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Inspirational Stories



Welcome to my Story page. The stories and essays presented here are written by various authors. Some are Unknown Authors. If you see a story or essay here with an Unknown Author and you know who wrote it, please email me so that I may contact that person for special permission.

My goal here is to supply stories designed to touch the Human Heart. You will find stories of courage, wonder and miracles. As far as I know, these stories are all true. I encourage you to submit your own true story or essay to share with other readers.

Take your time and enjoy....

Angels & Dogs by Bill McDonald. This is a story about healing hands...

Don't Give Up Hope by Unknown Author. A song can heal...

Mrs. Thompson by Unknown Author. Lessons come in such unexpected ways...

Amazing Grace by Bill McDonald. This is a beautiful story about beautiful music...

Hitch Hiker...another wonderful story from Bill McDonald.

Smile...a wonderful story shared by Kay Lee a.k.a. GrammaLee.

The Empty Chair ...Author "Anonymous"...a wonderful story that provokes thought.

The Angel I Asked For...Author Rea Kelsie...a true story about a surprising angel. A short version of this story will be published in the Angels on Earth magazine, November/December 2001 issue.

Declaration...Author Rea Kelsie.

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