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The Gate

Maybe be you were led here by a friend. Maybe you left the path you were following and somehow got lost. At any rate, you have stumbled upon a large stone wall with a gate, guarded on either side by stone gargoyles. As you approach the gate, however, you are surprised when one of the gargoyles begins to speak...

"Greetings. You have reached the Realm of the Dark Fallen, home of the Shadow Clan of vampires...and werewolves...or of course the abominations such as myself that are half of each. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Phantom Angel and I am mistress of this realm. To be sure, I am not the statue you see before you. Tis only a trick of magic. Since I cannot be here to greet you I have cast a spell on this gargoyle to do so. Enter my realm through this gate. Explore the grounds or visit the castle remains. Hopefully I or one of my kindred or friends will be there to greet you. I do hope you enjoy your stay at our home."

Enter the Realm
Castle grounds
Castle remains

 History and rules of the clan

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