as long as you trust in Him, as long as you love Him. Remember He loves you as if you are His only creation, His only creature, His only Child! He places infinite value on you. He died on the Cross for you as if you were the only human being, and did so gladly.

Stand Strong in Christ!

Don’t stop here, there is really allot more to see. Beautiful images of The Lord’s creation, words of those who know and love Him, wonders beyond imagining, works of His love follow. Come, continue on the path in this humble web site. Keep going through these pages……

Keep going there are many more pages in this site to see...

Come begin the journey...
See where it all began...
HIS Words
The JOY of all that sorrow...
Ask for whatever you want here...
HIS friends...
The life in Christ is a struggle...
See where the Lord of the Universe lives...
Try every day...
You can do it!...
You are not alone...
Unspeakable are HIS wonders...
Have courage and go forward...
HIS promises are everlasting...
We are never alone...