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 Welcome to God's Page! 

Please remember that this is only my opinion.  That doesn't mean that I am right or that anyone else is wrong.  I hope that you will keep that in mind and continue to Love God in your own way.


God IS Love. He is all around us. I heard, the other day, a commercial on the radio. It was very interesting. Although I don’t go to a physical church so to speak, the commercial said something to me. Even those who claim that God does not exist or who don’t believe in Him will call upon Him in stressful and uncertain times. That gives me hope.

You may be able to find answers in the Bible or you may find answers in your church. I believe God wants you to know that you can find the answers inside of YOU: in your Heart, your Mind, your very Soul. God is with you and God is INSIDE of you. When you are in strife, He carries you; He reaches inside of you and plucks out the fear when He knows you can no longer handle it. He gives you relief when you can no longer stand the stress. He lifts that “last straw” when He knows that it would break you.

God does not give us more than we can handle. Think about it... haven’t you always “made it through”? Haven’t you ever laughed when you should have been crying? Have you ever decided that you “just don’t care” what other people think and done what was in your heart anyway?

Have you thought about what kind of person do you want to be? Do you WANT to be the tormentor, the bully, the murderer, the liar, the thief? Or do you WANT to be open, honest, loving, kind, peaceful? WHY do you want to be good? Is it just because of what you want the people on this earth to think of you? Or is there a deeper reason?

GOD is building his Army and He wants YOU. He wants you to believe in Him, to have faith in Him, and most of all, to LOVE him. How do you show Him that you love Him? That’s easy! Spread Love! Create Love! One good deed out of the kindness of your heart creates love. When you give of yourself in any way without expecting anything in return, you are creating love.

I hope I have answered any question you may have had when you clicked on this link. If I haven’t, maybe I will be able to in the future. If you are in need of some kind of support, please feel free to contact me. I will help steer you in the right direction to find the support you need if I possibly can.

For today, however, I wish you a peaceful and joyous day.

Remember...... Spread that Love!!

Again...thank you.  Have a blessed day!

Rea Kelsie


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