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Ata's Literature Page

Everything on the is page, has been submitted to the site or is something I've done. I would request that you respect the authors and not copy these works without permission from myself or the author. Thank you, Atalanta

I just thought I would take some time to share a little insight with you. As a writter I often find myself at a lose as to how things came about. I remember thinking to myself once or twice, "Huh, where did this come from?". I have no inspiration so to speak for most, they just show up. Not from my mind, as one would think. I write as things come, through a fleeting moment forgotten if not record at first thought. My writting comes for my hands, as if guaided by an unseen force. My soul I know understands the words, though my mind can only undestand that words are being written. Their meaning lost somewhere in between my mind and the paper. Only to take on a new meaning, more profound in a way. And as I said before, how these events, how these words meanings and such happened I have not the slightest clue.

"To My Friends"

To My Friends, Who Have a Place deep within my heart. I have Words to say, but fear to say. I have sorrow that hurt, but bring me comfort. There are things I see, that you do not. There are things I feel, that you cannot. There are things I know, that you will never understand. Those things I fear, for they will cause the loss of friends.

It is fear, however, that makes us strong. So in this fear I shall say what must be said. Words are strong, and so are written. Words have strength, and so are spoken. Words can hurt, when used to inflict. Words can comfort, when used to sooth.

The words I write, will not be to comfort. The words are not meant to cause pain but will. But first Understand, these words here said are my own No one has led me astray, I walked this path alone. I hold no disrespect to you or your like, however you make it hard for me to hold my head high. Know now I will always love thee, no matter if we part ways.

Brace Thyself, and hold fast to what you believe. Understand here and now I am not Christian. For since I can remember I have asked ?Where is God?? and for all time no one answered. No one can believe in what they doubt. Judge me if you wish, hate me if you dare. Understand I, and only I made this choice.

Should You here and now blame my sister, leave my company. Should you think to change my heart, leave my company. This Choice, My choice, was sparked in my own mind. This idea stood there long before me sister spoke of her choice. Should you choose to blame anyone, blame me. I will stand for no other.

Know too, that you cannot move me from my rock. I believe, with heart and soul. Know that you cannot make my choice for me. This is my life, do not try to live it for me. You have your own to worry about. Know now, my faith is as strong as you have in your God. Know here, I doubt not that you God, and his son Christ, do exist. I simply believe, that as they do exist, so too do mine.

I ask you not to understand my motives, you never will. What I ask of you is to respect my choice as I do yours I ask you to not speak harsh words, no matter your opinion of my religion, Within my presence. I will not stand to have you insult me with such actions.

It hurts me that you never truly understand. Please do not salt the wounds with ignorance and arrogance. Do not push what you believe is best for me, on to me. All you will do is push me away. Do not push your religious views, and I will not push mine. I will not extend my ?evil? ways to you, For I respect wholly and truly your belief in God.

Do not drive me to bitterness. I beg you. I wish not to hold that heaviness in my heart. Please I ask, beg more like, for you to see not what I believe, but what and who I am. My faith is one aspect, and must be respected as much as the whole. If you choose to leave my side, go you own way, go with Blessings of God, yours and my own alike.

Remember, however, whereever you go, have an open mind and heart. Condemn not all who do not share you faith, for that might you condemn yourself. Fear not what you do not understand, and instead look on to it as a chance to learn of others.

The Untied States said we have Freedom of Religion. For that I thank her wholly and wish to serve her fully. It was that freedom that challenged me to learn of other religions. To learn, to understand, and unknown to me then, to embrace.

Knowledge is the key. For what I did not understand, I went and learned of. My sister did not encourage this learning, But instead let me make my own choice. Hold true to faith, I choose my own path. I learned and found what I have missed within the Christian church.

I Ask you not to understand, but accept. I ask you not to condemn me, but to see me live in peace and happiness. I ask you to be stead fast in your faith, and let me do so in mine. I ask you to respect my religion, as I do yours. I ask you to live and let Live


?To lie, is to be something other than thyself. But to speak Truth, is though throwing flaming arrows in directions?


Short Stories:



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