Spot's Injury
By Birdie Kelley

"Well, it all stawded one day in 1899. Afta da big strike, when I met her. She's da most beautiful goyl I'se eva seen," Spot said.

"No it didn't Spot. It stawded on da day a da strike," said Jack.

"Yeah, yer right Jackey-boy, dat's a foist," Spot replied.

Spot started to tell his story. "Well, anyway, dis goyl, name's Boidie Kelly, Jack's sista. She's da most beautiful goyl I'se eva seen. She's got dose em’rald green eyes, and long coiled auburn hair, dat's neva up. She always wears a skoit, but she's not an ordnry goyl, she's tough. She can hold her own in a fight, and den some. Anyway. She walked down da pier in Brooklyn, she came ta hear Jack out bout da strike..." Spot said, thinking back.


On a pier in Brooklyn Jack, Dave, Boots, and Spot were talking about the strike.

"Well, Spot whatta ya think bout da strike?" asked Jack.

"Well," started Spot, watching a girl walk down the pier. "I think that you'se guys gotta show me dat yer ready fer dis."

"Spot, we'se ready fer dis. Just join us," replied Jack.

The girl walked down to the end of the pier to hear the rest of what Jack was saying. She leaned against a pillar and watched Jack explain to Spot.

"Jack, I don't think you'se guys is ready fer this," said Spot.

"Well, I say we're ready Spot. Whatta ya think Kathryn?" Jack asked, turning to the girl.

"I tend to agree wit Spot. I don't think you'se guys is ready to stand up fer yerselves," the girl said.

"I can't believe da both a you'se. Fine, Boots, David, let's go," Jack said annoyed. The three of them started back for Manhattan. "Come on Kathryn."

"I think dat ya need a little motivation Jack. Tell ya what, I'll go back wit ya ta Manhattan an listen ta yer boys. Be right dere," the girl said. She walked over to Spot and looked him in the eyes. "So, yer Spot Conlon, hmm," she scoffed.

"Yeah, who're you?" Spot asked.

"Boidie Kelly," she said, then she laughed.

"What's dat sposed ta mean?" Spot asked, he'd never been scoffed by a girl before. Since he was so good looking and all.

"Oh, nothin, just lookin ya over," she said.

"What fer?" he asked.

"Well," Birdie replied, "ya shoa don't look like yer reputation." She started back for Manhattan to catch up with Jack and the others.


"When we was at da Rally, she came in while Medda was singin. She just came in an told Jack she would join him, an left. Somehow, I think she knew Snyder was comin’ fer Jack. Don't know how, but she knew. She just walked in, came ta our table, told Dave to tell Jack, seein as how Jack was signin wit Medda. Then she went an left da buildin. After da Rally, she just up and disappeared. Well, not really, least I don't think so. Where'd she go anyway Jack?" Spot said.

"I think she was just stayin round Queens fer a while. Think she just wanted to be by herself. I don't really know," Jack replied.

"Well, anyway, Boidie just stayed outta da spotlight fer a while. Den, afta da strike was over, dere she was in Brooklyn. She was just standin dere, waitin fer me, I guess..."

She was standing against the wall at the building by the pier. She saw Spot there, stood straight up, and walked off. Spot got out of the carriage and thanked the governor for the ride. He followed Birdie all the way to Queens, staying just out of sight. Every few feet she would turn around to see who was following her. They got to Queens and Birdie went up the steps to her building, knocked on the door, and was let in. Spot walked up to the door and knocked just as she had. A girl on the other side opened a sliding panel.

"May I help you," the girl asked.

"Yeah, I wanna tawk wit Boidie if I could," he paused, "Please?"

"Just a minute," she said as she slid the panel shut.

Spot heard a faint murmuring on the other side of the door. After a few minutes the door was opened, and he was invited in.

The girl said to Spot, "Top floor, thoid door on da left, knock twice. She'll open da door fer ya den. Got it?"

"Yeah, top floor, thoid door on da left, knock twice, got it," Spot replied.

Spot started to climb the stairs. He walked up each flight of stairs, each one slower and slower. He was starting to rethink about seeing Birdie, he was nervous. He continued to climb the stairs, he reached the top floor and started walking down the hallway. He stopped at a mirror and checked how he looked. He took off his blue cap and fixed his brown hair. He replaced his cap and tried to clean his face off. He rubbed the dirt off his face and looked at his eyes in the mirror. His beautiful blue eyes, even to him they looked amazing. He turned from the mirror to continue down the hallway. He meandered down to the third door on the left, he knocked twice. The door opened into darkness.

"Come on in Spot. I've been expectin ya," she said.

"How'd ya know it was me?" he asked.

"Foist, you was followin me all da way from Brooklyn. Second, da goyls downstairs told me ya wanted ta see me," she replied.

"Oh, um, well, I came ta see ya bout..." he trailed off.

"Save it Spot, I knows why yer here," she said.

"Ya do?!" he exclaimed, somewhat surprised and somewhat relieved.

"Yeah, but I think ya should just get da lead out and tell me, so you'll feel betta," she said.

"Yeah, okay, well, um. When we tawked in Brooklyn, we didn't really get to know each odda real well. I just wanted ta know how ya got ta be da leada a Queens."

Birdie raised an eyebrow. "Um, well, let's see. Jack's me brodda an we grew up tagedda an when we was fifteen, Jack went sellin papes, an I came here ta visit me friend. I liked it here so much, I just stayed. Ova da last tree years, I rose ta be who I am today" Birdie said, all high and mighty. "Dat's mainly it, me story. What's yer story Spot?" Birdie said.

"I was just a newsie and da boys stawded followin me, and dat's me story. I ain't really got much ta say, except. . ." he trailed off.

"Cept what Spot?" she asked.

"Nothin. Yer probably busy er somethin, so I'll go now" Spot said forlornly.

"Naw, Spot, stay. We can tawk bout some things. Have a seat, would ya like anythin, maybe some water" she asked him.

"Um, yeah, some water would be fine, thanks" he said in reply.

They talked all afternoon and well into the night. They talked about their lives and their friends. The two just talked and talked for hours.


The next morning, there was a knock at the door. Birdie got up, walked to the door, and opened it. Jack was standing on the other side.

Jack greeted his sister and said, "Have you seen Spot dis mornin?"

Birdie opened the door some more to show Spot sleeping on the couch, and replied, "Yeah, right in on da couch."

"What's he doin here?" Jack exclaimed.

"We was just tawkin and we both feel asleep, and. . ." she trailed off.

"Right," Jack said, not fully believing her.

"Jack, I swear, ya have da most ungentlemanly mind." She laughed at her statement, Jack smiled and shook his head.

"Boidie, yer me only sista, I gots ta look out fer ya," Jack was saying.

"Jack, I can take care a meself better den you an Spot tagedda," she interrupted.

"Spot'd love to hear ya say dat," Jack said sarcastically, "sides dat's not what I was thinkin, right now I gots ta git goin wit Spot."

"Well, he's right dere. By da way, why'd ya come here ta look fer him?" she asked.

"Last person who saw him said he was followin ya," Jack said.

"Oh, well, um. He's up now," she said.

"Come on Spot, it's time, let's go," Jack said.

"Right, comin," said Spot.

"Wait a minute, where are you two goin?" Birdie asked.

"Just to somethin we do eva year," Jack said ambiguously.

"I wanna know where yer goin," she started to say.

"Bye sis, we gotta be goin, now." He emphasized 'now.'

Birdie rolled her eyes and nodded her head telling him to be on his way. Jack shook his head quietly laughing that Spot went for his sister. Jack grabbed Spot's arm showing that they should get going. The two walked out the door, down the steps, and out into the streets of New York.

"Hey Abby," Birdie yelled down the stairs, "get up hear would ya."

"Comin," Abby yelled back. She ran up the stairs past Spot and Jack into Birdie's room.

Outside, Jack and Spot were talking about 'the annual event' the newsies held in Queens. Birdie had no idea what it was. She was rather worried, neither Spot nor Jack would tell her what was going on. She hadn't been in New York in a long time, and didn't know about 'the annual event' as the others did. The last time she was in New York, it didn't even exist.

"Jack, do ya really think I should be doin dis?" Spot asked.

"Spot, whadda ya thinkin? You gotta do dis, everone's countin on ya," retorted Jack.

"Yeah, but what bout Boidie, I mean, I really like her, an I don't wanna hurt her with dis," Spot said quietly.

"Spot, ya gots ta do dis, if ya don't, we'll neva be able ta face Joisy no more. Ya gotta do dis," Jack protested.

"Fine, but I ain't lyin ta Boidie no more eidda," Spot answered.

The boys came to the middle of Queens, where 'the annual event' was held. The boys from Jersey were waiting for Jack and Spot.

"Here dey are. You boys can't neva be on time. What's wit dat?" Skotch, one of the boys from Jersey, said.

"Well, I'm here ain't I," Spot retorted.

"Let's git on wit it den," Skotch said. He motioned for Spot to step inside the 'ring.' Skotch stepped behind a wall of people. After a moment he walked out from behind them with the biggest, ugliest boy you've ever seen. Jack shuddered. "Awright den, let's get stawded," Skotch said.

"Awright, Spot, ya can do it, if anybody can," Jack consoled.

At that moment Birdie came down the steps of her building and out into the street. She calmly walked to where 'the annual event' was being held. She walked up to the edge of the circle of spectators, she couldn't see very well. She decided to climb up the fire escape of a nearby building. Abby had gone with her and climbed up the fire escape after her. They both saw Spot fighting with some very burly guy from Jersey.

"Gee, I hope he don't get hurt Abby said worriedly. He was real good looking, and didn't want Spot to get scars and such all over his face.

"Yeah, do me a favor, go an get me box, in my room, on da floor by da couch. Bring it ta da room on da foist floor," said Birdie.

"Right, goin," said Abby. They both climbed down the fire escape. Abby went back towards their building and Birdie went to the side of the ring.

"Hey, Jack," Birdie started.

"Whoa what're you doin here?" Jack asked surprised.

"Why didn't you tell me 'bout dis?" Birdie asked angrily.

"Well, Spot didn't wanna worry ya. He.. he.. he," Jack stuttered.

"Jack, listen, I want you guys to quit wit dis idiotic male chauvinistic. . ."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa" Jack interrupted. "Dis de most proud tradition in New Yawk. Da newsies from Joisey an New Yawk get tagedda ever year an have a fight. We do it ever year," Jack explained.

"Just cause ya do it ever year don't make it right. I'll watch it, but if anyone gets hurt, dis is da last time it'll ever be held. It's a stupid superficial..." Birdie said.

"Kathryn, come on, you can't do dat," Jack interrupted.

"Watch me," Birdie said.

Spot and the guy from Jersey were still fighting in the ring. Spot was winning. Just then, Spot punched the guy and knocked him unconscious. While the guy was falling, he got tangled up in Spot's legs. A loud crunching sound came from the ring. Everyone winced.

"Awright, my toin," Birdie said as she walked in to the ring. She wasn't going to let anyone hurt Spot anymore.

"Hey, no interfeerin goyl," Skotch started as he walked up to her.

"Don't ya be tellin me what ta do. You wanna get hurt yerself?" Birdie sneered.

"What makes ya think ya can hurt me?" Skotch said questionably.

"I be careful Skotch, she don't look too happy," said a boy from Jersey.

"Shud-up Rocks," retorted Skotch.

"Heade his warnin Skotch, it'd be wise a ya," Jack cautioned.

Birdie stepped up into Skotch's face, her green eyes flaring. Skotch bawlked for a second, then he got the courage to stand up to her. "What're ya gonna do here?" he said.

"I'm gonna stop yer stupid ritual. Now get outta me way," Birdie said. Skotch stepped out of the way and Birdie went to Spot's side. "Hey Spot," she said as she was motioning for guys to help Spot up. "Pick him up an bring him ta me building."

"Hey, we're not finished here yet" Skotch yelled after them.

Birdie spun around and walked toward Skotch. "You wanna finish it wit me?" she said contemptuously.

"Yeah, I do," he said with an in-your-face attitude.

She stood right in his face and punched him in the stomach. He doubled over and Birdie backhanded him onto a street. "Yes, you are," she said slowly as she rolled her eyes and shook her head, then she followed the guys back to her building.


Back at Birdie's building, the guys were putting Spot on a bed on the bottom floor. He was wincing in pain as they let go of him. Birdie was shaking her head and motioning Abby to bring the box to her.

"Spot, what were ya thinkin?" Birdie asked. "Hold still, and hold on ta dis," she was saying as she moved to a better position. "Now, dis is gonna hurt a bit." Spot yelped as she set the bone. Everyone in the room winced. "I told ya it was gonna hurt She laughed. "Awright, everyone out. Spot needs his rest. Everyone out, out, out, out," she said as she shoo'd them all out. Everyone left the room and Abby closed the door after them, she stayed with Birdie and Spot.

"Thanks doc," Spot said sarcastically. "How long've I got?"

"Many, many years. I'd say you've got thoity, maybe foity years left. You won't die of a broken leg. Just stay off it fer a month er two, and you'll be. . ."

"A month er two!" Spot interrupted. "I can't do dat, I gots papes ta sell, I gots ta live here."

"Spot, calm down, don't worry bout it. You'll be just fine. You stay here fer da time dat yer recuperatin, and soon's yer betta, ya can go home, okay?" Birdie consoled him.

"Awright, long's I don't have ta stay here da whole time" Spot said looking around the room.

"Right, right. We'll get ya up da stairs soon's we got yer leg bandaged up. It'll be a few hours fore you git up dere" she said.

Birdie asked Abby for some plaster and some bandages. Abby brought the bandages first and sent someone for the plaster. Birdie unrolled the bandages and started to wrap Spot's leg. They were talking for a long time. They talked about many things. They talked about their personal history, friends, and family- or lack there of. They laughed for a long time, they both enjoyed each other's company. Even though Spot was still in quite a bit of pain.

After a time, Abby walked in with the plaster. She mixed it with water and Birdie smeared the plaster over the bandages on Spot's leg. She smeared it on thick enough to keep his leg inert, but thin enough so that he could lift it himself. Birdie told him to get some sleep and that she'd be back in a few hours to check on him. She left and Spot stared at the ceiling for a while, then fell asleep from the medicine she'd given him for the pain.

After a few hours, Birdie came in with Jack and several other newsies. Spot was asleep, so the boys carried him upstairs relatively easily. They set Spot down on a bed in an empty room across the hall from Birdie's room. He was still asleep so they didn't bother to wake him.

"Abby, I want ya ta make up some dinna, soup an water er somethin, an put it by Spot. Jack, you an da boys can go back ta Manhattan if ya want. I don't want no one visitin him too often. He needs his rest fer da foist few days especially. Afta bout a week er so, you'se guys can visit him more, but I want him to get his rest fer few days. Fer now, let's just get outta here an let him sleep," Birdie instructed.

Everyone left the room except Birdie; she stayed to fix up Spot's bed. She got some sheets and fixed it up nicely. While she was placing the last sheet, Spot awoke.

"Boidie," he said. "Come ere." She walked over to him. "Can I ask ya somethin?"

"Shoa Spot, anytime," she said pleasantly.

"What d'ya think a me?" he asked.

Birdie looked at him for a minute. "I think yer a very warm and caring person, if ya put yer mind to it. Why d'ya ask?" she said.

"Because, ever since I saw ya, I couldn't quit thinkin bout ya. I keep seein dose green eyes a yers, and dey're so penetratin. I feel like yer lookin inta me soul."

"Well ya know Spot. It's been said dat da eyes is a window inta the soul. I guess I just got eyes dat can see through dat window betta," she said.

Spot looked at her, sometimes she could be very eloquent. "Dat's not what I meant," he said after a few minutes.

"Spot, are you tryin ta tell me somethin?" Birdie said coyly.

"Yeah, I'se sayin dat... I want ya ta be me goyl," he said after a long pause.

"Spot, you know what, ya needs yer rest. Sleep now" Birdie said. Spot looked almost hurt. Birdie wasn't ready for anything to start between them.

"But, I..." Spot started.

"Spot, sleep now. I'll see ya in da mornin," Birdie said as she began walking away.

Spot watched her leave. He couldn't help but think what he'd done wrong. Usually the girls flocked to him, how strange it was that Birdie didn't.


Spot recovered from his broken leg and he only spent a few weeks in Queens. His bone knitted quickly and he was pleased to return to selling his papes in Brooklyn. And everyone lived happily ever after. Well, not exactly. Spot was confused about why Birdie brushed him off the way she did. But for the most part they all lived happily ever after. Until next time...

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