Los Angeles November, 2019


Blade Runner was released in 1982, and although it was not an immediate hit, over the years it has been recognised as a true sci-fi classic. This page is devoted to the Blade Runner Film, and the PC game released by Westwood Studios in 1997. For those of you who have yet to see this masterpiece, I suggest buying or hiring ‘The Directors Cut’ version although the original is still well worth watching.


·        Facts about Blade Runner

·        Picture Gallery

·        Blade Runner Review– PC Game


Is Deckard a replicant?
What do you think? Read the proof then vote!

The on-going Blade Runner story
Read the story then add the next paragraph!

Analysis of an Itch
"Nothing is worse than an itch you can never scratch".
The Script
The entire movie script.

Blade Runner Merchandise

Click here to view www.amazon.co.uk's Blade Runner items for sale.

UK Tremors Star Wars Blade Runner James Bond

Red alert 2 League of Gentlemen Running
