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Jesus Christ our Lord, the Creator of the Universe, the Creator of all that lives and is, the Creator of human beings, is the only One that can set us free and give us true freedom, from sin, from death, from passions and base desires that make slaves of human beings. He only can create a new spirit within us. He can take our falls, our tragedies, our problems and failures and remold them, in the furnace of His love, and make all that is old within us new. In Him the impossible is simple, the unbelievable is reality.

The Fathers of the Church, the Desert Fathers, the Saints having walked with God find this stillness, this freedom from all darkness within themselves as a living reality. This reality is yours if you want it. This freedom is yours if you reach out to Christ and do your best. When we try giving all we can, then God comes into our lives and does the rest. He desires that we do all that is in our power however. Wanting us to become strong warriors in His army He desires that we train and struggle to be the best that we can be. With faith in Jesus, the King of Glory, and by loving Him in our heart, our actions and our lives we can do the impossible.

Here are words from a great Father of the Church, Saint John Climacus, (of the Ladder), to inspire and give you strength in your struggle.
"Those nearing perfection in spirit and body experience the following: ... perfect love, a well of humility, a detached mind, an indwelling of Christ, an assurance of light and of prayer, an outpouring of divine illumination..."
"The following are the signs, the stages, and the proofs of practicing stillness in the right way -- a calm mind, a purified disposition, rapture in the Lord, the remembrance of everlasting torments, the imminence of death, an insatiable urge for prayer, constant watchfulness, the death of lust, no sense of attachment, death of worldliness, and end to gluttony, a foundation for theology, a well of discernment, a truce accompanied by tears, an end to talkativeness, and many other such things alien to most men."

"I saw others among these wonderful fathers who had the white hair of angels, the deepest innocence, and a wise simplicity that was spontaneous and yet directed by God Himself. The fact is that just as an evil person is two-faced, one thing in public and another in private, so a simple person is not twofold, but something whole... Such simple people are openly gentle, kindly, radiant, genuine, without hypocrisy, affectation, or falsity of either speech or disposition -- something not found in many. Spiritually, they are like children…"

Come see there are many more pages here for you to think about and pray about. The whole site is here for you to travel through and enjoy.

More pages for your journey...

Move Forward...
Joy and Strength...
You too can do it....
The Ultimate Weapon for Victory in Life...
In HIM all life is an adventure...
Call upon Our Lady She is quick to hear!!!!
HIS promises are forever...
