Professional Profile of Subhash Sen

Categories Competencies

Project Management
Leadership & Supervision
Enterprise Architecture
System Development Life Cycle 
Application Development
    Project Management

    List of Projects

    • NASA Sounding Rocket Flight Project (1980)
    • NASA Solar Max Repair Mission Data processing (1984)
    • NASA Satellite Ground data Processing (1992)
    • USAF CACTIS Enhancement (1996)
    • US Navy MSC Re-engineering Project (1997)

    Project Management Highlights

    Project: NASA Solar Max Repair Mission Data Processing (1984)
    Duration/Cost: 18 Months/$836K
    Environment: IBM Mainframe, Assembly/Fortran

    • Developed all Mgmt. Documents and Presented in CCB
    • Applied Digital System Methodology in Full Life Cycle 
    • Project Completed within Schedule and Budget
    • No staff turn-around during project
    • Nominated for NASA Service Award
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    Leadership & Supervision

    List of Projects

    • NASA Sounding Rocket Flight Project (1977/1980)
    • NASA Computer Center Upgrade Project (1985)
    • European Space Agency (ESA) Ground Systems Development (1990)
    • USAF Crime & Counterintelligence Terrorism Information System (CACTIS) Enhancement (1996)
    • United States Military Academy (USMA) Corporate Academy Redesign Initiative (1997)

    Leadership & Supervision Highlights

    Project: European Space Agency Ground Systems Development (1990)
    Location: Italy
    Team : 10

    • Selected out of 200 candidates
    • Broke the cultural and language barriers
    • Brought key issues into international spotlight
    • Commendation from ESA management; resulted several follow-up contracts
    • Performed training for young Italian engineers
    • Developed proposals for new business
    • The start-up now is now a 100 person software powerhouse in Southern Italy

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    Enterprise Architecture

    List of Projects

    • DoD Joint Tactical Radio Systems (2005)
    • DoD Business Management Modernization Project - BMMP (2004)
    • European Space Agency Ground Systems Development (1990)
    • USAF CACTIS Enhancement (1996)

    Enterprise Architecture Development Highlights

    Project: DoD Business Manangement Modernization Project - BMMP (2004)
    Duration: 14 Months
    Environment: Popkin System Archictect, DOORS
    Team: 8

    • Developed Business Scenarios to test Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA)
    • Led the Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V) of BEA
    • Developed IV&V PLans and Procedures to verify BEA
    • Created the avenues for follow-up business

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    System Development Life Cycle 

    List of Projects

    • USAF Weather Satellite Simulator Development (1978)
    • NASA Solar Max Repair Mission Data Processing (1984)
    • NASA Satellite Ground Data processing (1992)
    • USMA Corporate Academy Redesign Initiative (1998)

    System Development Life Cycle Highlights

    Project: USMA Corporate Academy Redesign Initiative (1998)
    Duration/Cost: 18 Months/$ 3.8 Million
    Environment: Windows NT/Sybase/ Powerbuilder/Actuate Enterprise

    • Requirements development leader at the customer site
    • Completed requirements development for 8 Subsystems in record time utilizing CASE Tools
    • Contribution was instrumental in client's awarding $ 3.8 M contract
    • Facilitated 30 JAD sessions for RAD
    • Leader of development Life cycle documentation employing MIL STD 497

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    Application Development

    List of Projects

    • USAF Weather Satellite Simulator Development (1978)
    • NASA Solar Max Repair Mission Data Processing (1984)
    • Account Information Management System Development (1996)
    • US Navy MSC Reengineering Project (1997)
    • HUD Physical Assessment Subsystem Development (1999)

    Application Development Highlights

    Project: HUD Physical Assessment Subsystem Development (1999)
    Duration:  9 Months
    Team : 6
    Environment: Windows 95/Sybase/Web/
    Cold Fusion

    • Initiator to develop process flow for several subsystems
    • Self-taught Web Page development using HTML
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 For detailed Resume in MS-Word Format Click here

 For Powerpoint Presentation of Accomplishments Click here
For Additional Information Contact
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