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Welcome To My Foyer

~Welcome To My Foyer~

Welcome all! Please make yourselves at home ... There are many rooms to explore ... You may visit the kitchen for a few of my cherished recipes ... or you may check out the Heights Library for a good book to read for those long nights on the moors and you may glance at my personal portrait also ... There are rooms to rest from your long journey ... My bedroom is open to all who'd like to view my family photos and a brief biography of myself ... I have a music room and a spacious art room, if you'd like to experience the many great works I've acquired over the years ...

As you will soon see ... I've had much decorating to do in my humble home ... Please be patient if some rooms are under construction and not available to visit ... But please come back often for I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised to find them open for you to enjoy ... I ask one favor of all my visitors ... Please sign the guestbook on my home page ... For I would like to personally thank each one of my guests for visiting ... So with much ado, please relax and let's begin the tour of Goldfox Heights .


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Enter the LibraryHeights Library

Enter the Gardens The Goldfox Gardens

enter my knight in shining armour My Knight In Shining Armour

enter my hall of honor Hall of Honor

enter the great hall The Great Hall

enter the game parlor The Game Parlor

enter the community Goldfox Heights Community

enter the chat room The Heights Chat Room

enter to win my award! Win my Award of Excellence!

enter the heights message board! The Heights Message Board

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